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Calling in sick
Posted: 2004-01-14 09:11pm
by Shrykull
What would you do if you called in sick and your boss said......................
I don't believe you, you're coming in if you want a job
Suck it up and come in anyway
Guess it depends on whether you really are sick or faking it for a day off.
Posted: 2004-01-14 09:13pm
by Montcalm
If your boss does not believe you,then go to work puke on him he`ll believe you after that.
Posted: 2004-01-14 09:19pm
by Chardok
I'd fucking go to work. Seriously, how hard is that? Unless I'm physically incapacitated, and my boss says to come in, I'm going in. When I got there, if I were contagious, I'd inform him of that. If he accepts responsibility, I'll stay and work if I possibly can.
I've gone to work sick before, with a fever, chills, the works. Of course, I had to, I was a security officer and there was no one to replace me. It was a bad, bad, bad day. and the boss felt REALLY bad.
Posted: 2004-01-14 09:23pm
by Stravo
"See, there's this thing called a sick day. I'm entitled to it, I'm using one today and if you don't like it we can have a meeting with Human Resources and we'll go all the way up to the top. Now do you really think you need me there today? I didn't think so, and by the way, because you gave me a hard time about it, we'll be seeing each other in HR tomorrow morning."
Posted: 2004-01-14 09:28pm
by Chardok
*Shrug* Might not be, but if he threatens me with my job, what choice do I have? I gotta eat. I need surgery on my knee. when it comes right down to it, I have to look out for number one. and if that means going to work puking my guts out, well,
Posted: 2004-01-14 10:30pm
by TrailerParkJawa
If Im sick enough to call in, Im too sick to come in. I never call in sick just to get a day off.
So, they can screw themselves, Im not coming in. Luckily I dont work in an environment like that. Not only do my co-workers not want my cold, since our job is to TALK to people, we cant afford sore throats and such.
Posted: 2004-01-14 10:34pm
by Sporkzen
I'd suck it up and go in to work. I gotta take care of the homestead and my job is my only means of doing so. Though i would decide to make the coffee that day and make it so strong you could eat it with a spoon. Did that last time i was called in when i was sick. Boss was sick all day too *evil laugh*
Posted: 2004-01-14 10:34pm
by Ghost Rider
If my boss threatens with job, I can truly tell her.
"Okay, but you're most definitly not going to like the next three weeks of hell you'll go through."
Knowing how easily she can get sick, she doesn't even try. That and I don't take days off unless I am sick.
Posted: 2004-01-14 10:51pm
by El Moose Monstero
If I was really ill, I'd get a doctors note to testify for the fact and then remind my boss that they can be hit by a wrongful dismissal case if they sack me.
If I was faking it, then I'd come in, but I'd do my damndest to look ill and generally knackered in the process - but then I wouldnt really call in sick without a good reason anyway, biting the hand that feeds you and all, unless I had a really really good reason to do it.
Posted: 2004-01-14 10:52pm
by Soontir C'boath
All I need is a note from my mom and bring it the next day.~Jason
Posted: 2004-01-14 11:15pm
by aerius
If I call in sick, I really am sick, and my boss can go fuck himself. One asshole boss did threaten me with firing, I was too sick & pissed to argue so I just said "fine, whatever, but you'll be hearing from the labour board and my lawyer". I gave him a few more seconds to rant & shit and then said "are you done? 'Cause I gotta go throw up now" and I hung up on him.
Of course a lot of people have no fucking work ethic and call in sick just so they can watch a football game or some shit like that. I've worked with fuckers who call in sick just to play golf, no wonder some bosses give people a hard time on sickdays. You have fucking paid holidays, use the fucking things, don't give me this "I have a sore throat, *cough* *cough*" bullshit. It fucks up relations throughout the company.
Posted: 2004-01-15 01:30am
by TrailerParkJawa
When I was a teen I had the flu, I remember being stupid enough to go get a doctors note for an excuse. I had to pay $50 bucks at a clinic to get an excuse to miss $13.40 of wages.
Had I a little more sense I would have simply said sorry, I have the flu there is nothing a doctor can do.
Posted: 2004-01-15 01:51am
by Knife
Most jobs have a procedure for their sick leave. If you follow it, they really don't have a leg to stand on. Every time I call in sick (and I don't fake it. If I'm not dying I work) my boss gives me a guilt trip. But since I'm usualy a fucking snotty mess when I call in sick, it doesn't work to well.
