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Bizarre... COTS

Posted: 2002-10-03 10:59pm
by Raoul Duke, Jr.
Is the Church of the Subgenius really the death sex bat goat sales slack pajama Cult it appears to be? Is it a cruel joke? Or both?

Witness this snippet:
The Face Fucking Bat Sperm Antidote Pudding Enigma
From: (gggor (GCD))
Date: 30 Jul 1995 23:40:47 GMT
Organization: greenhelle

This post is in regard to some FAQ's I have received by E-mail about Face-Fucking Bats, Face-Fucking Bat Sperm and of course the Face-Fucking Bat Sperm Antidote Pudding.

It is not profitable to speculate about the source of the FFB, but of one thing we can be sure, NENSLO is not to blame this time. Nor shall I speculate as to why a certain percentage of our SG population has made it a fad to add the piercing of their esophagi by the barbed, double penes of this unlikely hybrid of insectivore and mollusc to their catalogues of pierced nipples, foreskins, labia etc.. and suffering the loathsome animal to ejaculate its corrosive semen down their distended gullets and into their stomachs.

This sperm induces almost instantaneous convulsions and shamanic types of incredible hallucinations, usually involving the ritual killing and dismemberment of the hallucinator. These visions and the accompanying jerkings and twitchings diminish after about an hour or slightly less and a gradually intensifying state of torpor and lethargy ensues with a great deal of flatulence.

At this moment the Antidote Pudding is generally given to the subjects before they lose consciousness, because without the Pudding, coma and death follow within forty-eight hours. It is at this very critical moment in the pathology of the infection by the batsperm that the "cheap thrill' aspect takes over. The Antidote Pudding is a specially engineered compound made from recombinant DNA engineered Female FFB cloacal secretions. Grown in vats by genetically tailored bacteria, this complex alkaloid is buffered with a mixture of aluminum silicate and inert carrageen dairy substitute and has the consistency of egg-custard. Caramel topping or butterscotch is sometimes added to help the patient overcome the noxious taste of the solution.

The moment the Antidote Pudding comes in contact with the unraveling protein nucleotides of FFB sperm, a violent chemical reaction occurs in a remarkably short period of time, flooding the subject's system as rapidly as any hormone, and inducing what is generally agreed to be a full-body orgasm of amazing intensity and extended duration lasting up to twelve hours and generally leaving the subject with a feeling of 'wellness' as if they had spent six months at a health spal, despite a slight sore throat.

The post-orgasmic euphoria lasts about twelve hours although certain subjects seem to be less strongly affected and return more and more often to those lonely, high places at all hours of the day and night, 'chumming' the air around them with FFB pheremones, their decoy masks well in place as they wait longingly for that sudden flutter, the impact of the hooked claws making contact with the mask and then the frenzied insertion of the remarkably long and thick Barbed Penes. All of these FFBSAP addicts agree that the rush is twofold, first that horny bat going at you, cumming down your throat giving you those violent visions, but the real attraction seems to be that ecstatic, extended orgasmic state as the Antidote Pudding hits the digestive fan.

The only negative aspects of this sort of self-indulgent behavior are: theAntidote Pudding is quite expensive and can cause a finacial burden to frequent users and, sometimes FFB barbs are left in the throat linings, causing minore irritations and occasional bouts of huskiness of voice, easily recognizable by fellow FFBSAP aficionados. Of course the really sad part about this whole business of FFB 's is that it is a form of Russian roulette, because if you get the Antidote pudding just a little too early there is no orgasmic state following and you get hellacious indigestion and a nasty taste in your mouth that lasts for a week or so; and if you get it too late, you die.

Still, as long as the more adventurous among us yearn to approach the edge, this sport, or addiction or hobby or whatever you want to call it will doubtless continue. Oh, what if you take the Antidote Pudding without first getting a bellyfull of batsperm? Painful. painful death or a headache that lasts all year!


"Give me the antidote--or kill me!"


Subject: Re: Face-Fucking Bat Abus


JN| > Why anyone would want to stand there with that evil-looking mask
| > on waiting for a lurid face-fuck when prairie squid are plentiful
| > and require a mere de-beaking is beyond me!

| I like the way sparkling earrings lay against their skin so brown.

Sure and they have points of their own - sitting way up high!


Reverend Leroy Apostasy - Pastor of "Bob's" Last Church of The
Most UnHoly Butt-Clench, Virginia Beach, VA.
Write for WinSlack

This message originated from: ---------- Selective Source BBS
------- Virginia Beach, Virginia
----- (804) 471 6776


From: (Joe Newman)
Subject: Re: The Antidote Pudding Enigma commented:

>It is not profitable to speculate about the source of the FFB, but
>of one thing we can be sure, NENSLO is not to blame this time.

There was a piece in a recent edition of Atlantic Monthly that unveiled a new
conspiracy theory. Apparently, during highly secretive government stool volume
experiments, a chance mutation of echolocating stool producing subjects occurred.
These subjects were reported to have unusually high sex drives, some of them
latching to a poster of Ernest Borgnine (a theater poster from "Marty") and
leaving a caustic smear of viscous fluid. The article speculated that these
mutations could be the bats or their immediate predecessors. Of course, there's
no smoking gun, but it makes for a good read.

>Nor shall I speculate as to why a certain percentage of our SG population
>has made it a fad to add the piercing of their esophagi by the barbed,
>double penes of this unlikely hybrid of insectivore and mollusc to their
>catalogues of pierced nipples, foreskins, labia etc.. and suffering the
>loathsome animal to ejaculate its corrosive semen down their distended
>gullets and into their stomachs.

I'm not interested in fads; I care about science. My experiments have been
motivated by curiosity, not the cheap pleasure of timing the ingestion of
antidote pudding.

>Still, as long as the more adventurous among us yearn to approach the edge,
>this sport, or addiction or hobby or whatever you want to call it will
>doubtless continue. Oh, what if you take the Antidote Pudding without first
>getting a bellyfull of batsperm? Painful.painful death or a headache
>that lasts all year!

I preceded an AP experiment with twelve Tylenol and a pint of vodka. I experienced
a Cubs/Padres double header, with extended rain delays. I shudder to think of what
could have happened without the vodka. By all means, people, fill up on batsperm
before using the pudding.

-Pappy Fuck (channeling Jack Webb)


From: Sternodox <>
Subject: Re: The Antidote Pudding Enigma

But hey guys, what about DICK-FUCKING BATS? Or sperm-shitting bats?
What about THEM? Huh? What about THEM, you guys. Aww nobody wants to
shit on their dicks and buttfuck a salamander any more. you guys are
BORING! But not really, really you guys are COOL. I mean thanks a
shitload for teaching me how to BUTTFUCK all those RETARDS with a
shotgun. Sorry I killed 'em all before you got to spunk in their faces.
Better luck next time.



From: (Doug Fowler )

In <3p90d8$> (Your mom's
dick ) writes:
> I thought that the one question about the face fucking bat sperm
>antidote was about the most important one posed throughout the

>I would have never imagined that the seriousness of the situation in
>the third world was so grievous. It saddens one's heart to know that
>the is such suffering and so little that can be done. The way that one
>guy's swollen eye was bulging out of it's socket, while a little too
>graphic for the squeamish, was a perfect illustration of a "back
>antidote application.

> Now that I am aware of the immensity of the situation, I want to
>make myself available for whatever kind of assistance I can offer.
>Col. Sphinx Drummond
Sphinxy-Poo -

I have used a jagged rusty piece of coat-hang wire for eye-repair with
great success. It also cures ebolla virus.

your pal
