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Needed: 59,000 pounds and a friend in the UK

Posted: 2003-11-13 01:56pm
by MKSheppard

Posted: 2003-11-13 01:58pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Haha, it's mine, MINE!

Now I just need the £59k.

Posted: 2003-11-13 02:06pm
by Posbi
It's blocked now. What exactly was it, Shep?

Posted: 2003-11-13 02:12pm
by MKSheppard

The only seaworthy S-Boot from WWII

Posted: 2003-11-13 02:40pm
by CmdrWilkens
Holy crap, I want one just to tool around in the Chesapeake with.

Posted: 2003-11-13 05:47pm
by 2000AD
I'm a friend in the UK now just pay me 60,000 ( hey i have expenses) and it's yours!

Posted: 2003-11-13 06:12pm
by Nathan F
OK, Shep, I'll split it half and half, and I'll trade in my 1950 model Sea Sprite w/ 1955 Johnson Sea Horse motor. Should knock, oh, a few hundred off of the price. :D

Posted: 2003-11-13 06:27pm
by Jawawithagun wrote:Dear User:

Unfortunately, access to this particular category or item has been blocked due to legal restrictions in your home country. Based on our discussions with concerned government agencies and eBay community members, we have taken these steps to reduce the chance of inappropriate items being displayed. Regrettably, in some cases this policy may prevent users from accessing items that do not violate the law. At this time, we are working on less restrictive alternatives. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you, and we hope you may find other items of interest on eBay.

Thank You.

Posted: 2003-11-13 06:30pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Jawawithagun wrote: wrote:Dear User:

Unfortunately, access to this particular category or item has been blocked due to legal restrictions in your home country. Based on our discussions with concerned government agencies and eBay community members, we have taken these steps to reduce the chance of inappropriate items being displayed. Regrettably, in some cases this policy may prevent users from accessing items that do not violate the law. At this time, we are working on less restrictive alternatives. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you, and we hope you may find other items of interest on eBay.

Thank You.
Still shows up fine for me.

Posted: 2003-11-13 10:21pm
by Sea Skimmer
That would be so cool as to defy all limits of coolness, especially once I use it to steal that exEast German missile boat the navy has sitting in a museum on the Chesapeake.

Posted: 2003-11-14 12:08am
by Hyperion
I want that ship. Small, fast, and still a warship. My idea of fun.

Also looks like a very sound design, and a good hull shape judging by how it was riding on the water in that one black and white picture.

Posted: 2003-11-14 05:13am
by Jawawithagun
Admiral Valdemar wrote:
Jawawithagun wrote: wrote:Dear User:

Unfortunately, access to this particular category or item has been blocked due to legal restrictions in your home country. Based on our discussions with concerned government agencies and eBay community members, we have taken these steps to reduce the chance of inappropriate items being displayed. Regrettably, in some cases this policy may prevent users from accessing items that do not violate the law. At this time, we are working on less restrictive alternatives. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you, and we hope you may find other items of interest on eBay.

Thank You.
Still shows up fine for me.
Different home country, Admiral. I tried to access it from outside the uk.