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Do you have Picard's Syndrome?

Posted: 2003-11-19 09:38am
by BlkbrryTheGreat

Posted: 2003-11-19 12:26pm
by Darth Gojira
At first I thought Picard's syndrome was when you take command of a fine job from a pro and fail to even be a shadow of your predecessor. Death of hair folicles and lack of cajones in battle may be signs of it. :P

I just hope noone has Janeway syndrome :P

Posted: 2003-11-19 02:00pm
by The Prime Necromancer
Do you have Picard's Syndrome?

To paraphrase Steven King (paraphrasing Charlton Heston), "You can have my gun, but you'll only get my book when you pull my cold, lifeless fingers off the binding."

Posted: 2003-11-19 02:10pm
by Frank Hipper
I revel in Picard's Syndrome. E-Books have their advantages, but no 3-hole notebook can take the place of the tactile, and emotional, satisfaction a well constructed book gives me.
You can pry my Jane's Fighting Ships of WWI from my cold, dead, hands.

Posted: 2003-11-19 02:12pm
by Ghost Rider
That and it's a little hard to read said computer screen in bed while drinking a night cap.

Posted: 2003-11-19 02:17pm
by Lord Pounder
The thing is Printed e-books look crap. They're huge A-4 sized things, that look crap on a book shelf. I prefer my books preprinted and bound the way i prefer my chicken prekilled and butchered.

Posted: 2003-11-19 02:21pm
by neoolong
Ghost Rider wrote:That and it's a little hard to read said computer screen in bed while drinking a night cap.
We need PADDs like in Star Trek.

Posted: 2003-11-19 02:23pm
by Iceberg
Given a choice between reading a binder full of 8x10 sheets of paper and a BOOK, I'll take the book every time.

Posted: 2003-11-19 02:23pm
by Admiral Valdemar
neoolong wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:That and it's a little hard to read said computer screen in bed while drinking a night cap.
We need PADDs like in Star Trek.
We have them, they're called PDAs and mine has been trusty ever since I got it in '99. But even with a colourful and bright screen, reading off them is nothing like having a proper book. Paper publications will never die out, my PDA still needs juice to run and costs an arm and a leg to buy. A book does not.

Posted: 2003-11-19 02:28pm
by General Zod
reading an ebook simply isn't the same as reading a bound book. plus you don't have those nifty cover jackets on them. as you generally have to read the ebook on your computer (unless you print it out), there's alot of other distractions that could keep you from finishing reading the text. i'll take a big thick book over an ebook any day.

Posted: 2003-11-19 03:13pm
by phongn
If they can make a passively lit 300dpi screen then maybe they'll stand a chance of supplanting them. PDAs are all well and good - especially the higher resolution ones but nothing is currently a substitute for a book.

As for stuff looking bad when printed, it just depends on your printer and paper stock.

Posted: 2003-11-19 05:36pm
by kojikun
I prefer my books to be the kind where I know I have them even if my power goes out, or if my harddrive is corrupted, etc.

Posted: 2003-11-19 05:40pm
by Metrion Cascade
I want Kirk syndrome, where no lack of personality on my part will prevent me from laying half the women in the known universe. Combine that with T'Pol/Seven of Nine syndrome, where my tits get bigger and hips get curvier every week, and everyone wants me despite my being a total bitch. And high heels are suddenly so comfortable and practical that I wear them while fighting Klingons in the desert. Fear me, short skinny girls.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 2003-11-19 05:50pm
by Crazedwraith
Never read an e-book in my live. Long Live Paper books cheap reliable un-deletable.

Posted: 2003-11-19 05:52pm
by kojikun
The only e-book I've ever read is Mike's vs. fiction.

Posted: 2003-11-19 06:00pm
by XaLEv
I'm happy to read ebooks and ideally I would have any given book in both formats.

Posted: 2003-11-19 09:53pm
by YT300000
I don't mind e-books, but I prefer the real thing.

If the book is really good (StarCrossed) I won't care that it's on the computer.

Posted: 2003-11-19 09:59pm
by apocolypse
Eh, I'll take electronic over paper personally.

Posted: 2003-11-20 12:56am
by LordShaithis
I can't read an e-book while taking a shit. Pass.

Posted: 2003-11-20 01:14am
by baelfire1945
Like many of the others here, I can't read my monitor from my bed or my toilet (and there is no way for me to strategically place my PC to make it possible to do both and have the 20" monitor available in the living room for DVD's for guests). Also, reading the monitor for prolonged periods of time starts to hurt, and I like my comfortable-to-read paperbacks and dependable, sturdy hard-covers.

Posted: 2003-11-20 03:56am
by Joe Momma
Books are better because you can throw them across the room in outrage and still read them afterward. Also, if you drop a book in the tub, it won't blast you through the wall as the battery discharges.

-- Joe Momma

Posted: 2003-11-20 04:06am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
I definitely prefer real books over e-books. Books can't be deleted by power surges and magnets, plus they're almost infinitely portable (at least the smaller ones) and reusable.

Posted: 2003-11-20 04:37am
by Batman
By all means try to take my books away. Go ahead, try.

*sound of GAU-8/A spinning up is heard in background*

Posted: 2003-11-20 05:23am
by Uraniun235
Ideally, I'd have all my text in both formats; paperbound for easy reading and computer text for easy searching and quoting.

Posted: 2003-11-20 06:55am
by Gandalf
I personally like paper books, though the pages are too brittle.