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My Near-Death Experience

Posted: 2004-01-13 12:32am
by The Dark
Some of you may have noticed I kinda dropped off the board for a while. What happened was a combination of me catching the flu and then going home for winter holiday.

Turns out I caught a rather nasty form of the flu (or my immune system was really tanked from it being Finals Week). When my ride arrived to pick me up, I was semi-conscious (I could walk and hold up a conversation, but barely) and running a 105.6 degree fever. Anything over 106 can cause brain damage, so I was pretty damn fortunate to end up with no real damage other than not being able to remember the week I was on TheraFlu and Sudafed.

So...uh...word of caution. If you start feeling sick, get help.

Posted: 2004-01-13 12:33am
by Joe
Well, good lord. Glad to hear you're OK.

Posted: 2004-01-13 01:50am
by Frank Hipper
Glad you're better. :wink:

Posted: 2004-01-13 01:55am
by jegs2
Glad you feel better.

Posted: 2004-01-13 02:14am
by Master of Ossus
Wow. I'm glad you're doing better, now. I hope no one else gets anything like that.

Posted: 2004-01-13 02:35am
by Hyperion
Damn, glad you're ok.

Posted: 2004-01-13 02:43am
by Dalton
Dude. Glad you're OK man.

Although I almost die on a daily basis driving to and from work :)

Posted: 2004-01-13 04:00am
by SyntaxVorlon
Lol at dalton

Try not to die dark.