Page 1 of 1 cat thread (hafta counter those damn dog people!)
Posted: 2002-10-07 04:20am
by haas mark
I like cats...all cats.....especially the crazy ones. I mean, tabbys are the most fun tho...they actually DO something sometimes, but they are funto have just sit there. All cats are cool (my evilness pokes thru).
I hafta counter thos damn dog people!
Posted: 2002-10-07 05:39am
by EmperorMing
Cat?? Go for a *big* cat...tiger anyone?
Or the gemcats...
Posted: 2002-10-07 05:43am
by weemadando
Had a nice cat (I had him put down earlier this year after nearly 17 years). He was called Peanut Butter, he was a marmalade/ginger cat. He was cool.
R.I.P. Peanut Butter, 1985-2002.
Posted: 2002-10-07 07:00am
by Evil Jerk
Cats rule.
My cat trained my dog to take care of her kittens (she wouldn't let any human near them), so she could laze around.
Now that's intelligence, getting other saps to do your work for you.
Posted: 2002-10-07 07:46am
by victorhadin
Other people's cats are fun to stroke and all, but I would never have one as a pet. The boring, self-obsessed little miserable bastards aren't worth the cost of taking them to the vet.
Posted: 2002-10-07 07:50am
by haas mark
victorhadin wrote:Other people's cats are fun to stroke and all, but I would never have one as a pet. The boring, self-obsessed little miserable bastards aren't worth the cost of taking them to the vet.
Of course they are. For all the above reasons. The trick is to get them stoned!
PM me for the answer to the question I KNOW you are asking!
Posted: 2002-10-07 07:57am
by Evil Jerk
victorhadin wrote:Other people's cats are fun to stroke and all, but I would never have one as a pet. The boring, self-obsessed little miserable bastards aren't worth the cost of taking them to the vet.
Stop stereotyping! It's racism against cats, that's what it is.
One of my cats (dead for 2 years now
) was the most unselfish, caring and happy creature in my house, don't tar them all with the same brush.
Posted: 2002-10-07 08:28am
by Mr Bean
Kittens are nice until they grow up and become cats
Thats when its time to give them to good sap.... I mean good friends yes... Yes thats exactly what I ment
Posted: 2002-10-07 07:59pm
by Hyperion
i know what a stoned doorbell dog does... man, that is too funny... i also know what a house full of VERY drunk cats is like... also funny as hell... if you want either story, just ask.
Posted: 2002-10-07 08:06pm
by weemadando
Hyperion wrote:i know what a stoned doorbell dog does... man, that is too funny... i also know what a house full of VERY drunk cats is like... also funny as hell... if you want either story, just ask.
Pah you ain't seen nothing until you've seen a group of pissed out of their brains Grizzlies in the wild. I shit you not.
Posted: 2002-10-07 08:06pm
by HemlockGrey
I'm getting a cat at the end of the month. Already named it Nickel.
Posted: 2002-10-07 08:10pm
by Kuja
Evil Jerk wrote:One of my cats (dead for 2 years now
) was the most unselfish, caring and happy creature in my house,
This being the same cat that made the dog take care of the kittens so she could laze around?
I'm allergic to cat hair, so I can't have a cat around 24/7. However, my cousin has a tabbycat named Patches, and we all love her.
Posted: 2002-10-07 08:10pm
by The Yosemite Bear
My parent's Siamese looks around, waves paw
"This is not the thread you are looking for"
go about your buisiness slave.
Posted: 2002-10-07 08:11pm
by Kuja
THe Yosemite Bear wrote:My parent's Siamese looks around, waves paw
"This is not the thread you are looking for"
go about your buisiness slave.
Posted: 2002-10-07 08:20pm
by The Yosemite Bear
My Mom makes Genetically engineered Catnip. Her tiger cat Pesto, has her own Bodyguard is a bobcat (The Humans don't control this animal, but it has torn up some Coyotes that used to Harrass her)
Posted: 2002-10-07 10:31pm
by TrailerParkJawa
About 2-3 winters ago my last cat passed away. Found her curled up in her favorite hiding spot in the backyard. She must have died in her sleep. The winter before that, we lost the other cat.
Since then, I have not had the heart to get another. Although, I did sneak some food to some of the neighborhood strays.
I live in a condo, now so I would not want to get a cat, cause I think they should have a yard. But I dont mind making friends the the neighbors cats.
There are two cats that hang out by the mailbox and you can pet them all you want.
