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Shooting Club at UT: Success!

Posted: 2004-01-24 12:14am
by Nathan F
Well, I decided to start a shooting club here at UT, as some of you may know. Me and a couple friends put up flyers around the campus advertising an interest meeting for the organization tonight.

I was expecting 10, MAYBE 15 or 20 people to attend. After everyone was present, there were 35 people there! And that's not everyone that's interested in it, either! I have recieved a few emails from people who want to join up, but weren't able to make the meeting.

So, now UT has a Shooting Club that will participate in formal and informal competition and firearms education. All because of ME.

*ego expands*

Posted: 2004-01-24 11:46am
by muse
Now you gotta get a shooting range built at your university, that would be cool! As I remember it the University of Toronto has a gun club complete with an indoor shooting range. Now there's a goal to shoot for.

Posted: 2004-01-24 12:01pm
by Montcalm
You are now on the US government list of potential enemy of the states :wink: