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You know what...

Posted: 2003-11-25 10:36pm
by LT.Hit-Man
I have dcied to take a brake from the nameless evil fic I have been working on and I'm going to write up a new LT.Hit-Man fic in the same vein as Cooking With Gas, Gone Fishing etc etc.
You might be asking why I'm telling you all this?
Simple realy if there's a person place thing or cropration that you realy would like seen worked over post it the person place thing oor cropation that you woulod like seen beat down and a short histroy of your gripe with the said person place thing or corpartion.
I will pick one of the frist five post for the fic.
Have a nice day.

Posted: 2003-11-25 10:44pm
by The Yosemite Bear
My boss (you know the one)

Posted: 2003-11-25 11:08pm
by LT.Hit-Man
The Yosemite Bear wrote:My boss (you know the one)
Well since your to only who replyed to this post you it then.
Consider him cooked :twisted:

Posted: 2003-11-25 11:52pm
by Frank Hipper
Only ones I can think of wouldn't be edible. Maybe slow cooking and a lot of wine would get the "gamey" flavor out, but I can't make any guarantees.

Posted: 2003-11-26 03:16pm
by LT.Hit-Man
Frank Hipper wrote:Only ones I can think of wouldn't be edible. Maybe slow cooking and a lot of wine would get the "gamey" flavor out, but I can't make any guarantees.
Nope there's no canaiblism in this fic I'm working on, I pretty well have worked that out of my system

Posted: 2003-11-26 06:54pm
by Vertigo1
My neighbors for being prime examples of white redneck trash? ;)