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Deer are fuckin' stupid....
Posted: 2002-10-04 01:52pm
by MKSheppard
(from a gun board)
This happened at the intersection of Hwy 100 and I394 in Wayzata MN,
about 15 miles from where I work. Evidently, the deer was on
the Hwy100 overpass and was scared by a car, so it jumped....
Much to the disappointment of the Durango owner.
Posted: 2002-10-04 01:55pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I would hate to have to explain this to Allstate. When someone smashed my truck while it was parked in the street. They didnt believe me at first.
Posted: 2002-10-04 02:00pm
by salm
Posted: 2002-10-04 02:20pm
by spongyblue
Its funny how all you can see at first is the deers ass
Posted: 2002-10-04 02:54pm
by Joe
Bambi. It's what's for dinner.
Posted: 2002-10-04 02:58pm
by thecreech
I could just see the conversation in that car before it happened
"honey watch out there is a deer in the OH MY GOD!"
Posted: 2002-10-04 03:52pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I can tell it wasn't from Yosemite, the bears would be looting the car.
Posted: 2002-10-04 04:20pm
by Azeron
And people question my "final solution" for deer.
Posted: 2002-10-04 05:23pm
by aerius
Perfectly excecuted dive thru a windshield, damn, that takes skill.

Posted: 2002-10-04 06:59pm
by Dalton
Azeron wrote:And people question my "final solution" for deer.
Yeah, because it's both fucking stupid and based on a selfish motive. You want to kill them all because they mess up your nice clean lawn.
Posted: 2002-10-04 07:03pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Besides someone or something has to keep the Carphoners on their toes....
Posted: 2002-10-04 07:16pm
by weemadando
I say a nice job by the deer to nail that 4WD driving wankers shiny new toy.
Posted: 2002-10-04 07:17pm
by Sea Skimmer
Food for a week