Posted: 2004-01-15 05:20am
by Faram
Why the hell would the boss demand that you come in if you are sick?
And threaten you? Man you need to change job ASAP!
If I call in sick I send a mail sick today back as soon as I get well and that’s it.
Posted: 2004-01-15 06:46am
by Dahak
If you're sick, you're sick.
Here, you can be sick for 3 days without having to hand in a attestation.
There are no "sick days" here, and your boss can't just fire you for being sick... (firing someone in Germany is a tedious process, unless you blow up the company, and even that's debateable
Posted: 2004-01-15 07:23am
by Dargos
Dahak wrote:If you're sick, you're sick.
Here, you can be sick for 3 days without having to hand in a attestation.
There are no "sick days" here, and your boss can't just fire you for being sick... (firing someone in Germany is a tedious process, unless you blow up the company, and even that's debateable
Amen brother!! Screw those fuckers...if you are sick you are freaking SICK. I think I would go into severe culture shock if I had to work in the States again.. ....under threat of unemployment due to the have to be kidding me.
Posted: 2004-01-15 11:10am
by Tsyroc
TrailerParkJawa wrote:If Im sick enough to call in, Im too sick to come in. I never call in sick just to get a day off.
Bingo!. I haven't missed school or work since 1985 except to attend the funerals of my great grandfather and my grandfather. If and when I call in sick they are going to know that I mean it.
Once in the Navy I got relieved from watch because I had to run to the can every 20 minutes. As far as contamination, I got sick because I got to the ship after it had been on deployment for 5 months and all the funky crap that 6,000 guys can get into perculated into a nasty stomach virus which I got by being in close quarters with them.
TrailerParkJawa wrote:
So, they can screw themselves, Im not coming in. Luckily I dont work in an environment like that. Not only do my co-workers not want my cold, since our job is to TALK to people, we cant afford sore throats and such.
That's how I feel. I've taken enough shit and had to work by myself and worse because people have called in sick, or better yet, taken a personal day. Since I work the night shift on weekends you can guess how often I've been just outright fucked by assholes who decide they have something more important to do that evening or night than come in an do their frickin' job.
Ocassionally, I wouldn't mind because work is just something you do to finance the real part of your life but it really pisses me off when I have to keep doing someone else's job plus mine because they decide to call in 20 minutes before the shift starts. You try getting someone to fill in or stay late on a Friday/Saturday night at 10:00PM. If you're calling in ther better be a good reason (getting some
really fine ass counts as long as it doesn't happen all the time).
In my case I work in a hospital so you'd think I'd get sick more often than I do. I think what has been saving me is that I have to scrub my hands so often because I make IVs all the time. It also helps that I'm anti-social.
It's annoying though, all the people who have kids come in hacking and sniffling all the time.
My department also seems to have a inordinant amount of people who suffer from migraines and cluster headaches.
I know that several of them have been medically diagnosed but it's still a pain because it was everyone's excuse for awhile.
The way I look at it. If you aren't dangerously contageous, can stay away from a restroom for 30minutes or more at a time, and you are physically capable of working you might as well feel like shit on the boss's dime. My sick time and my vacation time come out of the same pool so I'm not wasting my vacation on blowing off work or being sick.
Posted: 2004-01-15 11:20am
by Tsyroc
Dahak wrote:If you're sick, you're sick.
Here, you can be sick for 3 days without having to hand in a attestation.
There are no "sick days" here, and your boss can't just fire you for being sick... (firing someone in Germany is a tedious process, unless you blow up the company, and even that's debateable
That's actually how it is where I work. After 3 days you need a note from a physician. If the person is chronically sick the Family and Medical Leave act can make your employer hold your job open for several months at least (we had a few people make use of that last year. Nothing like having people unable to work but you can't hire anyone to fill their shifts either because they are techically in that slot).
Posted: 2004-01-15 09:35pm
by Broomstick
Unfortunately, I've never been quite as hale and hearty as other folks and after multiple bouts of pneumonia, ear/sinus infections that drained tha most amazing technicolor sludge, and other such problems I finally conceded that maybe I needed re-think the old warrior ethic in my case.
