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Beware the Gnomes this Holiday Season...

Posted: 2003-12-15 01:25am
by RogueIce
God, I love this comic strip... :twisted: :twisted:


Posted: 2003-12-15 01:56am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Every one of those little fuckers Santa has slaving away up there are gnomes, I'm sick of this elf bullshit. Everyone knows elves kick ass, just as everyone knows that Santa's little helpers do not, thus, they are not elves.

Posted: 2003-12-15 02:20am
by RogueIce
JediNeophyte wrote:Every one of those little fuckers Santa has slaving away up there are gnomes, I'm sick of this elf bullshit. Everyone knows elves kick ass, just as everyone knows that Santa's little helpers do not, thus, they are not elves.
No, just different elves. Like the Keebler elves, not Lord of the Rings/WarCraft elves. But they're still elves. Just like differences in birds, for example (little bluejay vs the kick ass eagle).

Posted: 2003-12-15 02:57am
by Kuja
Well, excu-u-se me for emulating adult standards...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: 2003-12-15 03:13am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
RogueIce wrote:
JediNeophyte wrote:Every one of those little fuckers Santa has slaving away up there are gnomes, I'm sick of this elf bullshit. Everyone knows elves kick ass, just as everyone knows that Santa's little helpers do not, thus, they are not elves.
No, just different elves. Like the Keebler elves, not Lord of the Rings/WarCraft elves. But they're still elves. Just like differences in birds, for example (little bluejay vs the kick ass eagle).
The Keebler fuckers are gnomes too!!! Gnomes! All gnomes! Shutup, shutup, shutup, shutup!!! THEY ARE NOT ELVES! LALALALALALALALALALALALA LALALALALALALALALALAALA

Posted: 2003-12-15 03:34am
by Gandalf

Great cartoon, also promotes the act of gnome slavery.

Posted: 2003-12-15 08:04am
by Darth Fanboy
Gnomes are to short to enslave, however, their small stature makes mass burials much more efficient.

Addendum: any smaller and they'd fit nicely in the garbage disposal!

Posted: 2003-12-15 08:07am
by Gandalf
Darth Fanboy wrote:Gnomes are to short to enslave, however, their small stature makes mass burials much more efficient.

Addendum: any smaller and they'd fit nicely in the garbage disposal!
The enclosing walls don't have to be that big either.

Posted: 2003-12-15 11:11am
by RogueIce
Slaves? Hardly... Santa's diabetic, so he can't have all those cookies people leave him. So, he pays them in cookies now.

They used to be slaves, until several "accidents" befell his toy production (ever wonder what happened to those presents you wanted but never got?), courtesy of the GLO. He learned quickly...

Also, we helped free the elves, too, and they work well, especially since they're magic and only have to work three months a year. It's snow days for the other nine. 8)