"Star Wreck" and amazing amateur movies
Posted: 2002-10-05 08:28pm
Star Wreck is an animation/live-action movie series that spoofs Trek. There are currently six films available for download at their website (SW 4½ is a prequel), and especially the newer movies are quite good. Star Wreck VI that is in post-production, has a budget over $10 000 and contains - among many other things, I hope - awesome CGI.
It's Babel 13 vs Wreck time!
If you are even slightly interested, I'd recommend at least downloading teaser 2 of SW VI. Quality for a home-made production is really impressive. If you want to watch some of the already finished movies, preferebly watch SW V or SW 4½ first. Older movies are a bit crude, at least graphically
A Turenki merchant from SW IV circa 1996 . . . compared to Commander Dwarf circa 2002
Star Wreck VI website
The main SW site
If you have a Real-Player installed, then check out this trailer:
http://www.kohtalonkirja.com/kohtalo/tr ... trailer.rm - file size is only 6 megs
It's hard to imagine that a bunch of amateurs (with support from a few professional actors who did their roles for free) can do something like that. The movie is supposed to be a weird combination of horror/sci-fi/war/action/western. Movie is coming out later this year. I'd really like to see what these people could do with a multi-million dollar budget.
A few pics from the website:
Then, of course, there is Star Wars parody "Troops" that everyone has probably seen. It probably needs no further introduction, but unless you haven't seen it then here's the URL:
http://cgi.theforce.net/theforce/theate ... .cgi?ID=06
"Shuttle Tyridium - The True Story" is a lesser-known serious Star Wars fan film from Germany. They've got nothing to be shamed of....
Shuttle Tyridium:
It's Babel 13 vs Wreck time!
If you are even slightly interested, I'd recommend at least downloading teaser 2 of SW VI. Quality for a home-made production is really impressive. If you want to watch some of the already finished movies, preferebly watch SW V or SW 4½ first. Older movies are a bit crude, at least graphically
A Turenki merchant from SW IV circa 1996 . . . compared to Commander Dwarf circa 2002
Star Wreck VI website
The main SW site
If you have a Real-Player installed, then check out this trailer:
http://www.kohtalonkirja.com/kohtalo/tr ... trailer.rm - file size is only 6 megs
It's hard to imagine that a bunch of amateurs (with support from a few professional actors who did their roles for free) can do something like that. The movie is supposed to be a weird combination of horror/sci-fi/war/action/western. Movie is coming out later this year. I'd really like to see what these people could do with a multi-million dollar budget.
A few pics from the website:
Then, of course, there is Star Wars parody "Troops" that everyone has probably seen. It probably needs no further introduction, but unless you haven't seen it then here's the URL:
http://cgi.theforce.net/theforce/theate ... .cgi?ID=06
"Shuttle Tyridium - The True Story" is a lesser-known serious Star Wars fan film from Germany. They've got nothing to be shamed of....
Shuttle Tyridium: