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Kil Bill (maybe spoilers)

Posted: 2003-11-04 01:13pm
by The Cleric
I'm writing an article/review for my school newspaper, and I need some people's opinions on the movie. If you feel like it, write 1 sentence about the movie. Thanks.

Posted: 2003-11-04 01:39pm
by Dahak
It wasn't worth it.
Besides the massive overkill of violence, violence, and even more violence, not to forget litres of blod, a plot worth its name would've been a decent idea.
Grossly overrated movie...

Posted: 2003-11-04 01:50pm
by HemlockGrey
Tied for best movie I've seen this year. Extremely stylized and over-the-top, but extremely good.

Posted: 2003-11-04 03:16pm
by Dalton
The most entertaining and stylized gorefest I've ever seen.

Posted: 2003-11-04 04:50pm
by 2000AD
Not as good as it should be IMO, but i'm waiting for the second one before making my final judgement.

Posted: 2003-11-04 06:51pm
by Tsyroc
I really liked the visuals combined with the music.

I'm getting a little tired of QT telling the story in bits and pieces in non-chronological order.

Posted: 2003-11-04 07:15pm
by Mark S
I liked it. It seemed like a live-action Anime to me, though I don't watch that much anime.

Posted: 2003-11-04 07:40pm
by Vendetta
1. I've never really been greatly taken by Tarantino.

2. I'm massively attached to mrtial arts films, their traditions and setpieces.

3. Film. Of. The. Year.

Kill Bill is the most fun I've had at the cinema in an incredibly long time, ever single scene is a brilliant example of all that a movie scene should be, it's twice as adventurous as you'll see in any other film in the last or next ten years (as witnessed by the Production IG section and filming half of it in a language that nobody understands), and it has a soundtrack that's been on continouous repeat for the last few days. You might find people say that the early part of the film is disjointed and disrupt the film, but they're Mad And Wrong, because all the early scenes are self contained masterpieces of humour and suspense (I defy anyone to watch the opening scene, with Nancy in the background, and not see the brilliance of what it leads up to.)

Oh yeah, and it has Chiyaki Kuriyama. Who is definitely someone to watch for, having played not only the psychotic Go Go Yubari, but also the exact antithesis of the same character as the picture of elegance Takako Chigusa in Battle Royale. We look forward to whatever she does next.

Posted: 2003-11-05 12:19am
by TrailerParkJawa
Kill Bill is dark, violent, retro, not for children, and a great way to part with $6.50.

Posted: 2003-11-05 05:20am
by Darth Fanboy
If you put this question in your school paper, i'll give you $5.

On a Scale of 1 - 10, with "1" being the matrix Reloaded, and "10" being hardcore lesbian pornography, how would you rate "Kill Bill vol. 1" ?

Posted: 2003-11-05 06:10pm
by aphexmonster
Vendetta wrote: Oh yeah, and it has Chiyaki Kuriyama. Who is definitely someone to watch for, having played not only the psychotic Go Go Yubari, but also the exact antithesis of the same character as the picture of elegance Takako Chigusa in Battle Royale. We look forward to whatever she does next.


and its Chiaki ^_^

Posted: 2003-11-06 01:09pm
by The Cleric
If I can get your real names so I can quote you...