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PETA comes to Hunter College!

Posted: 2003-11-24 03:02pm
by fgalkin2
With such brochures as "Adopt a Turkey" and "Compassionate Living" which argues that it isn't natural to eat meat :roll: .

AAARGH. :banghead:

Anyways, after I post this message, I will do some research, go down 4 floors and engage the PETA people wish me luck.

Have a very nice day.

Re: PETA comes to Hunter College!

Posted: 2003-11-24 03:37pm
by Kamakazie Sith
fgalkin2 wrote:With such brochures as "Adopt a Turkey" and "Compassionate Living" which argues that it isn't natural to eat meat :roll: .

AAARGH. :banghead:

Anyways, after I post this message, I will do some research, go down 4 floors and engage the PETA people wish me luck.

Have a very nice day.
Bring a weapon for self-defense......

Re: PETA comes to Hunter College!

Posted: 2003-11-24 03:45pm
by CmdrWilkens
Kamakazie Sith wrote:
fgalkin2 wrote:With such brochures as "Adopt a Turkey" and "Compassionate Living" which argues that it isn't natural to eat meat :roll: .

AAARGH. :banghead:

Anyways, after I post this message, I will do some research, go down 4 floors and engage the PETA people wish me luck.

Have a very nice day.
Bring a weapon for self-defense......
Preferably a large hunk of frozen meat :)

Posted: 2003-11-24 03:54pm
by Sea Skimmer
Sounds like time for a big open-air barbecue. Hot coals will provide ample defence while you cook up the hunk of meat.

Re: PETA comes to Hunter College!

Posted: 2003-11-24 03:59pm
by Death from the Sea
fgalkin2 wrote:With such brochures as "Adopt a Turkey" and "Compassionate Living" which argues that it isn't natural to eat meat :roll: .

AAARGH. :banghead:

Anyways, after I post this message, I will do some research, go down 4 floors and engage the PETA people wish me luck.

Have a very nice day.
try the approach of debating them while gnawing on a roasted turkey leg, or fried chicken from KFC or some other piece of meat.
I am not sure if it was PETA or just some anti-hunting group that showed up at a Hunters Extravaganza but the only response the had to the good hunting does is to shout "hunting is murder" and "Love Bambi, don't eat him"
sharp as tack they were :roll:

Posted: 2003-11-24 04:11pm
by Nathan F
yeah, I'd be having a cook out right now. PETA would have some nerve to come here, I mean, jeez, we sell CAMOFLAGE in the school bookstore. I'd go shoot a squirrel or something, skin it, and grill it right there in front of the building if they pulled this crap on me. :twisted:

(And yes, I've shot, skinned, and eaten squirrel before.)

Posted: 2003-11-24 04:26pm
by Raptor 597
Nathan F wrote:yeah, I'd be having a cook out right now. PETA would have some nerve to come here, I mean, jeez, we sell CAMOFLAGE in the school bookstore. I'd go shoot a squirrel or something, skin it, and grill it right there in front of the building if they pulled this crap on me. :twisted:

(And yes, I've shot, skinned, and eaten squirrel before.)
You have nothing on my grandfather. He has them named, categorized, and trained to respond to a spoon. It's real great that he never hunted in his life and now moved to the city. But I could kill 25 squirrels if I'd tap that wooden spoon three times. :P

Posted: 2003-11-24 04:28pm
by fgalkin2
Sea Skimmer wrote:Sounds like time for a big open-air barbecue. Hot coals will provide ample defence while you cook up the hunk of meat.
I don't think you can set up a barbecue in the middle of NYC. Especially since its indoors on the third floor of the college. :D

Anyways, I'm back. Here's what happens (note all the vegans were rather hot chicks):

PETA vegan #1: Eating meat is unnatural!
Me: How is it unnatural? Humans evolved as omnivores. That's why we don't have multiple stomachs, like herbivores.
Peta vegan #1: But eating meat is unhealthy! it causes colon cancer.
Me: there is no evidence to support that. Vegetarianism, however, is unhealthy, becuase vegans don't get enough protein and vitamins, such as B-12.
Peta vegan #1: but animals are kept in horrible conditions on factories. They are fed antibiotics and chemicals, and YOU ARE INGESTING ALL THAT STUFF!
Me: And plants are sprayed with pesticides, and you are ingesting that too!
Vegan #1: but there are organically grown plants
Me: there is organic farming as well.
Vegan #1: You are an evil person. You choose to make the poor animals suffer. You have messed up ethics.
Me: How can I be evil for doing something that's natural?
Vegan #1: You like to argue. I like to be peaceful and happy. Good bye (moves aside).

