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Best ending in an action movie

Posted: 2003-12-13 11:48pm
by justifier
So out of all the action movies that you've seen which do you think has the best ending, and why?

I loved the ending in Mad Max: Road Warrior, its just so great becuase Max just walks away, he didn't stay around to be the hero or settle down with some love interest. He was just doing something that happened all the time in his post apocaliptic world, it was just filling in the time between his other adventures.(Wow, that was deep)

Also, it isn't a movie, but the end of Cowboy Bebop deserves an mention because, well it would be wrong not to mention it

Posted: 2003-12-14 12:12am
by Dalton
Die Hard. McClane smokes the lead baddie by dropping him off of a building, saves his wife, the desk-jockey cop redeems his past mistake by blowing away the last baddie, and the couple drives off in the back of a crumpled limo to "Let it Snow".

The Cowboy Bebop movie itself had an excellent ending, if only for the song they played over the credits, which is the single best Yoko Kanno/Mai Yamane piece ever ("Gotta Knock a Little Harder").

Posted: 2003-12-14 12:18am
by HemlockGrey
The Boondock Saints had a pretty cool ending; busting into the courtroom and executing Yakavetta in full view of everyone.

Posted: 2003-12-14 12:55am
by Laird
True lies:Arnie in the harrier with Apu's son hanging on the missile "You're fired!" and sends the missile into the terroists chopper.

Posted: 2003-12-14 12:56am
by justifier
Laird wrote:True lies:Arnie in the harrier with Apu's son hanging on the missile "You're fired!" and sends the missile into the terroists chopper.
Ah, True Lies a great B movie

Posted: 2003-12-14 12:59am
by Stravo
Matrix Revolutiuons, because in the end his self sacrifice made me a believer.

Posted: 2003-12-14 01:06am
by DPDarkPrimus
Stravo wrote:Matrix Revolutiuons, because in the end his self sacrifice made me a believer.
*sigh* You are going to get so much shit for saying that. :P

Posted: 2003-12-14 01:34am
by Solauren
The end of 'First Blood'.

Rambo being escorted off in after breaking down.


Posted: 2003-12-14 02:12am
by Tsyroc
Magnum Force

Harry lets his crooked boss blow up in a car and follows it with his tag line for the movie "Man's got to know his limitations".

Posted: 2003-12-14 02:21am
by Darth Wong
Unforgiven. The entire shootout at the end. Every last bit of it, from Munny walking into the saloon to "He shoulda armed himself" to "Deserve's got nuthin' to do with it" and ending with him riding into the distance on a pale horse.

"You better not cut up or otherwise harm no more whores ... or I'll come back and kill every one of you sons of bitches."

Posted: 2003-12-14 02:22am
by RogueIce
Well, almost the ending of The Rock when General Hummel gets killed... That's a good scene, and it shows that even in the end, he didn't want to massacre innocent civilians, and with his dying breath was still doing what he could to protect them, as he'd doubtless done throughout his career.

Posted: 2003-12-14 02:24am
by Knife
Darth Wong wrote:Unforgiven. The entire shootout at the end. Every last bit of it, from Munny walking into the saloon to "He shoulda armed himself" to "Deserve's got nuthin' to do with it" and ending with him riding into the distance on a pale horse.

"You better not cut up or otherwise harm no more whores ... or I'll come back and kill every one of you sons of bitches."
:mrgreen: does it get any better than that?

Posted: 2003-12-14 02:28am
by Seggybop
Terminator 3- the nuclear missiles taking off in the end was awesome.

Equilibrium- Although the actual ending wasn't earth-shattering, the final fights in the leader's chamber were extremely cool. The ease with which Preston defeats the other cleric, and the gun fight with DuPont.

Matrix Revolutions- An inconclusive ending that annoyed a lot of people, but I thought that it was pretty good. The sense of it being inconclusive sort of emphasizes that history always goes on, and that what's shown in the movie is only a small part of the entiresequence.

Posted: 2003-12-14 02:29am
by Patrick Degan
Tsyroc wrote:Magnum Force

Harry lets his crooked boss blow up in a car and follows it with his tag line for the movie "Man's got to know his limitations".

'Uphold the Law'. You just killed three policemen, Harry. And the only reason I'm not going to kill you, is because I'm going to prosecute you with your own System. It'll be my word against yours. And who's going to believe you?

You're a killer, Harry. A maniac.

Callaghan watches as Briggs drives away. Cut to long POV on car and—


POV closeup on Callaghan

A man's got to know his limitations.

Posted: 2003-12-14 02:58am
by Tsyroc
Patrick Degan wrote: 'Uphold the Law'. You just killed three policemen, Harry. And the only reason I'm not going to kill you, is because I'm going to prosecute you with your own System. It'll be my word against yours. And who's going to believe you?

You're a killer, Harry. A maniac.

Callaghan watches as Briggs drives away. Cut to long POV on car and—


POV closeup on Callaghan

A man's got to know his limitations.
Thanks. It's been a long time since I saw the movie so I couldn't be more specific than I was. :D

Posted: 2003-12-14 03:12am
by Arthur_Tuxedo
I can't think of any action movie ending I enjoyed more than the ending to The Wild Bunch.

Posted: 2003-12-14 03:25am
by Gandalf
Batman: The Joker lying there on the ground. The sound of laughter echoing eerily.

Posted: 2003-12-14 01:37pm
by zombie84
The final crane shot of Batman always gives me chills, with Danny Elfmans cresendo building with the church bell as the shot finally settles on Batman overlooking the city, batsignal in the clouds and his cape billowing in the wind.

Die Hard is another great one.

The Terminator is another classic--"you're terminated fucker!"

I think all of the Star Wars films have classic endings that are just great.

The Matrix still stands as one of my all-time favourites--Neo flying into the camera while Rage Against the Machine blasts out of the speakers.

Posted: 2003-12-14 02:03pm
by Faram
Long Kiss Goodnight.

Some critter chirping in the background at the quiet mountain cabin.

She picks up a knife and throws it killing the bug.

“Chief’s do that.”

Posted: 2003-12-14 03:54pm
by Montcalm
Die Hard II when the 747 blows-up and makes a trail wich all the airplanes uses to land. 8)

Posted: 2003-12-14 05:07pm
by HemlockGrey
Ah, the Wild Bunch was truly classic. I have to say, I sorta felt like cheering when I saw the Gatling guns in action in The Last Samurai.

Posted: 2003-12-14 06:01pm
by Beaker
You are ALL wrong...

Akira Kurosawas Seven Samurai has the best ending battle and is a cinematic masterpiece... 8)

Posted: 2003-12-14 06:04pm
by weemadando

That man is just too goddamn bad-arse for his own good. With several cars of mafia goons outside waiting to kill him, he calmly places a wad of cash on the diner counter, says: "for repairs", draws a pistol and calmly walks out the front door.

Posted: 2003-12-14 06:07pm
by Lord Pounder
Not an action movie as such but i liked the ending of The Devils Advocate. "Vanity is definatley my favourite sin". For action movies the ending of the Usual Suspects was pretty fucked up.

Posted: 2003-12-14 06:08pm
by General Zod
nobody's mentioned evil dead 3: Army of Darkness?! Heresy, i tells you! both endings they had kicked ass. gotta love all the one liners in there too. :D