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Wisdom Teeth Suck

Posted: 2003-12-22 10:36pm
by SylasGaunt
Well I just had two of these suckers yanked today (and according to my dentist and everyone else I lucked out in that they were the top ones rather than bottom). Still hurts like the dickens though and the pain meds keep me kinda fuzzy.. anyone else had to go through having these damn things pulled?

Posted: 2003-12-22 10:40pm
by Crazy Goji
I have the top and bottom pulled out, on the same day. It's going to be so much fun,

Posted: 2003-12-22 10:43pm
by Ghost Rider
Yeup...all four last March.

Sucked very much...but two of them were in very bad shape and hurt like hell, so the temp pain of the pulling wasn't nearly as bad.

Posted: 2003-12-22 10:48pm
by DPDarkPrimus
It isn't SO bad... I was only in pain all the time for like four days...

Posted: 2003-12-22 10:54pm
by Anarchist Bunny
All 4 of them, 2 years ago. I was put under, but I came out of it as my 3rd one was being sewn shut. I was still drugged enough not to feel anything as pain though so it was all good.

Posted: 2003-12-22 11:16pm
by Wicked Pilot
So, does your dentist give you back your teeth in a jar when he's finished, or do you simply never see them again?

Posted: 2003-12-22 11:17pm
by Hamel
Mine have never given me problems so I'm not going to get them removed

Posted: 2003-12-23 12:08am
by KhyronTheBackstabber
About five years ago I had all four plus a back molar taken out, and just last week Wednesday I had the back molar above the one taken out removed. My dentist kicks ass, because the only pain I had was just the natural soreness that comes with having a tooth yanked out of your skull, and that only lasted a little over 24 hrs. No need for pain pills ether. The man is the king of tooth removal.

Posted: 2003-12-23 12:17am
by jenat-lai
I had all 4 taken out 3 weeks ago... still hurts in my jaw muscles after the operation. Teeth are fine now mostly. Hurt like hell for a week, I couldn't even chew.

Posted: 2003-12-23 12:20am
by haas mark
The Vicodin was nice.. now.. to get my top ones pulled..

And.. when I got my bottom two cut out, I have not once been in so much pain in my entire life, save the time I broke my arm.


Posted: 2003-12-23 12:34am
by SylasGaunt
This was why I ended up putting it off for so long. Mine have needed to come out for some time but I went to talking with others that had this done and ended up putting it off because of all the horror stories I heard. Until I got an infection in the gum around one because I couldn't effectively clean them. So I got them pulled (only one had hte problem but the dentist thought it best to yank the other one so there were no future problems).

The anasthesia was quite good. I only felt minor pain when he ripped the them out of my head (felt like he just took a pair of pliers to my teeth). Another point I lucked out on though is that both were out of the gum when I had them taken out. Started hurting again about 4 hours later though however the pills he gave me (despite looking like something a damn horse should swallow) are apperantly some very good shit because I've been taking them at the four hour intervals listed on the bottle and not a twinge).

Posted: 2003-12-23 12:46am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Haven't had any wisdom teeth pulled (yet...), but I was born with a rather interesting defect - lots of extra teeth. Hell if I know where they came from, but over the years I've had 12 pulled, and my mouth is fairly normal now (got braces in 2nd grade, various retainers, rubber bands, and headgear to wear as well, got braces again in middle school IIRC). I'm on my last retainer for not much longer now... my dental nightmare is almost over.

Posted: 2003-12-23 12:50am
by Darth Raptor
Is it unheard of for wisdom teeth to develop into healthy, ordinary teeth? I ask because that seems to be what mine have done. I've heard enough horror stories to decide not to get them pulled until they start giving me trouble. So far they have not.

Posted: 2003-12-23 12:55am
by Joe
Yeah, I had them removed 16 months ago. Prepare to bleed like crazy.