Vegan #2: Here are some tips on how to become a vegan and a listing of vegan restaurants in NYC.
Me: Why would I want to become a vegan?
Vegan#2: becuase it helps the animals.
Me: how does it help them?
Vegan: well, they are being tortured and castrated....
Me: but doesn't PETA advocate castration of pets?
vegan: yes, and it saves millions of animals from being gassed.
Me: but isn't it animal cruelty?
vegan: no, because they are takne in, and the operation is made under anisthetic.
Me: but the operation they do to food animals is also painless.
vegan: no it isn't! how would you feel if someone would cut off your penis.
me: they don't cut off the animals penis.
vegan: listen, you are obviously a very intelligent young man, but I can't spend all day talking to you.
me: why not? no one else wants to talk to you. (she looks around. There is no one within a 50 meter vicinity of the table).
vegan: I'm sorry, I have to go.

More oming up. :twisted:

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2003-11-24 04:36pm
by General Zod
i've got some links to a couple strips that i think fit this situation perfectly.

number 1

number 2

number 3 (recommend reading through this story completely, multiple strips involved. *s*)

Posted: 2003-11-24 04:46pm
by Zoink
Did they bring a naked model painted to advertise the different cuts of meat? ;)

I never really got that add campaign. For the 98% of forum members who are not cannibals, I think we see the difference in eating cow vs human? The remaining 2% will take notes for future carving, but for the rest of us, its certainly not going to turn anybody vegetarian.

Posted: 2003-11-24 04:50pm
by aerius
Obviously the lack of meat has severely affected their intelligence...

Posted: 2003-11-24 05:00pm
by Nathan F
Good stuff. Keep up the good work. I'd be following them around and asking them questions, not letting them get off without admitting that it's perfectly natural to eat meat.

Posted: 2003-11-24 05:02pm
by DPDarkPrimus
You know, man developed larger brains from eating meat.

It just goes to show, when you look at how stupid those people at PETA are.

Posted: 2003-11-24 05:10pm
by Zac Naloen
aerius wrote:Obviously the lack of meat has severely affected their intelligence...

The smartest person i know is a vegetarian :shock: :shock: :shock:

Posted: 2003-11-24 05:17pm
by fgalkin2
Part 2 (post was split because the crappy terminal comp seems to want to crash any second).

me: but shouldn't you try to convince me that I should be a vegan?
Vegan 2: no. I'm sorry. You're just an immoral person. If you want to kill animals just to staisfy your greed, please feel free to do so. goodbye.

Vegan 3: Here is a vegan starter kit. Read it if you have any questions.
Me: Why would I become a vegetarian?
Vegan 3: Becuase it is the the right thing to do.
Me: how?
Vegan 3: it saves animals.
Me: but if everyone would stop eating meat, then wouldn't all the animals be slaughtered?
Vegan 3: yes, but it's better to have millions of animals die now, then have animals die for all eternity.
Me: but there are other ways of combating animal cruelty than becoming a vegan.
Vegan 3:Erm...that's true. However, it's a choice one has to make for oneself. I used to eat meat like you, but I've made the choice to stop.
Me: what made you make that choice?
Vegan3 : well, I've saw this tape (shows me some PETA tape) and decided that eating meat is wrong.
Me: so, you're saying that a material from PETA made you make that choice?
Vegan 3: Yes.
Me: i've been to the PETA website recently. There was a letter to PETA from a woman who's boyfriend refused to become a vegan. She was asking what to do. PETA advised her to dump the boyfriend and have no further contact with him. What do you think about that?
Vegan: Erm.. I don't understand your question. Do you mean do I support that?
Me: i'm asking your opinion about that.
Vegan: oviously, thats' bad.
Me: But you are still a part of PETA.
Vegan 3: erm....yes.
Me: *points to a What Would Jesus Eat brohure* Are you saying that Jesus would be a vegetarian?
Vegan 3: yes.
Me: why?
Vegan 3: well, first of all, eating meat is selfish.
me: how is it selfish?
Vegan 3: when you eat meat, the land used to feed the cow could have produced vegetables to feed everybody.
me: no it wouldn't. You would still need fertilizer to produce an efficient amount of crops. Besides, a lot of land being used as pasture is unsuitable for farming.
Vegan 3: No, that's not true.
Me: Yes, it is. Why do you think farming is limited to certain areas of the world?
Vegan 3: but all those animals pooping and farting pollute the water. Do you even realize how many animals there are?
Me: yes. That's why I support killing them. Besides, what evidence do you have that "poop pollution" has a nocticeable effect on water pollution?
Vegan 3: But all those animals grazing stomp out the land and destroy beautiful scenery. Wouldn't you want to preserve it?
Me: excessive farming destroys the soil, making the land unsuitable for farming.
Vegan 3: you make a very good point. Let me have your e-mail and I'll send you the data once I've researched it.
*While I was still thinking it over, another vegan joined the fun*
Vegan 4: Excuse me. I grew up on a farm, and I know for sure that cow manure is not the best manure. Horse manure is the best.
Me: Even if that's true, it doesn't change the fact that not all land that is used as pasture is suitable for farming.
Vegan 4: But if you convert it to farmland, you will eliminate world famine. If you eat a hamburger, only you and I can share that hamburger. But you can produce grain to feed 12 people on the same land. Besides, animlas eat the same grain humans do.
Me: Besides the fact that you're ignoring my point, meat eating is not going to solve world famine. It is caused by poverty, not meat-eating.
Vegan 4: But in Ethiopia, the grain was going to feed cows in London, while people were starving to death!
Me: That proves my point exactly. If the Ethiopians could afford the grain, they would be the ones eating it, not the cows in England. Poverty is the cause of famine.
Vegan 3: You raise some interesting points about the environment. Go to this site and it will answer all your questions.
Vegan 4: yes, it is a very good site.
Me: *taking the address*. *Point to vegan 3's T-Shirt, condmening Canada for killing whatever animal they're killing for fur* You oppose hunting, then?
Vegan 3: yes.
Me: But it keeps the animal population in check.
Vegan 3: Actually, deer are breeding much faster now, then they were before being hunted.
Me: what's your point?
Vegan 3: There are more deer now, then when they weren't hunted.
me: So, what's the problem?
Vegan 3: What do you mean?
Me: Doesn't it keep the hunters happy and the deer population within limits?
Vegan 3: You are a very evil person. *She physically draged me by the hand away from the table in front of the TV screen.* Feel free to watch the tape, but I can't talk to you anymore.

