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any other UK'ers seen this?

Posted: 2003-12-11 02:29pm
by Dartzap
have any of our few Brits here seen the new comedy Little britain?

it is a brilliant show about the sterotype in Britain , with the added commentry from Tom baker of Dr Who fame, it really is making the mondays and tuesdays of the bbc that much better now.

so my question to the others wh have seen is , who are your favorite characters ?

Posted: 2003-12-11 02:49pm
by InnerBrat
Oh, it has to be a cross between the teenage girl and the trannie ("I'm a Laidee, you know.")

Fucking hilarious.

Posted: 2003-12-11 03:27pm
by Dartzap
i think mine are lou and andy followed by daffid

in a small welsh pub

"i am the only gay is this village!"

"oh i dont think so deary ...."

in a small libary in the city

Lou"so which book do you want? , shalll we find that book i was talking to you about? stig of the dump?"

andy" i want that one "

lou" umm thats chinese language and its origens ....." i thinks its a bit complicated for you

andy" i know ...

Lou: so shall we put this -

"i want that one "

well this one is chinese geographyand other things...."

"i want that one!"

"thats the same one book as this one..."

i know

so shall we put this one back?

i wnat that one!

fine lets go and get them stamped then..."

halfway down street....

Andy" I cant read....."

Posted: 2003-12-11 03:51pm
by Zac Naloen
yesnoyesnoyesnoyesnoyesnoyesno and then i got off with that guy with is sumthin you don't know nuthin about *chews gum loudly*

Posted: 2003-12-11 04:02pm
by InnerBrat
"I am a gay! I've had sex with men and everythign"
"Well, that's more than you have, Daffyd!"

I'd forgotten about Daffyd. He's fucking class.

Posted: 2003-12-11 11:16pm
by Beaker
I thought it was shite...watched the first episode and it was such an obvious rip off of the League of Gentlemen it was incredible...not impressed...

I'll stick to phoenix nights and the office thanks :wink: :D

Posted: 2003-12-12 01:17pm
by Dartzap
the leauge of gentleman is farworse than LB in fact i think Lb has far better chracters than the entire inhabitants of that freakish village! :P :P :P :wink:

but i do like the office! chrismas specail coming up...... :D

Posted: 2003-12-12 06:31pm
by InnerBrat
The League of Gentlemen is terrifying! LB has never disturbed me beyond belief... yet.