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Which forum member do you dislike the most?
Posted: 2002-07-15 10:09pm
by Anarchist Bunny
This isn't a thread for flames and probly will be shut down anyways, but which of the members of this here board do you dislike the most?
Personally, first it was SCVN 2818 and Eleas but then I read the I seemed to scare the ASVS crowd with this on the Pure Star Wars board and theDarkling's views on there just put him on the top of my crap list.
Posted: 2002-07-15 10:43pm
by Mr Bean
Sith God, Oops he's Banned
Shadow and his Mighty-Morphing Bio Ships,
The rest had at least vauge points
Posted: 2002-07-15 11:09pm
by David
Sith God, but I smashed him so it doesn't matter now.
Posted: 2002-07-15 11:58pm
by EmperorChrostas the Cruel
Resident Commie, maybe AltiodMaster. I think AM doesn't believe what he says, but is just playing Devil's advocate, if so he is to be congradulated on his consumate chain-yanking/button-pushing instigation skill. RC is a master whiner about the nature of man, bitter about the fact that water is wet.
Hell, I might be on someones list.
"It ain't braggin' if you can do it!" Babe Ruth
Posted: 2002-07-17 01:15pm
by Smiling Bandit
Not much time, but he's really managed to troll the board.
Posted: 2002-07-17 01:33pm
by LordChaos
The ones that post.

Posted: 2002-07-17 04:09pm
by David
The mod that is never around

Posted: 2002-07-17 04:10pm
by Howedar
User099, SCVN 2818, Shadow, Sith God, Darkstar
Posted: 2002-07-17 04:12pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Howedar wrote:User099, SCVN 2818, Shadow, Sith God, Darkstar
More or less me too.
Posted: 2002-07-17 06:16pm
by Howedar
Not necessarily in that order of course.
Re: Which forum member do you dislike the most?
Posted: 2002-07-17 06:49pm
by Eleas
"This isn't a thread for flames and probly will be shut down anyways, but which of the members of this here board do you dislike the most?"
"Personally, first it was SCVN 2818 and Eleas"
...because you thought I was a trekkie. *g* (sorry, couldn't pass up on commenting that)
Posted: 2002-07-17 06:51pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I don't really anybody, the Trekkie Trolls are funny, but they don't me off. You make enemies by saying who you .
Posted: 2002-07-17 09:33pm
by LordChaos
David wrote:The mod that is never around

It's called invisble mode.
(I don't show up on the "who's online" list).
Posted: 2002-07-17 10:12pm
by David
So your that one hidden user that's sometimes around.

Posted: 2002-07-17 11:21pm
by LordChaos
David wrote:So your that one hidden user that's sometimes around.

What makes you think there's only one?

Posted: 2002-07-17 11:23pm
by David
I've seen three at most, and one right now, which would be you!
Posted: 2002-07-18 12:27am
by Captain Kruger
Sothis is quite the Grade-A moron. Just another one of those brain-challenged puddles of goo who thinks a debate is about twisting facts to feed his own conclusion. UFP capships dodging 200-gigaton turbolaser fire long enough to actually put up a fight...please!
Shadow, the Almighty King of the Morphin Bio-Ships. Ah yes, there’s a mountain of evidence to support that fluidic space will allow S8472 instantaneous travel to anywhere in the universe, isn’t there? (extreme sarcasm)
These two ostriches should have their heads opened up after they die to see if there’s a single brain cell between them. But we definitely shouldn’t ban the likes of them because it’s just too much fun to tear apart their pathetic and laughable arguments. The board wouldn’t be nearly as fun without them.
Posted: 2002-07-18 12:36am
by David
The board wouldn’t be nearly as fun without them.
True true.
I haven't seen enough of Sothis to have an opinion of him either way.
Posted: 2002-07-18 01:27am
by Captain Kruger
You’d find him quite entertaining, I’m sure. After all, half the fun of this board is mocking blatant stupidity.
Posted: 2002-07-18 01:32am
by David
Where is he at?
Okay, definitely last post for tonight.
Posted: 2002-07-18 01:33am
by master_yoda
[quote="Captain Kruger"]
Shadow, the Almighty King of the Morphin Bio-Ships. Ah yes, there’s a mountain of evidence to support that fluidic space will allow S8472 instantaneous travel to anywhere in the universe, isn’t there? (extreme sarcasm)
Its *mighty* morphin' Bio-ships.
Posted: 2002-07-18 01:37am
by Howedar
I love when I coin a phrase and it sticks

Posted: 2002-07-18 07:18am
I keep my dislikes limited to individual threads (usually). I generally disrespect anyone who can't follow the basics of debate... inability to properly cite or present evidence, refusal to acknowledge a point or counterpoint, or (my biggest peeve) misrepresenting the opponent's side.
Posted: 2002-07-18 02:58pm
by David
Unfortunately someone who posts that way in one thread will post that way in all threads.
Posted: 2002-07-18 05:21pm
by Kuja
When someone makes an argument personal, rather than just making jokes (coughcough...Sith God), that's what annoys me.
Me, I know I'm a jackass, and I act like it (back me up here,'ve seen the bolts come loose), but I really try not to be a complete bastard.
I know me and His Divine Shadowness-ness argue alot, but that's more fun than annoying...for me at least.