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The why smoke thread

Posted: 2003-11-11 11:09am
by Superman
I am curious to see how many people here smoke. If you do, have you tried to quit? Do you care? Do you think it does not affect you?

I would like to see what people here think about it. What do the non smokers think about it? I don't smoke and I think that it's gross. I did smoke a few years ago, and what made me quite was having my throat feel like an ashtray the next morning. I HATED that. Also, seeing smoker lungs during autopsies at my job helped.

Posted: 2003-11-11 11:17am
by Super-Gagme
Personally I think smoking is one of the worst habits in humans. I certainly don't smoke and I feel compelled to beat the fucking shit out of smokers who blow smoke in my face. The worst part about your average smoker is they don't give a fuck if they are irritating you or not. No offense to smokers here, you may not do it but that is my experience. It should be banned for good, it is a waste. It is also really sad to see households smoking up a storm in their homes with 10 year olds living there, do they think this doesn't affect them? I also get the bullshit argument that 'there is loads of shit in the air these days anyways'. Well that loads of shit in the air doesn't gag me and have lethal possibilities.

Posted: 2003-11-11 11:20am
by Wicked Pilot
I don't smoke. Not that I think smoking in itself is wrong, but for me personally the health risk and other negative aspects outweigh whatever pleasure I may get from the tobacco.

Posted: 2003-11-11 11:24am
by Faram
My dad smoked, but has quit that habbit now.

I found the smell of ciggarettes vile and disguisting.

I have never even smoked one cig and never will.

Posted: 2003-11-11 11:29am
by Colonel Olrik
I don't smoke, but I don't think badly of the people who do.

It's just that I love my good physical condition and there's a reason I don't know any mountain biker that smokes.

Posted: 2003-11-11 11:35am
by Soontir C'boath
Six dollars a pack is a no no for me. Especially that I'm not eligible for it anyway. Not that it matters for some people.~Jason

Posted: 2003-11-11 11:36am
by Sir Sirius
Don't smoke (tobacco) and never did. Don't mind if others smoke, as long as they do not do so in my presense and the tobacco companies are taxed extra to cover the health costs caused by their product.

Posted: 2003-11-11 11:36am
by Darth Wong
One funny thing about smokers is that if you complain about their habit of littering the ground with cigarette butts, every single smoker I've ever talked to insists that he doesn't do that. He doesn't throw them out of car windows as he drives, toss them on the ground, etc. Yet somehow, the roadside and the entrance to Wal-Mart is still littered with the fucking things.

Posted: 2003-11-11 11:37am
by Col. Crackpot
I don't smoke cigarettes... I did a little when i was 17. i quit when i was 21, but it never developed into more than a habitual thing. i never was addicted, and i quit cold turkey with relative ease. I do however smoke an occasional or two a month at the most, but usually far less.

Posted: 2003-11-11 11:42am
by Hamel
My mom smoked while I was still growing in her womb, and still smokes to this day. My dad smoked until he nearly died from a respiratory/heart condition a few years ago. My brother picked up smoking because he thinks he's hot shit. I don't care what happens to that pathetic bastard.

Smokers irritate me more than ever, since they act like fucking victims when public areas and businesses ban smoking. "You're denying me the right to ruin your dining experience? Let's boycott and screw over the businesses so non-smokers get fucked."

And don't get me started on pregnant smokers~~

Posted: 2003-11-11 11:49am
by Col. Crackpot
Hamel wrote:My mom smoked while I was still growing in her womb, and still smokes to this day.
well that explains a great many things.... your thought processes for one.

Posted: 2003-11-11 11:50am
by Hamel

Posted: 2003-11-11 11:55am
by Superman
Heh, that wasn't nice. I used to know a girl that I briefly dated. She was and is an idiot to this day. Anyway, she got knocked up and eventually married. While she was pregnant, she smoked. Her child now has severe asthma and respitory problems (as does her husband whose mom also smoked while pregnant with him). While it's not certain that her smoking caused this, it is a definate possiblity. So, thanks to her slutty dumb ass, another human being has to live with these problems.

