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Posted: 2003-12-23 02:53pm
by Tolya
I just finished reading a section of Michael Herr's book "Dispatches". One paragraph struck me:
"A twenty-four-year old Special Forces captain was telling me about it: 'I went out and killed one VC and liberated a prisoner. Next day the major called me in and told me that I'd killed fourteen VC and liberated six prisoners. You want to see the medal?"
And then I though about Jessica Lynch and dozen of other people...and then remembered when I was reading the Medal of Honor webpage...and I thought 'How much of those stories is actually true?'.

No particular rant about it...just some loose thoughts.

Posted: 2003-12-23 03:17pm
by Montcalm
It seems like the lone hero versus numerous enemies story,i guess they don`t want the one enemy killed and one man saved stuff. :?