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What would you change in the US government?
Posted: 2002-10-03 04:28pm
by Guest
I would make ALL campaign contributions illegal. Campaign money must come from the government and must be distributed evenly to all parties. Seperation of church and state must be strictly enforced. Any politician who does not fully adhere to this must resign immediately. The president would be elected directly. Senators will be limited to 2 terms of 4 years. Representatives will be limited to 4 terms of 2 years. The election of reps/senators will ignore state lines, rather it should be like a rep for every .25% of the population and a senator every 1 %. Voting districts should be divided along this, give or take a little. All potential politicians must take a test on basic knowledge of current events. Judges shall be elected for 10 years.
Posted: 2002-10-03 04:37pm
by Colonel Olrik
I want senate representation and the hability to vote for the presidency.
If the U.S is the leader of the free world it's high time its subjects to have a word in its policy.
With the votes from the E.U Bush would never have made it to the presidency.
Posted: 2002-10-03 04:41pm
by Azeron
hippes, commies, and anyone to the left of me should lose the right to vote.
Posted: 2002-10-03 04:51pm
by Enforcer Talen
if they get to vote, they have to pay taxes, olrik.
Posted: 2002-10-03 04:59pm
by Guest
Azeron wrote:hippes, commies, and anyone to the left of me should lose the right to vote.
That means I don't get to vote? Oh well I'm not that much left wing, the only thing about republicans that pisses me off is their attempts to mess up separation of church and state, environmental record, and attempts to let Microsoft of scot free. I also dislike their appeasing of the corporations at the expense of the individual. I agree with Republicans on reducing gun control. I believe the should be able to do whatever, within limits, like own guns or copy media and violate software patents.
Oh and make voters take a test. We don't want stupid people voting, do we?
I hate microsoft.
Posted: 2002-10-03 05:04pm
by Colonel Olrik
Enforcer Talen wrote:if they get to vote, they have to pay taxes, olrik.
I wouldn't mind to pay some federal taxes, like the ones used to ensure our protection. It would be something to think about.
What I don't like is a government making decisions which envolve
me and in which I can't get my word listened.
Please, just one senator, pretty please..
Posted: 2002-10-03 05:09pm
by haas mark
Lets keep it simple:
The fact that Dubya is in office.
Posted: 2002-10-03 05:17pm
by HemlockGrey
Voting would be a requirement in major elections. You don't vote in mayorial, Congressional, governetorial, or Presidential elected, you get fined/deported.
Posted: 2002-10-03 05:26pm
by Sea Skimmer
Stop trying to hide it. We all know what we'd allreally want to change is the whole democracy thing. Everyone would gladly be Emperor/Dictator/High Sultan/Insert title here of The United States. That allows you to change as much as you want.
Where it goes from there however is highly dependent on personal opinions. For me it's a 650 billion dollar military budget while cutting taxes and enslaving Canada and much of Mexico for fuel and labor.
Posted: 2002-10-03 05:31pm
by Sea Skimmer
Cyril wrote:Voting would be a requirement in major elections. You don't vote in mayorial, Congressional, governetorial, or Presidential elected, you get fined/deported.
If someone doesn't care enough to do it without prompting, do you really want their opinion to count? Such programs got Ventura elected. Course they might also get Schwarzenegger elected in 2006. Berkeley will know fear..
Posted: 2002-10-03 05:32pm
by Azeron
I see my influence on this board is finnally paying off.
Posted: 2002-10-03 05:33pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I'd eliminate useless offices, shrink the size of the Government, even if it means putting thousands of government workers out of work, and eliminate the Department of Education, which spends billions without educating anybody. As for the jobs lost, the'll probably find another one, thanks to the niumerous diploma mills throuhout the country.
Posted: 2002-10-03 05:33pm
by Sea Skimmer
Azeron wrote:I see my influence on this board is finnally paying off.
My plans predate your arrival by a considerable margin.
Posted: 2002-10-03 05:53pm
by Mr Bean
Hmm, myself as Emperor for Life because, Frankly I want that Bad-ass title and you all know your in good hands on the side of Irony,
Ok major social changes? No, I'm not doing that,
Fokes I am here to rid you of idiots
My first act as Emperor is to order everyone to march into the Sea
Those that did this would have thier propertys seized and moved into Education to make sure no more of them would do this, Frankly the first step is removing the avarage idioit from Socieity and I damn well intend to do that
Second Manditory Service in the Military though not nessarily in the Army, though every single person who can walk and jump is going through Boot-camp though maybe only Navy hard, not Marines hard.
Third a massive series of layoffs and buracratic house cleaning, Yes that right fokes, Don't run in panic but I want the Goverment to do what it wants and turn a profit at it
Changing the various Laws and such consiering permits and requirements, Obviously the Driving tests and the like need to be toughed considering the number of idiots per-year that kill smart people though car-accidents
Also somthing to make Shep Happy, Removing most of the gun-rescrictions unless one has a permit though to aquire one requires one to go through some intesive pshycolocial testing and gun safty courses
Remeber those that marched into the Sea Earilier? Well the physical property they owned along with a simple 1 Doller Tax raise on every single American who pays taxs to upgrade the infastructor of the US(Rip down the Copper, replace it with Fiber and shield it aginst EMP attacks, Bury the power-lines and start upping the police force accross the board with newer and bigger toys)
Finaly I would finaly get around to adding the 51st and 52st States of American
Puerto-Rico and
Canada(Minus Ontario)
In summaition
Much Less idiots
Much Faster(And by accotate Wong, better porn!) Internet
More and much Bigger Guns
Much Stronger Country in general
More Land(Two new states!)
So not only would you beinfit from a wise and benvolent ruler with a sense of Humor but you have more land and we can stop pretending Canada is not Part of America

Oh and on my death the rule would revert to a changed 6 Year President System with 4 Year Representaives and 8 Year Senator terms
Also I would support a law saying that a corrupt memeber of the House or Senate is a crime aginst the State and Thefore a CAPTIAL crime

and also add that to Judges and the like
Posted: 2002-10-03 05:58pm
by Azeron
hey don't get rid of the copper yet, they figured out a way to send pulses faster than the speed of light through it. its only a matter of time before they figure out how to get it to work right.
Posted: 2002-10-03 06:00pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Have the USA become part of Canada.
Posted: 2002-10-03 06:10pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
My plans predate your arrival by a considerable margin.
4 days?!
Posted: 2002-10-03 07:22pm
by Mr Bean
hey don't get rid of the copper yet, they figured out a way to send pulses faster than the speed of light through it. its only a matter of time before they figure out how to get it to work right.
Yes I have seen the work in general for that stuff, So we push off the Fiber-optic for a few years and start with buring powerlines, The number 1 most common problem as they are so easy to tip over/cut/have trees short them out and what-not in so many places
Posted: 2002-10-03 09:32pm
by Sea Skimmer
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:My plans predate your arrival by a considerable margin.
4 days?!
Actually I said almost the exact same thing on a very similar topic, it was not a US specific one, on another board well over a year ago.
Posted: 2002-10-03 09:38pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
You mean at another website or on another board here?
Posted: 2002-10-03 09:44pm
by Sea Skimmer
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:You mean at another website or on another board here?
It was along time ago on a webboard far far away, in the land of EZboard.
Give that's forums have only existed for a couple months, and I said it was over a year ago..

Posted: 2002-10-03 10:37pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
That's why I was confused.