Posted: 2003-11-11 11:59am
by Darth Wong
Superman wrote:Heh, that wasn't nice. I used to know a girl that I briefly dated. She was and is an idiot to this day. Anyway, she got knocked up and eventually married. While she was pregnant, she smoked. Her child now has severe asthma and respitory problems (as does her husband whose mom also smoked while pregnant with him). While it's not certain that her smoking caused this, it is a definate possiblity. So, thanks to her slutty dumb ass, another human being has to live with these problems.
Smokers' kids have a lot of health problems. I remember a pediatrician who came into our prenatal class and showed us charts of birth weight and associated infant problems for smoking and nonsmoking parents, and he ended up getting into an argument with some white-trash smokers in the class who yelled at him that he was "ignoring our right to smoke" :roll:

Posted: 2003-11-11 11:59am
by BoredShirtless
I'm a former smoker, pack a day. The first week of going cold turkey was pretty weird; everything seemed slow and surreal, like I hadn't had enough sleep. But then it's been no probs since.

Posted: 2003-11-11 12:04pm
by El Moose Monstero
Nope, I can live with it if I have to at uni and such, and it wont bother me, but it's not something I will ever do, mainly because I just don't like the idea or see the point, and also if you drink a little, then you're not particularly bothering anyone else, but if you smoke, then you force it on others.

And smoking is, IMO, one of those rather unattractive habits in women and men, but that's personal pref.

Posted: 2003-11-11 12:06pm
by Chardok
I smoke. I smoke alot. Like 3/4 of a pack a day. I smoke in designated areas at work and other public places. I toss em on the ground, yeah. and out my window.

[denis leary] It's a drug, we're addicted. mromph mormph mromph[/denis leary]

Personally, I like to smoke. I enjoy it. Not just cigaerttes, either. Cigars, pipes, Etc. Is it disgusting? Yeah, I guess so. but both my parents smoke, my brother does, my sister does, my grandmother smoked until she was 75. (She's 81 now and in great health) as far as I know a vast majority of my family (At least back to my great grandfather) smoked/s. *shrugs* Call it carrying on a longstanding family tradition. :wink: :lol: I don't advocate it, and I don't try to defend it, I just...ahh, forget it, you guys get the picture.

Posted: 2003-11-11 12:08pm
by jegs2
Outside of the occasional cigar, I don't smoke.

Posted: 2003-11-11 12:09pm
by Soontir C'boath
Chardok wrote:*snip*
You must have something good in you. QUICK! Jump him and TAKE his BLOOD!~Jason

Posted: 2003-11-11 12:09pm
by Superman
So Chardok, how do you feel when you see all of the research that points out that it drastically increases the chances of heart disease, emphysema and lung cancer? I work in a funeral home and I see this shit. I see it alot. Keep in mind I am not condemning you; I'm just curious to know what you think.

Posted: 2003-11-11 12:12pm
by Bertie Wooster
I smoked a pack every 3 days on average from october '99 to february 14 2003.

I had actually wanted to quit for a over a year before I actually did so.

There were a lot of reasons that got me to quit. I got concerned about health and aging issues, and realized I needed to take better care of myself. I noticed that smokers tended to look dumber and less succesful than non-smokers. Cigs were becoming much more expensive. In business cigs are a sign of weakness and lack of discipline. Girls with integrity and intelligence wouldn't go out w/ a smoker either.

Its funny, because now I think cigs are very disgusting and am happy they banned cigs in NYC bars and are going to do so in connecticut very soon as well.

Posted: 2003-11-11 12:23pm
by Chardok
Superman wrote:So Chardok, how do you feel when you see all of the research that points out that it drastically increases the chances of heart disease, emphysema and lung cancer? I work in a funeral home and I see this shit. I see it alot. Keep in mind I am not condemning you; I'm just curious to know what you think.
I don't really think about it. I'm resigned somewhat to the fact that something like that might happen. as a matter of fact, I even have a thread title for when I am diagnosed:
Chardok wrote:Well, I finally did it.(title)

Yup. Got myself some throat cancer, stage 3 metasticized already to my kidneys and spleen. I start Chemo on monday, wish me luck!

Again, I've seen the research, had all the bad stuff pounded into my head all through school, and I still went and started. I mean, I never smoked around my ex wife while she was pregnant, I smoked outside while I was around my daughter, you know, basic stuff like that.

Why did I start? I dunno.....don't really remember why.....I did see my parents do it all the time...perhaps it just seemed natural for me to pick up a pack...Never really thought about the why....come to think of it...I don't really do alot of thinking at all.... :wink:

Posted: 2003-11-11 12:28pm
by Zac Naloen
will never smoke, having seen the effects first hand...

my aunt looks 70... she's 46

Posted: 2003-11-11 12:36pm
by Chardok
You have got to be kidding me. I am the only smoker on this board? :shock:

Posted: 2003-11-11 12:38pm
by Superman
Well Chardok, I'm sure if we were talking about reefer then the answer would be 'no.'