1. Unless they were born or raised in Canada from a young age, they can't speak proper English. Accents are also common, and it's like they're reading out of a grammar textbook when they speak. For instance very few will use the phrase "kiss my ass you retarded cocksucking assmonkey!", nor will they know what it means.
2. Seems kinda stiff.
3. Yes, some asshole decided asians such as myself shouldn't be dating white chicks. Harsh words were exchanged and I ended up kicking his ass and stomping him into the pavement.
4. Hard to say, I really don't hang out with people from my cultural group.
5. See #4
6. I wear glasses, I'm asian, and I look like a dork, but I'm not a fucking geek you goddamn assgoblin! In fact I've had more kinky sex with hot chicks than you likely ever will.
I need to ask a non-white board member a few questions..
Moderator: Edi
I was thinking about answering the questions, but I would just be saying a bunch of bs that everyone else could probably do a lot funnier. So then I remembered some poetry project I had to do in a high school English class. I was supposed to find some multi-cultural poetry about different topics like love and existance...or something...I can't remember too well...Feel free to give a smart ass reply.
Anyway, I got sick of looking and made up some crap. I did not plagerize in the least because I made up half the project. Some of it was quite imaginative in a sick, twisted, self-promoting way. Oddly enough, she liked the crap I made up better than the stuff from other people. Go figure.
Breaking the rules? Yes. Violating standards of intellectual ethics? The idealistic part of me says yes, but the much stronger cynical part says that your teacher is already doing that for giving you an assignment where you are supposed to assume that genetics via race/ethnicity or "culture" makes people act differently.
Or tell your teacher that people of other races are just like everybody else, thank you very much.
PS Go Aerius!
DPDarkPrimus is my boyfriend!
SDNW4 Nation: The Refuge And, on Nova Terra, Al-Stan the Totally and Completely Honest and Legitimate Weapons Dealer and Used Starship Salesman slept on a bed made of money, with a blaster under his pillow and his sombrero pulled over his face. This is to say, he slept very well indeed.
SDNW4 Nation: The Refuge And, on Nova Terra, Al-Stan the Totally and Completely Honest and Legitimate Weapons Dealer and Used Starship Salesman slept on a bed made of money, with a blaster under his pillow and his sombrero pulled over his face. This is to say, he slept very well indeed.
You say different racial/ethnic, but just ask for non-white.
A white guy from texas doesn't necessarily have much ethnic commonality with a white guy from Canada, England, France, Germany, etc, unless they themselves are a recent immigrant. You probably have more in common with a asian-texan or african-american-texan!
Are you sure that's what you teacher wanted? Simple skin colour difference rather than cultural ones?
A white guy from texas doesn't necessarily have much ethnic commonality with a white guy from Canada, England, France, Germany, etc, unless they themselves are a recent immigrant. You probably have more in common with a asian-texan or african-american-texan!
Are you sure that's what you teacher wanted? Simple skin colour difference rather than cultural ones?