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Warning School Zone

Posted: 2003-12-08 11:29am
by Montcalm

Posted: 2003-12-08 11:43am
by Rogue 9
*Twitch.* That's wrong. That is just bad. I want to rant on about this, but I have a final exam in 25 minutes, so I'll leave off here and come back to rant in a couple hours.

Posted: 2003-12-08 12:52pm
by LadyTevar

One school where I live has it a little better... the school's situated on a corner, so the buses line up along one street and the parents are asked to use the other street only.

Doesn't always work, but hey.

The worse, however, is the Catholic School. It was built right next to the Church, which is on the corner of TWO major thoroughfares. At 8am rush hour, this place is a madhouse.

Posted: 2003-12-08 01:01pm
by Uraniun235
The cops should start locking some of those fucking assholes up for something like 'public endangerment' or reckless driving. Talking back to the cops? There's gotta be some trumped-up charge they can use there to hold 'em for a few hours at least. And keep fining the fuck out of them; at least the police might be able to get some new gear out of it.

Although, if I had my way, I'd have the police start dragging parents out of their cars at gunpoint when they pulled shit... of course, that's totally unfeasible, but I'd find it rather satisfying.

Posted: 2003-12-08 01:16pm
by Rogue 9
They don't need to trump up a charge if they want to hold them for a few hours only. They can keep someone imprisoned for 24 hours without filing charges.

Posted: 2003-12-09 12:09am
by Gandalf
That's pretty fucked. At my HS, it was on a main highway like road. For being picked up, you had to go down to a few side streets. Few hassles. Of course the 700+ people crowding onto like 10 buses caused havoc a lot.