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peta is at it again
Posted: 2003-12-03 12:49pm
by Col. Crackpot
Posted: 2003-12-03 12:51pm
by Zac Naloen
peta really wouldn't like a look in my freezer... i had a look in there earlier. Its like meat is my staple diet
Posted: 2003-12-03 12:56pm
by Darksider
Won't that be a pillar of rational debate.....
Posted: 2003-12-03 01:03pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Im no fan of the Catholic church and have made my share of poking fun at them but PETA takes the cake. This will accomplish nothing except to make them [PETA] look like the idiots they are.
Posted: 2003-12-03 01:25pm
by Col. Crackpot
It's nuts. people are all up in arms over this. The funny thing is that Peta deliberately chose Rhode Island to start the campaign because it is the most Catholic state in the country. Ummmmm, yeah, pass me some of whatever those sprouts are laced with granola boy.
Posted: 2003-12-03 01:29pm
by Darksider
PETA keeps getting more and more insanse.
Why the hell didn't they realize that this would piss people off?
Posted: 2003-12-03 01:47pm
by Darth_Fin
Because they're stupid?
Posted: 2003-12-03 02:29pm
by General Zod
well, nobody ever accused the PETA of being intelligent and rational.
Re: peta is at it again
Posted: 2003-12-03 02:43pm
by CrimsonRaine
Has the Church given any public reaction to this yet?
Crimson Raine
Posted: 2003-12-03 03:00pm
by Nathan F
Zac Naloen wrote:peta really wouldn't like a look in my freezer... i had a look in there earlier. Its like meat is my staple diet
Dad regularly uses our freezer to store confiscated game animals that have been taken illegally, or we put other wild game that was taken by ourselves. They'd have a heart attack if they opened up a freezer and saw a dead duck or turkey staring them in the face.
Posted: 2003-12-03 05:17pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
This isn't the first time they used religion as an excuse for promoting vegetarianism, IIRC. It's just business as usual for them.
Posted: 2003-12-03 05:18pm
by Superman
I wonder if PETA gets along with Seventh Day Adventists. Aren't they meat haters?
Posted: 2003-12-03 05:33pm
by Nathan F
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:This isn't the first time they used religion as an excuse for promoting vegetarianism, IIRC. It's just business as usual for them.
I remember them playing them the 'Jesus was a vegetarian!' card once. I guess they forgot about the part where he fed the 5000 with FISH and bread.
Posted: 2003-12-03 05:54pm
by Superman
Ah, but the the fish were metaphorical in nature...
Joking, joking...
Posted: 2003-12-03 06:08pm
by General Zod
someone should really point out to the PETA the parts in the bible that mentions god being big on animal sacrifice if they plan to keep using that line of reasoning.
Posted: 2003-12-03 06:29pm
by Captain Cyran
*Gets out the popcorn*
If they go at it...this will be funny. And as far as I'm concerned a win-win situation.
Posted: 2003-12-03 06:37pm
by thecreech
LOL that is funny has hell. Sounds like a Celebirty Death Match. PETA's stupidity knows no bounds
Posted: 2003-12-03 06:45pm
by Frank Hipper
PETA's so blind in their beliefs that the fact that their over the top, outrageous advertising offends people no doubt confounds them.
This reminds me for some reason the promotional film made in Canada in the 60's about the exciting sporting event of......clubbing baby seals to death.
It was made to promote tourism, but the backlash ended in fur seal hunting becoming the most hated hunt of them all!
Posted: 2003-12-03 06:52pm
by Ghost Rider
It's good to see while things do change and what not...PETA will always do something completely inane and dumb.
Posted: 2003-12-03 06:59pm
by Montcalm
Darksider wrote:PETA keeps getting more and more insanse.
Why the hell didn't they realize that this would piss people off?
I think that being hardcore vegetarians does`nt improve their intelligence.
Posted: 2003-12-03 07:06pm
by HemlockGrey
Way to steal the typeface from Dogma, asshats.
Posted: 2003-12-04 01:33am
by Vertigo1
thecreech wrote:PETA's stupidity knows no bounds
You say it as if that were a bad thing.
You have to admit, they're damned funny.
Posted: 2003-12-04 07:30am
by Col. Crackpot
Montcalm wrote:Darksider wrote:PETA keeps getting more and more insanse.
Why the hell didn't they realize that this would piss people off?
I think that being hardcore vegetarians does`nt improve their intelligence.
Sorry Monty, but the phrase 'hardcore vegetarians' brings to mind thoughts of a silicone blonde with a zuchinni up her ass. See, now that has the makings of a sucessfull peta ad campaign! Hot vegan whores and assorted vegetables getting down Ron Jeremy style!
Posted: 2003-12-04 10:56am
by Peregrin Toker
Col. Crackpot wrote:The funny thing is that Peta deliberately chose Rhode Island to start the campaign because it is the most Catholic state in the country.
Rhode Island also happens to be the birth state of H.P. Lovecraft, who definately
not was a vegetarian.
Posted: 2003-12-04 10:57am
by Ghost Rider
Col. Crackpot wrote:Montcalm wrote:Darksider wrote:PETA keeps getting more and more insanse.
Why the hell didn't they realize that this would piss people off?
I think that being hardcore vegetarians does`nt improve their intelligence.
Sorry Monty, but the phrase 'hardcore vegetarians' brings to mind thoughts of a silicone blonde with a zuchinni up her ass. See, now that has the makings of a sucessfull peta ad campaign! Hot vegan whores and assorted vegetables getting down Ron Jeremy style!
Certainly would bring in more members.
Also they are probably at least as intelligent as Pam Anderson.