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HEY KIDS! Wanna be a pimp daddy?

Posted: 2002-10-07 02:16am
by Bob McDob

Posted: 2002-10-07 02:20am
by weemadando
I want that suit.

Posted: 2002-10-07 02:21am
by Tsyroc

Holy Crap!!!

I don't suppose they sell Hooker costumes at the same place?

Now I am wondering what kid's parents would let him wear something like
that. In a way it's funny but that is outweighed by just how wrong that is.

Posted: 2002-10-07 02:50am
by Sparkticus
ok, that's just fucked up beyond words...

I wonder how a kid would turn out if his parents dressed him up like Ali G all the time....
Wait, I know... They'd end up as a little bitch like TOWNMNBS...

Posted: 2002-10-07 03:28am
by Hyperion
just wrong.

Posted: 2002-10-07 03:34am
by Raptor 597
Words are indescrible wait no, Ah: wrong fits in well...

Posted: 2002-10-07 03:42am
by Sea Skimmer
I fail to see what the problem, moral or otherwise is. As much as some one is needed to dig ditches or answer phones, some one has to beat them hoes.

Posted: 2002-10-07 03:51am
by Raptor 597
Sea Skimmer wrote:I fail to see what the problem, moral or otherwise is. As much as some one is needed to dig ditches or answer phones, some one has to beat them hoes.
But telemarketing is immoral no matter what you say.

Posted: 2002-10-07 03:55am
by Sea Skimmer
Captain Lennox wrote:
Sea Skimmer wrote:I fail to see what the problem, moral or otherwise is. As much as some one is needed to dig ditches or answer phones, some one has to beat them hoes.
But telemarketing is immoral no matter what you say.
Course it is. Answering phones was more in a major corporation with many CEO's too busy stealing to answer them selves context, rather then a we need people to pick up to learn they've "already won"

Posted: 2002-10-07 03:57am
by haas mark
One word: No.

Wrong could also fit.



Okay, then, four words. Got a problem???

Posted: 2002-10-07 04:03am
by Hyperion

Posted: 2002-10-07 04:06am
by haas mark

Posted: 2002-10-07 04:09am
by Raptor 597
Sea Skimmer wrote:
Captain Lennox wrote:
Sea Skimmer wrote:I fail to see what the problem, moral or otherwise is. As much as some one is needed to dig ditches or answer phones, some one has to beat them hoes.
But telemarketing is immoral no matter what you say.
Course it is. Answering phones was more in a major corporation with many CEO's too busy stealing to answer them selves context, rather then a we need people to pick up to learn they've "already won"
But of course. Oh, I forgot too mention I kill Bill Gates , and he is a clone who is my pawn except that the pawn has control of Microsoft...*Almost retarded how the Hell pulled it off look*

Posted: 2002-10-07 05:00am
by XaLEv
Does it come with a switchblade?

Posted: 2002-10-07 08:42am
by Mr Bean

How could any self-respecting company sell a PIMP costume and not incudled the Fake Diamond toped Pimp cane

Posted: 2002-10-07 08:44am
by haas mark
No comment. Guttermind at work.

Posted: 2002-10-07 11:31am
by Larz

How could any self-respecting company sell a PIMP costume and not incudled the Fake Diamond toped Pimp cane
The corperate world is getting sloppy in their older age... but that is just bad.

*counsler* what do you want to be when you grow up jimmy?
*Jimmy* I want to be a shiznitzen pimpster
*counsler* Is that why you keep smacking Jenny in the ass?
*Jimmy* She's got a head full of marbles, I've got ta make lewa or I ain't gettin any buisness
*counsler* SHES ONLY 7!
*Jimmy* Modern men like em young, besides, gotta make a livin somehow
*counsler* YOUR ONLY 7!
*Jimmy* say, you wouldn't be interested in servicing some of my fruity clients, would you...

Posted: 2002-10-07 11:43pm
by TrailerParkJawa

You know any white kid is gonna get his ass kicked if wore that to a party.

Posted: 2002-10-08 12:32am
by Kuja
Tom is a true mac daddy. Pimp Tom Pimp.

Posted: 2002-10-08 07:08am
by salm
i´ll change my mind about not having children!!!

in fact i´ll have at least 7 and they´re all going to wear this suit!!!