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I just...

Posted: 2003-12-13 10:48pm
by darthdavid
DJed a middle school danse. Little prick kids, all they wanted to hear was retarded rap music *shudder*. Did get in a few songs though so it's ok. Being in radio club r0x0rs.

Posted: 2003-12-13 10:52pm
by StarshipTitanic
My friend told me about a 5th grader dance his little brother went to.

They played Eminem. :kill:

The kids pumped their fists in the air. :roll:

The same little brother fell in love with an old, green hooded sweatshirt of mine because it looked "gansta."

Posted: 2003-12-13 10:53pm
by AnimeJet
Augh, middle school dances.. those sucked so much.. i haven't been to a high school one yet, hopefully they're better.

Posted: 2003-12-13 10:58pm
by Captain Cyran
AnimeJet wrote:Augh, middle school dances.. those sucked so much.. i haven't been to a high school one yet, hopefully they're better.
From my point of view...they aren't. Of course the one I've been to I was in a rather bad mood because I'd crashed my bro's truck earlier that day and I got rejected... But I'm also rather partial to older music... you know, the stuff that is actually good to dance to. Not all this hip gyration crap...

I dunno... I might give it another chance myself. Probably won't though as I won't see it worth the $5 I'd have to spend.

Posted: 2003-12-13 11:11pm
by darthdavid
If the little midjets had had better taste in music it would've been much more fun.

Posted: 2003-12-13 11:18pm
by The Cleric
What, you don't like talentless music that glorifies the exploitation of women (EXCEPTION: Eminem)?

Posted: 2003-12-13 11:40pm
by Exonerate
Problem with rap is...
1. Most of it sucks.
2. You can't slow dance to it. You know why the dances they have are usually in a darkened room? It's not so people can make out, its because everybody looks like a moron when they fast dance...

AnimeJet: HS dances generally are a little better (Less Britney Spears pop, more techno-ish). Not to mention the company is usually better... That's what counts most of the time.