Posted: 2002-10-07 10:40pm
by EmperorMing
Defenition of a cat:
A cat by any other name is still a stinking little furball that shits behind the couch.
Posted: 2002-10-08 07:20am
by salm
my cat wasnt that great when stoned. it just stood there and if you touched it, it fell over.
soak bread in hard liquor, goto a zoo and toss in the bread... have fun.
Posted: 2002-10-08 08:41am
by Evil Jerk
IG-88E wrote:Evil Jerk wrote:One of my cats (dead for 2 years now
) was the most unselfish, caring and happy creature in my house,
This being the same cat that made the dog take care of the kittens so she could laze around?
No, that was his mother. She's still alive and as selfish as ever.
Posted: 2002-10-08 11:34am
by greenmm
I love animals, cats in particular, despite being highly allergic to them.
For all fellow allergy sufferers, however, I recommend you get a Russian Blue. Both coats of fur are extremely short, so when they do shed (which isn't that often) the fur isn't as bad of a problem. Even better, they don't make your house smell like cat -- although I recommend highly that you use crystals in the box and scoop at least once a week, if not twice.
My cat, Shadow, is 3 1/3 years old now. She adopted us the day we moved from our apartment to our house. No joke. She showed up at the apartment as a stray, begging to be picked up (started purring immediately as soon as I did), begged to be let inside, and immediately went to our bathroom and curled up on the rug. Granted, she then crapped on the floor, but she was already litter trained, because she covered it with the rug.
She begs for you to check her food bowl when you get home, she begs to be let out onto the back deck so that she can smell the bushes and the tomato plants, she wears herself out by sleeping all day so that she needs to go to sleep with us, she takes up almost half the bed at night, she's huge (20 lbs, and her body alone is at least 12" long, not counting tail or her little peahead). She's not violent, but her claws are big and she's strong, so she can be a little rough when she plays.
If you can't tell by now, we love her.
Posted: 2002-10-08 05:15pm
by Shadowhawk
I had two cats. We got 'em both in 1988 after our other two cats ran away after we moved. The first was Tires, a dark gray male with some tabby in him (faint tabby striping visible on his tail), who my dad found at work. His paw was stuck between the drivers (the rear wheel sets on semi tractors), and couldn't get it out. He freed the cat and brought him home. After volleying other names like 'Goodyear,' my dad settled on Tires.
A couple days later, my mom brought home a companion for Tires. A small female tabby, the runt of her litter. Her tail was deformed since birth--it was shaped like a crank. Imaginitve people we are, we named her Crank.
Crank stayed small; she never got much over 5 pounds. Tires, though, was a full-sized cat and weighed about 12 pounds at his heaviest. They were both fiercely territorial and often teamed up to chase other cats away. As they got older, Crank became more...well, Cranky, and started getting annoyed with Tires' company (it was about the same time Tires befriended a younger neighbor cat, now that I think about it).
Both of them enjoyed hunting; Tires often brought us virtually-unharmed garter snakes, dead birds, and mouse parts (it's surreal to open up your front door and see just a mouse's head and tail on the step).
Crank was always my cat. She loved to be in my room, sitting on my lap, laying in front of the heater...Tires got more affectionate as he got older.
Tires also got injured the most; he got a big cut on his tail early on, and had two abcesses that we took care of later. About a year ago, what I thought to be another abcess on his jaw was actually a tumor. The very day we were going to take him in and have him put to sleep (he could barely eat, couldn't close his mouth all the way), he disappeared. A neighbor found his body beside their house a couple days later.
Crank stopped eating for a little while after Tires died, but mostly recovered.
Now, though...My parents are probably going to have her put down in the next few days. She's had these recurring scabs on her head that refuse to go away; nothing we really worried about. Then a couple days ago, she started having problems. She barely lifts her head to horizontal when walking, and it's simply heartbreaking to see her walk now (it's an odd limp in her front left leg and her head pointed straight down). My mom thinks she had a small stroke. I don't want her to linger on like Tires or to suffer, but...I've had her nearly 2/3rds of my life! It fucking sucks to get so attached to pets that have barely a sixth of a human lifespan.
Posted: 2002-10-08 05:26pm
by Hyperion
that's the one problem with both cats and dogs, too damned short of a lifespan...
pretty good lifespan you got out of those 2 SH.
though i also find it sucky that cats tend to like running off to die alone, it's as if they don't want you to feel bad about it or something.