Posted: 2003-12-23 01:08am
by AnimeJet
I've heard that sometimes the top doesn't heal correctly and then there's a hole in your mouth leading to your nasal cavtiy.. can that really happen O_O. :lol:

Posted: 2003-12-23 01:08am
by SylasGaunt
Joe wrote:Yeah, I had them removed 16 months ago. Prepare to bleed like crazy.
Already did. The gauze was red by the time I pulled it out. Seems fine now though

Posted: 2003-12-23 03:06am
by haas mark
SylasGaunt wrote:
Joe wrote:Yeah, I had them removed 16 months ago. Prepare to bleed like crazy.
Already did. The gauze was red by the time I pulled it out. Seems fine now though
I'll put it simply: At least your anaesthesia WORKED. :evil:


Posted: 2003-12-23 03:42am
by SyntaxVorlon
Got all four yanked out over half a year ago. Thankfully the whole process only lasted something like an hour. The real annoying part was later on, not just the pain but the saliva. Get plenty of gauze, take your pain pills and remember to lightly squirt warm water on the opened spots. The bleeding will take a while to go away, the pain a week or two after that. But it's worth not spending thousands of dollars and months in pain with braces when you're in college.

Posted: 2003-12-23 03:43am
by Howedar
I had all four pulled around noon with only local anesthetic and went to a football game that night. Hurt a lot at the end of the game (I thought the pills lasted 6 hours, not 4), but other than that it was only mildly unpleasant.

Posted: 2003-12-23 03:47am
by SyntaxVorlon
verilon wrote:
SylasGaunt wrote:
Joe wrote:Yeah, I had them removed 16 months ago. Prepare to bleed like crazy.
Already did. The gauze was red by the time I pulled it out. Seems fine now though
I'll put it simply: At least your anaesthesia WORKED. :evil:

They gave me laughing gas, worked fine for me, though now it's very hard to remember anything.
What did they use for you?

Posted: 2003-12-23 04:20am
by Dargos
Still have all 4 of mine...all healthy and straight.

Posted: 2003-12-23 04:44am
by haas mark
SyntaxVorlon wrote:They gave me laughing gas, worked fine for me, though now it's very hard to remember anything.
What did they use for you?
General. I was awake while they sliced open my bottom two teeth (as they were impacted). Two shots each side to begin with. Anaesthetic didn't hit deep down enough on right side, so had to have another shot halfway through. Anaesthetic didn't hit left tooth to begin with. Saw + tooth = PAIN. LOTS OF PAIN.

And the smell ... horrid. Smells exactly like varnish.


Posted: 2003-12-23 05:23am
by Dahak
I have all my wisdom teeth still in my mouth. And unless they start to hurt or something, they will stay in. My doctor, too, told me I should only remove then when I absolutely have to.

Posted: 2003-12-23 05:38am
by SylasGaunt
verilon wrote:
I'll put it simply: At least your anaesthesia WORKED. :evil:

Oooh shit man.. that had to SUCK. My sympathies to you.

Posted: 2003-12-23 12:16pm
by Mayabird
I had to get all four of mine taken out when I was FOURTEEN. My jaw was barely large enough for my twelve-year molars to come in (they didn't fully emerge until I was sixteen) and the dentist said that I had to get the wisdom teeth, still very much in the gums, out.

Fortunately for me the anaesthesia worked so well that after the operation I slept for a straight 20+ hours. At that point I woke up, wondered how I had gotten in my bed, figured that not much time had passed since my gauze was still freshly bloodied, swallowed a couple mouthfuls of lukewarm mashed potatoes, swallowed some pills, and went back to sleep for another 10 or so.

Repeat pattern for four days, except that I stopped bleeding sometime the second day. I think they gave me adult doses for the pain medication because that stuff knocked me out every time. I don't remember being in any pain at any time but I think I might have been partly OD'ed.

About a week and a half later: band camp! Hello, gum infections! Only band practice I ever missed was because of that nastiness.