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What are you doing for Christmas
Posted: 2003-12-21 10:09pm
by Mr Flibble
Since it is practically on top of us, what are you doing for christmas, if anything?
I am having lunch with my parents and some family friends, then probably watching the dvds I am geting for christmas, before going to my brother's place for dinner. So pretty much a normal christmas.
Posted: 2003-12-21 10:12pm
by Dorsk 81
Working. Then getting pissed, er I mean "celebrating" with the people who I work with which is going to be so much better than spending xmas with family I can't stand and that can't stand me, so eveyones happy!
Posted: 2003-12-21 10:15pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
My parents are going to New Mexico for my grandmother's funeral a few days after Christmas, and my Aunt, cousin, and one of their friends are coming over, and I'll probably do stuff with them. And I'll be sleeping in the basement the whole time.
Posted: 2003-12-21 10:26pm
by aphexmonster
most likely sitting in my room alone and twiddling my thumbs -.-
hehe, im pathetic =P ... i need sympathy
Posted: 2003-12-21 10:30pm
by Zaia
Hopefully my family and I will be celebrating good news about my mom's health.
Posted: 2003-12-21 10:36pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Posted: 2003-12-21 10:39pm
by Montcalm
BWAHAHAHA......ahem i mean Merry X-mas
Posted: 2003-12-21 10:42pm
by Crazy Goji
Hah, mine's in my front yard, because I have a Star Wars Tree!
Yeah, hanging out at my grandmother's house. Building LEGO's or something while watching
A Christmas Story or the SNL marathon on the tube. Same as every year.
Posted: 2003-12-21 11:07pm
by Flash
I'll be spending the day in the pool, coming out only to have lunch with my family. It's too damn hot to do anything else.
Posted: 2003-12-21 11:20pm
by Laird
Booze,women,family gatherings,sleep,getting stuff....(Not in that order though.)
Posted: 2003-12-21 11:24pm
by aerius
I'll be baking cookies with my GF's sister and her friends and then we'll get fat eating them, or at least we'll try. My high metabolism takes care of the fattening cookies quite nicely. Last year we ate entire gingerbread houses.
Posted: 2003-12-21 11:31pm
by Dorsk 81
aerius wrote:Last year we ate entire gingerbread houses.
*Recalls the tale of Hansel and Gretal* Damn vandal punk kids...
Posted: 2003-12-22 07:50am
by Chardok
6:30 A.M- Wake up and morning Pepsi
7:00 A.M- Leave for mom's house.
7:15ish A.M- Arrive at mom's house. Open presents marvel at the amount of socks and underwear. (I love socks and underwear.)
8:30- toast the arrival of christmas with cinnamon rolls and a glass of eggnog. (The real stuff.)
9:00- Drink egg noig with my brother while watching christmas shit and/or paying HALO on his new Xbox I got him.
10:00- Stilll drknign eggnnog, Halo is becominf more fun. Brunch time. Summer sausaeg, and cheese, also egg nog.
10:30- tiem to gho. ?Need to go to St. Afustnine to have dinner wiht my Girfrenisd praents. Oen lsat cpu fo egg nog.
12:00- Arrive in St. Augustine. Girlfriend's father puts the fear of God into me. Consequently, my liver works overtime and I'm sober in five minutes.
12:30- tkhankfully, hre dad is drukn, and he gvies me some mroe geenog. ist. pnanamanaian. Thassh were my grinflrind 's from.
12:45- T.V. wile teh wommen kook. Yeah, mro eggnog. Pananaimanian style. (*snicker* I dunno what tat menash!)
1:00- Enjyo panainanamanain thanskhgivn. CHRISTMIS! Not thankginvginvg! 's Chrismiss! mmh, food's good! Mroe eghgo nogh too!
2:00- Welp. Ish time ot go! wash a good dinner, but We gotte het get back to jckasuindille for dniier whti my moms, too.
2:30- arrvie at Mom's. Alex ish shtill threr. Still lpyaing Halo. Now, tiem to kick hish ass again.
4:00- Drink mroe geenog. Renews dkrurnesness. I think I win at Halo, not shur. WHO CRAES?! MOM! Brinig me soem mroe Hegg noggm, pleasghe!
4:15- Pee. pee alot.
4:45- tiem to eet! Eat mroe food. Eggnog floowls. mmh. 's good.
5:15- Geenoedg 's gone. Iem genna walk te teh stroe to get mroe beer. Mroe?! 'Sfunny werd! More rmeor mroe!
Passed out.
That's pretty much how I expect christmas to go. close enough, anyway.
