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Blind Dates

Posted: 2004-01-02 12:30am
by Nathan F
So, the other day I'm at a friends house, and his girlfriend calls. We're sitting there playing the Return of the King video game, and I hear him saying, "Hmm...yeah, I know someone, you know Nathan, he'll do it."

I'm like, "WTF am I doing?"

So I hear, "You're going bowling Friday night with us."

Me: "With you two? Why would I want to go with you two? I'm not going unless your g/f is bringing a single friend along."

Him: "Yeah, that's why she wants you to go." I have a blind date with a good friend's girlfriend's friend, whom I've never met, and only met his girlfriend once at a ballgame.

Here's the question, have you ever been on a blind date? If so, tell me how it went...I'm nervous as all heck...

Posted: 2004-01-02 12:33am
by The Cleric
No, and I cannot forsee it being a good idea. Why can't she get a date regularly?

Posted: 2004-01-02 12:44am
by Nathan F
StormTrooperTR889 wrote:No, and I cannot forsee it being a good idea. Why can't she get a date regularly?
I don't know that she can't. All I know is that my friend's g/f and a friend of hers wanted to go bowling, so she decided to get her fixed up with one of her b/f's friends...

Posted: 2004-01-02 12:44am
by Lt. Dan
No but you never want to make a woman cry. If you have to, act like your enjoying yourself.

For the love of God man, SMILE AND NOD! SMILE AND NOD!

Just have fun with it and good luck.

Posted: 2004-01-02 12:51am
by aerius
It can work quite nicely. I know a guy who setup his sister with one of his friends, they've been happily dating for almost a year now. The guy & his wife & sister met up with his friend for dinner & a night out and it just went from there. His sister & buddy hit it off nicely and that was that. Don't sweat it, treat her as another chick friend, get to know her a bit, and jst go from there.

Posted: 2004-01-02 12:54am
by zombie84
I have bad and good luck with it. Sometimes you two click and sometimes you dont--its the same as any other meeting between two people. Theres no way of knowing before hand so really dont worry about it and just hope for the best.

Posted: 2004-01-02 01:07am
by DPDarkPrimus
If she's blind, then she'll only care about your personality. As long as you don't have any big scars or anything, looks won't matter much.

Posted: 2004-01-02 02:09am
by Nathan F
DPDarkPrimus wrote:If she's blind, then she'll only care about your personality. As long as you don't have any big scars or anything, looks won't matter much.
Very funny. :P

Posted: 2004-01-02 02:45am
by Darth Wong
Relax, Nathan. In the worst case scenario, there's no chemistry so you just act like she's a guy. In the best case scenario, there's chemistry and you ... don't act like she's a guy.

Posted: 2004-01-02 06:07am
by Lord Pounder
I've been on many a blind date. The thing is not to go in with any expectations, that can ruin the date before it even starts. Just go with the flow.

Posted: 2004-01-02 10:44am
by Bertie Wooster
ahh blind dates. Wonderful opportunities to brush up on your small-talk, perfect your jokes, and maintain your aplomb. At worst, just like batting practice for your game.

Posted: 2004-01-02 02:31pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Nathan F wrote:
DPDarkPrimus wrote:If she's blind, then she'll only care about your personality. As long as you don't have any big scars or anything, looks won't matter much.
Very funny. :P
You can also play the "Guess what's in my pocket" game.

Posted: 2004-01-02 02:37pm
by The Cleric
You must let us know how it went. If you don't, we're assuming the worst and having you hunted down.

Posted: 2004-01-02 02:52pm
by Gil Hamilton
I was on a blind date once. It wasn't like a serious date, the only reason I was there was because a friend of mine needed a second or a girl he wanted to date wouldn't go out with him. So after carefully explaining to my very understanding girlfriend that nothing was expected of me other than showing up, being cute next to this girl's friend long enough for Brandon get a foot in the door, I went on this date. I show up BAM, it was Brandon's date and the horse she rode in with. I know that's a horrible horrible thing to say, but holy god on Olympus... so we go bowling, I'm completely friendly and cordial, buy drinks for my date, et cetera. Fortunately, Brandon completely wiped out on that one, so the double date ended with his date and her friend giving us the old "We've got to take off, you know, there is a party we got to go to and we'd invite you but you really don't know the people..." blow off speech, which was fine by us.

Posted: 2004-01-02 04:16pm
by Nathan F
Well ficken, apparently this chick didn't remember but she's got to go to her dad's place this weekend. My friend is still wanting me to go, seeing as though a couple more people are going, but I told him that I'd only go if his g/f got another one of her single friends to come along. So...maybe she'll find someone else, if not, i've got another date lined up for tomorrow night. ;)

Posted: 2004-01-02 10:42pm
by weemadando
Twice... Both times were with people I'd met on the net (well, not really just met, but friends of friends who I'd only conversed with over the net.

Both meetings were arranged to be in public places that I knew well (hell in a town the size of Launceston that wasn't hard).

First one was a remarkable piece of country Tasmania skank. I sat down at a cafe with them and was out of there quickly...

Second one was a meeting out the front of a department store in the mall. I did a few walk-pasts to make sure I thought that who it was, was indeed who it was. And then I walked away. I swear that she was no older than 14. Made apologies on the net ("I was sick") and faded away. Then beat the crap out of my friend who put me onto her as he laughed his arse off.

My experiences with blind dates have been bad. Then again, all of my experiences with dates have been bad...

Posted: 2004-01-03 11:39am
by The Aliens
Well, on the plus side, if you fuck everything up you'll never have to see her again.