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Posted: 2002-10-06 01:26am
by Darth Yoshi
What Peer to Peer program do you guys recommend? Preferably one that doesn't eat up RAM.

Posted: 2002-10-06 01:30am
by TrailerParkJawa
Ive had the best luck with Kazaa. But beware of viruses when sharing files with strangers.

Posted: 2002-10-06 01:33am
by Azeron
morpheus aint bad. Watch out for kaza, you have to aggree to share proccessor cycles with them. In other words, they use your computer to solve problems like seti@home, and I think its installes like a service so they can do it while you are not using the program...

Posted: 2002-10-06 02:20am
by Enlightenment
Kazaa steals processor time and memory even when you're not running it. It's also loaded with particularly obnoxious adware. If you must use Kazaa, get Kazaa Lite, which is a cracked adware-free version.

Posted: 2002-10-06 02:41am
by Cal Wright
NOW I find out about an ad free Kazaa. That bastard must have poop ups (yes, poop, cuz they're shitty advertising) when you least expect it. Supposedly when I installed the new V2 it wasn't supposed to do that. Either way, I have Morpheus on my dad's computer and since they changed how it works, I've switched to Kazaa and have had no problems.

Kazaa lite

Posted: 2002-10-06 02:46am
by Headshots_Sold_Here
unsurpassed, specially for pr0n ;)

Posted: 2002-10-06 02:50am
by Slartibartfast
I mostly use eDonkey.

Posted: 2002-10-06 04:18am
by Damaramu
Win MX

Posted: 2002-10-06 04:25am
by Robert Treder
I've had some fast dl times with Kazaa and BearShare, but in general I prefer iMesh. It has a comparatively small user base, but good features (think old Morpheus or Napster) and it has consistently fast search times, which is more than I can say for some other programs.

Morpheus used to be awesome, but hey, so did Napster. I used WinMX for a while, but I prefer iMesh to it.

Posted: 2002-10-06 10:16am
by Ha Lire
Ha Lire uses Kazaa Lite+Diet Kazaa. >.> No popups for him. =D

Edit:Ha Lire knows all of you are waiting out there for him to slip...

Posted: 2002-10-06 10:17am
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Ha Lire wrote:I use Kazaa Lite+Diet Kazaa. >.> No popups for me. =D

Ha! You're talking in the first person!

Posted: 2002-10-06 10:19am
by Ha Lire
Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:
Ha Lire wrote:I use Kazaa Lite+Diet Kazaa. >.> No popups for me. =D

Ha! You're talking in the first person!