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I'll get you body, and your dastardly functions too!!!

Posted: 2003-12-21 01:29am
by Tasoth
today was going fine, spectacular even. I finished up an opening shift at work today to come home and find that my farther is taking me out to pick up a new matress for my bed, since my tossing and turning the prior night popped my air matress. After picking up a nice box spring and finding out it only gives me around 12-18 inch clearence with my brother's bunk, I hit the sack at around 9 for some shut eye. roughly 2 hours of fitful sleep about odd things, I make up with a bad case of heart burn and a stomach ache, So I head to Ye Olde Throne Room to alleve the problem. Turns out I need to vomit, and its potent enough to cause some splash back. Some mouthwash and a shower later, I'm up for the night.

So, I was pondering, has anyone ever had a day that was going good only to be ruined by unplanned functions of the body?

Posted: 2003-12-21 06:28am
by Gandalf
Was out for Teppanyaki one night. Came home to a few hours of yuckiness.