So I found employment in a situation where I could take a day off sick without the world coming to an end. Wow, what a concept - adjust your employment to your capabilities.
Where I am now, half the division is MD's, and 2/3's have degress in public health. If you show up sick they'll get pissed and send you home - and just try hiding your symptoms for 8 hours when amongst doctors and nurses and PhD's in things like epidemeology. Of course, if you're faking you'd better be sure your list of symptoms makes sense or else they'll call you on the carpet for that.
I don't apply for jobs where I MUST come into work sick or not - it wouldn't be fair to others, and certainly not fair to me. So... I've eliminated this being a problem in my life.
Re: Calling in sick
Posted: 2004-01-15 10:13pm
by Hethrir
Shrykull wrote:What would you do if you called in sick and your boss said......................
I don't believe you, you're coming in if you want a job
Suck it up and come in anyway
well I know my boss and it would be an amusing joke, I would chuckle weakly, due to the illness, and say 'cya tomorrow if I feel better.'
Posted: 2004-01-16 07:52pm
by Shrykull
Faram wrote:Why the hell would the boss demand that you come in if you are sick?
And threaten you? Man you need to change job ASAP!
Never actually happened to me, though I overheard someone talking about it- that the manager said- suck it up and come in anyway, when I worked at a grocery store. I like my current job at verizon, I'm a temp, but it's more money then I've ever gotten per hour , and the boss is VERY lenient and generous, we've had parties in the conference room for retirees, and temps who's time was up, I'm gonna get one too
Posted: 2004-01-16 09:10pm
by Mr Bean
If I were to call in sick
"flash back style string sound"
Me:Hello? Chief?, I'm puking my ass off and feeling like shit
Chief:I'm sorry to here that, I'll be sure to have someone move the trashcan next to your desk, Don't forget PT this afternoon
Me: uugmhmmmufff.... Chief? Hello?
Chief: Yes its me, you sound like shit there
Me: Yeah, don't know what it is, I can't even fucking get out of bed, I'm thinking about calling Medical
Chief: Yeah you probably set up an appointment sometime this week
Me: Week? I was gonna call up toda....
Chief: Today? Your on shift today! Tommrow's your day off right? Go see the Doc then, see you here in twenty minutes
Me: But Chief I can't even move!
Chief:Does your building have an elevator?
Me: Yes......why?
Chief: I'll send by (X) and he'll bring you in, I'll give him your desk chair and he has a truck so he can just wheel you on in, better bring your jacket it might be abit nippy in the truckbed there
Of course once I acutal get INTO work the story changes totaly, and while calling in still means your coming to work regardless of your problem short of multiple gunshot wounds, once I acutal am AT work I could leave for something as minor as a papercut
Posted: 2004-01-17 12:08am
by Shrykull
Mr Bean wrote:If I were to call in sick
"flash back style string sound"
Me:Hello? Chief?, I'm puking my ass off and feeling like shit
Chief:I'm sorry to here that, I'll be sure to have someone move the trashcan next to your desk, Don't forget PT this afternoon
Me: uugmhmmmufff.... Chief? Hello?
Chief: Yes its me, you sound like shit there
Me: Yeah, don't know what it is, I can't even fucking get out of bed, I'm thinking about calling Medical
Chief: Yeah you probably set up an appointment sometime this week
Me: Week? I was gonna call up toda....
Chief: Today? Your on shift today! Tommrow's your day off right? Go see the Doc then, see you here in twenty minutes
Me: But Chief I can't even move!
Chief:Does your building have an elevator?
Me: Yes......why?
Chief: I'll send by (X) and he'll bring you in, I'll give him your desk chair and he has a truck so he can just wheel you on in, better bring your jacket it might be abit nippy in the truckbed there
Of course once I acutal get INTO work the story changes totaly, and while calling in still means your coming to work regardless of your problem short of multiple gunshot wounds, once I acutal am AT work I could leave for something as minor as a papercut
I apparently have a very good immune system, I absolutely never get colds (I can not specifically remember any time I've ever had one) and when I get a flu it's usually gone right after I sleep. I've never had mono before, and if I need to have it to become immune I'd like to have it now (is there a vaccine?) I did have a rather bad case of chicken pox one summer, that's the sickest I ever was.