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I just...
Posted: 2003-12-13 10:48pm
by darthdavid
DJed a middle school danse. Little prick kids, all they wanted to hear was retarded rap music *shudder*. Did get in a few songs though so it's ok. Being in radio club r0x0rs.
Posted: 2003-12-13 10:52pm
by StarshipTitanic
My friend told me about a 5th grader dance his little brother went to.
They played Eminem.
The kids pumped their fists in the air.
The same little brother fell in love with an old, green hooded sweatshirt of mine because it looked "gansta."
Posted: 2003-12-13 10:53pm
by AnimeJet
Augh, middle school dances.. those sucked so much.. i haven't been to a high school one yet, hopefully they're better.
Posted: 2003-12-13 10:58pm
by Captain Cyran
AnimeJet wrote:Augh, middle school dances.. those sucked so much.. i haven't been to a high school one yet, hopefully they're better.
From my point of view...they aren't. Of course the one I've been to I was in a rather bad mood because I'd crashed my bro's truck earlier that day and I got rejected... But I'm also rather partial to older music... you know, the stuff that is actually good to dance to. Not all this hip gyration crap...
I dunno... I might give it another chance myself. Probably won't though as I won't see it worth the $5 I'd have to spend.
Posted: 2003-12-13 11:11pm
by darthdavid
If the little midjets had had better taste in music it would've been much more fun.
Posted: 2003-12-13 11:18pm
by The Cleric
What, you don't like talentless music that glorifies the exploitation of women (EXCEPTION: Eminem)?
Posted: 2003-12-13 11:40pm
by Exonerate
Problem with rap is...
1. Most of it sucks.
2. You can't slow dance to it. You know why the dances they have are usually in a darkened room? It's not so people can make out, its because everybody looks like a moron when they fast dance...
AnimeJet: HS dances generally are a little better (Less Britney Spears pop, more techno-ish). Not to mention the company is usually better... That's what counts most of the time.