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Hall of Heros?

Posted: 2004-01-05 05:07am
by Dartzap
i was just looking at the annoucements and there is a list of names under this heading, i know there poster here. but why are they in this so-called Hall of Heros?

Posted: 2004-01-05 05:10am
by Gandalf
Scroll down the page. There should be a thread referring to a recent announcement.

EDIT: Here

Posted: 2004-01-05 05:17am
by Dartzap
thanks :)

Posted: 2004-01-05 05:20am
by Gandalf
I recommend you put Hail Gandalf or something similar in your sig. You admitted you need something. :D

Posted: 2004-01-05 06:12am
by Dartzap
How about i snap my fingurs and transport you to a horrible death? :D

Posted: 2004-01-05 06:35am
by Gandalf
I like my idea better. :D

Posted: 2004-01-05 06:52am
by Dartzap
do you not know of the name of the most powerful wizerd ever?

he is feared because trouble always follows behind him , he is .......

The Great Rincewind!! mwhahahahahahahahahhahah.......... :lol:

for i am him!

Posted: 2004-01-05 06:58am
by Gandalf

Your wizard thing is meaningless, for I am God.

EDIT: You forgot to put the http on the front of the URL in your sig.

Posted: 2004-01-05 07:10am
by Dartzap
damn , i cant be assed to add the Feegle in now....

and as for you , Unbeliver! i have been through hell! i have come out , fought the demons of the underworld!, i have survived the dungeon demensions!

...... and , i have survived Cut-me-own-throats Sausage inna Bun!!

Posted: 2004-01-05 07:15am
by Gandalf
I've been through the Australian education system and read Darkstar's site almost in full. I've seen almost every ep of Voyager and have a sister with an Olsen twin obsession.

That's hell.

Posted: 2004-01-05 07:18am
by Dartzap
fool! thats nothing when compared toThe Luggage!

grr whats wrong with this damn piccie in my sig?

Posted: 2004-01-05 07:20am
by Gandalf

Code: Select all

That should be it.

Posted: 2004-01-05 07:27am
by Dartzap

*does a happy jig*

thanks Gandalf, perhaps your a wizerd at somethings....*runs*...

Posted: 2004-01-05 11:48am
by Stravo
Take it to PM guys - your friendly neighborhood mod.