After standing in front of the TV for a few seconds, looking at a cow being slaughtered, I left to find a free copmputer and posted all this stuff. :D

Have a very nice day.

Re: PETA comes to Hunter College!

Posted: 2003-11-24 05:23pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
fgalkin2 wrote:With such brochures as "Adopt a Turkey" and "Compassionate Living" which argues that it isn't natural to eat meat :roll: .

AAARGH. :banghead:

Anyways, after I post this message, I will do some research, go down 4 floors and engage the PETA people wish me luck.

Have a very nice day.
I don't see what's so bad about adopting a turkey. I'd gladly adopt one and eat it.

Posted: 2003-11-24 05:34pm
by Dalton
I'm sure PETA's cause would be furthered greater if their proponents weren't a bunch of fucking dumbass "animals are cute" airheads.

Re: PETA comes to Hunter College!

Posted: 2003-11-24 05:41pm
by Montcalm
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:
fgalkin2 wrote:With such brochures as "Adopt a Turkey" and "Compassionate Living" which argues that it isn't natural to eat meat :roll: .

AAARGH. :banghead:

Anyways, after I post this message, I will do some research, go down 4 floors and engage the PETA people wish me luck.

Have a very nice day.
I don't see what's so bad about adopting a turkey. I'd gladly adopt one and eat it.
"Adopt a turkey they`re tasty" :wink:

Posted: 2003-11-24 05:48pm
by Zaia
I like how they picked hot chicks to represent PETA. Do you know anyone horny enough to give up meat for some pork? I don't. :D

Posted: 2003-11-24 06:16pm
by Melkor
Of course you should have quoted Maddox on this. :)

Animal victims of vegans

See what they have to say about this.

Posted: 2003-11-24 06:45pm
by Frank Hipper
fgalkin wrote:Me: Even if that's true, it doesn't change the fact that not all land that is used as pasture is suitable for farming.
Vegan 4: But if you convert it to farmland, you will eliminate world famine.
Humans is the stupidest people. :roll:

Excellent smackdown, fgalkin! :D

Posted: 2003-11-24 06:55pm
by ArmorPierce
You go to to hunter college? Do you know a kind of short black guy named Derby Ronelus or stefan Richard, tall very skinny black guy that usually has his hair braided?

Re: PETA comes to Hunter College!

Posted: 2003-11-24 06:57pm
by Isil`Zha
fgalkin2 wrote:With such brochures as "Adopt a Turkey" and "Compassionate Living" which argues that it isn't natural to eat meat :roll: .

AAARGH. :banghead:

Anyways, after I post this message, I will do some research, go down 4 floors and engage the PETA people wish me luck.

Have a very nice day.
Yes! Because as we all know, since man has existed, vitamins have existed to give you the supplements you're not recieving from vegetables that you require... mind you vitamins still lack certain things you can only obtain from meat. Nevermind those two pointy teeth humans have for some strange reason. :roll:

Posted: 2003-11-24 07:00pm
by neoolong
Zaia wrote:I like how they picked hot chicks to represent PETA. Do you know anyone horny enough to give up meat for some pork? I don't. :D
I hope I never have to choose.

Posted: 2003-11-24 07:14pm
by Nathan F
Oh gosh, this is fricken hilarious. Now I'm hoping that they'll come to my school.