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Pet problem

Posted: 2004-01-19 09:52pm
by Bug-Eyed Earl
I noticed while I was on the phone with my brother my dog was moving aorund in an odd manner, and when I got off the phone, she started staggering and falling around.

As I rushed upstairs to find an emergency vet, I called her as I searched through the phone book to see if she had come out of it, and she ran upstairs a little slower than usual, but just as happy as ever and back to normal.

So I found a 24 hour clinic but it has ridiculous prices, and I don't even have enough gas in my car to get there, so I decided that if she seems normal for the rest of the night, I'll let it wait until tomorrow. If I had the money, I'd be at that clinic right now, but alas, I don't, so I hope you won't be too critical of me for waiting.

Does anyone have any idea what this could be? She's only 3 and a half and there's nothing around the house that she could have gotten into thatowuld make her sick.

Posted: 2004-01-19 10:20pm
by Zaia
What was your dog doing before your phone conversation with your brother?

Posted: 2004-01-19 10:24pm
by Bug-Eyed Earl
She was wandering around the house.

Posted: 2004-01-19 11:08pm
by Zaia
Hmmm. Since you said there wasn't anything for her to get into that would make her sick, I was wondering if she had been sleeping beforehand, and had gotten a cramp in her leg or something. My cats would do that sometimes--they'd be sleeping, get up after a bit, and stagger around drunkenly like they were finding their sea-legs.

Of course, my cat Gwen who recently died did that at the end of her illness when she was really sick, but that's because she was dehydrated and was slowly being poisoned to death through kidney failure. That sort of things doesn't come on suddenly and disappear suddenly, so that isn't what's the matter with your baby I'm sure.

Sorry, man. I thought maybe I could help, but it seems I can't.

PS~I don't blame you for keeping her home and not taking her to the expensive clinic. I would have done exactly what you did.

Posted: 2004-01-20 08:21am
by Chardok
Yahyah! Probably just a cramp or something. Maybe gas pain. did the dog yowl or whine or anything? Was she/he responsive whilst staggering? doesn't sound like a seizure or anything. Think she'll/he'll be fine, worry you not.