Posted: 2003-12-22 08:21am
by Lord Pounder
Just gonna spend time with my family, and eat and drink my bodyweight. Just the usual.
Posted: 2003-12-22 08:27am
by El Moose Monstero
Family stuff, presents and all that, we're quite relaxed about it all so there's no rush, usually takes us from about 9 till 5 to finish opening presents, then the visiting of friends and exchanges of presents for each other, then comes obligatory feed the entire population of a starving country with the left overs from Christmas dinner, then comes tidying up, a game or two, then sleep. For on Boxing Day cometh the relatives, and alcohol beeth consumed except by those who art charged with driving extended family home, as dictated by the Ayris theory of spatial relativity.
Posted: 2003-12-22 09:37am
by Col. Crackpot
Christmas eve with at wife's cousin's house and her kids and most of my wife's family. Christmas Day my family is going to the In-laws for dinner after christmas morning at my parents house. Saturday i drive out to Stamford CT and my Aunt's house...(if all goes as planned i will make the drive in my new Toyota Solara! yippee!)
Posted: 2003-12-22 09:43am
by Zoink
Christmas dinner at parents with miscellaneous relatives.
Posted: 2003-12-22 10:04am
by Stofsk
Fairly typical Christmas is to have either a late lunch or an early dinner with close family (because remote family is in Hungary). Unfortunately, since my brother's got a divorce and a spiteful bitch of an ex-wife, this means "close" now means "immediate" family - which means, sadly, I won't get to play with my nephews.
But that's alright - I never fucking liked Christmas anyway. My mother-in-law (well, not anymore - hehehe) used to always get drunk and start abusing most people. Bah. I'm probably going to be enjoying the Christmas presents I bought myself. One bright note, since I fucking hate Christmas now, and since no-one else is particularly enthused either, there's no stupid Christmas tree to set up and take down.
Sorry if this seems all scrooge-like, but this is realistically what my Christmas's are like - I won't be sad to see it leave. I'd rather spend New Year's with my friends, as that's more important to me (not so much the New Year's part; more like the spending time with friends, who are usually busy with family during Christmas).
Posted: 2003-12-22 11:20am
by Robert Walper
I'm actually genuinely excited about this Xmas. I get to see my brothers, whom I haven't for almost three years. Our entire(immediate) family is going to all be together for once, which is going to be great.
One of the things I'm most anticipating is wrestling my cocky little brother Jason. Bastard is a Corporal now in the Military. Claims he's been working out and yadda yadda gonna kick my ass. That bastard is going down! Either I win, it's going to be a tie. Period!
Posted: 2003-12-22 12:32pm
by LadyTevar
Spend all day Christmas Eve alone with Sir Nitram (if I can keep him away from the computer)
Open our gifts to each other about 8ish.
Christmas Day, drive 50 miles in (predicted) 6in of snow to my mother's house for Xmas dinner with both brothers and their families. Watch the nephews sled down mother's yard. Maybe get home by midnight... although I'm planning to take a change of clothes just in case we get stuck up there.
No drinking, cause my family never believed in that, but more food than you can give away.
Posted: 2003-12-22 12:32pm
by Rye
Not a whole lot. Seeing family on boxing day though, parents are going away for xmas day to see ill relatives down south.
Posted: 2003-12-22 12:38pm
by Trytostaydead
Actually, my mom devised up of something she wants us to do. On Christmas day, we're going to drive around with a bunch of envelopes filled with a few bucks and hand them out to the homeless. Since I have no need for gifts or particularly want anything, I agreed to it.. so all my christmas money and brother's is being used for it.
Posted: 2003-12-22 12:40pm
by Dalton
Zaia wrote:Hopefully my family and I will be celebrating good news about my mom's health.
*hugs* Yay!
Posted: 2003-12-22 12:59pm
by Robert Walper
LadyTevar wrote:Spend all day Christmas Eve alone with Sir Nitram (if I can keep him away from the computer)
Is SirNitram actually a nice guy? He and I never seem to get along...shame...I hate not getting along with people.
Posted: 2003-12-22 01:04pm
by Faram
Robert Walper wrote:I'm actually genuinely excited about this Xmas. I get to see my brothers, whom I haven't for almost three years. Our entire(immediate) family is going to all be together for once, which is going to be great.
One of the things I'm most anticipating is wrestling my cocky little brother Jason. Bastard is a Corporal now in the Military. Claims he's been working out and yadda yadda gonna kick my ass. That bastard is going down! Either I win, it's going to be a tie. Period!
Remember tickeling is fair in wrestling