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Iraq in the Bible

Posted: 2004-01-26 07:37am
by Tsyroc
This was sent to me as an email. I thought it was interesting
but didn't think it needed to be in the SLAM forum since it's dealing more
with the biblical mythology of Iraq than it is with science or religion.


Just in case you might think of Iraq as "only" an oil rich nation, ruled by
an evil dictator for 30 years, whether it has been supporting terrorists or
may not be very important, here are a few important facts regarding the
important history and roles that this nation has played down through


1. The garden of Eden was in Iraq. (it sure doesn't look much like Paradise
on earth today thanks to Saddam)

2. Mesopotamia which is now Iraq was the cradle of civilization!

3. Noah built the ark in Iraq.

4. The Tower of Babel was in Iraq.

5. Abraham was from Ur, which is in Southern Iraq!

6. Isaac's wife Rebekah is from Nahor which is in Iraq.

7. Jacob met Rachel in Iraq.

8. Jonah preached in Nineveh - which is in Iraq.

9. Assyria which is in Iraq conquered the ten tribes of Israel.

10. Amos cried out in Iraq!

11. Babylon which is in Iraq destroyed Jerusalem.

12. Daniel was in the lion's den in Iraq!

13. The 3 Hebrew children were in the fire in Iraq.

14. Belshazzar, the King of Babylon saw the "writing on the wall" in Iraq.
(which hopefully Saddam will too!)

15. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, carried the Jews captive into Iraq.

16. Ezekiel preached in Iraq.

17. The wise men were from Iraq. (where are the "wise" men today?)

18. Peter preached in Iraq.

19. The "Empire of Man" described in Revelation is called Babylon which was
a city in Iraq!
And you have probably seen this one. Israel is the nation most often
mentioned in the Bible. But do you know which nation is second? It is
Iraq! However, that is not the name that is used in the Bible. The names
used in the Bible are Babylon, Land of Shinar, and Mesopotamia. The word
Mesopotamia means between the two rivers, more exactly between the Tigris
and Euphrates Rivers. The name Iraq, means country with deep roots. Indeed
Iraq is a country with deep roots and is a very significant country in the
Bible. Here's why.
  • Eden was in Iraq--Genesis 2:10-14
  • Adam & Eve were created in Iraq--Genesis 2:7-8
  • Satan made his first recorded appearance in Iraq--Genesis 3:1-6
  • Nimrod established Babylon & Tower of Babel was built in Iraq-- Genesis
    10:8-97 & 11:1-4
  • The confusion of the languages took place in Iraq--Genesis
  • Abraham came from a city in Iraq--Genesis 11:31 & Acts 7:2-4
  • Isaac's bride came from Iraq--Genesis 24:3-4 & 10
  • Jacob spent 20 years in Iraq--Genesis 27:42-45 & 31:38
  • The first world Empire was in Iraq--Daniel 1:1-2 &2:36-38
  • The greatest revival in history was in a city in Iraq--Jonah 3
  • The events of the book of Esther took place in Iraq--Esther
  • The book of Nahum was a prophecy against a city in Iraq--Nahum
  • The book or Revelation has prophecies against Babylon, which was the old name for the nation of Iraq--Revelation 17 & 18
No other nation, except Israel, has more history and prophecy associated
with it than Iraq

Posted: 2004-01-26 07:47am
by Gandalf
Well that's some weird shit, though I imagine that this can add further justification to the war in Iraq.

"We're freeing the Holy Land."

Posted: 2004-01-26 07:52am
by Tsyroc
Gandalf wrote:Well that's some weird shit, though I imagine that this can add further justification to the war in Iraq.

"We're freeing the Holy Land."

That concerns me a bit too. Hopefully that was not the author's intent, although it would have been nice if there was a bunch of non-biblical references to Iraq's history.

Re: Iraq in the Bible

Posted: 2004-01-26 11:32am
by The Aliens
3. Noah built the ark in Iraq.
:roll: Yeah, we have concrete evidence of that ark today
Israel is the nation most often
mentioned in the Bible. But do you know which nation is second? It is
If these ancient people were writing in an area that was essentially Israel on one side and Mesopotamia surrounding it, where do you think the two most mentioned nations are going to be?
No other nation, except Israel, has more history and prophecy associated with it than Iraq
Yeah, the Native Americans were big on writing about Israel- funny how the author assumes the only prophecy and history come from the Bible.

This looks to be one of the 'we're doing the Iraqis a favour by smashing them flat and taking back our Holy Land!'

Posted: 2004-01-26 11:39am
by Zac Naloen
Yeh, the only reason i supported the war was because it opened up the chances of archaological research of babylon and mesopotamia and the like.

Posted: 2004-01-26 11:46am
by HemlockGrey
Yeah, because you know, first Iraq was in the Bible, then it vanished from the face of the Earth for the next 5,000 years.

Abbasid Caliphate? What's that?

Re: Iraq in the Bible

Posted: 2004-01-28 07:01pm
by The Dark
Tsyroc wrote:

10. Amos cried out in Iraq!
Not so. Amos was from the Southern Kingdom, Judah. Bethel is very near the city of Ai, about one-third of the way from Jerusalem to Samaria.
17. The wise men were from Iraq. (where are the "wise" men today?)
Not true. The word used is "magi," which is the proper term for a Zoroastrian preacher. The Zoroastrians were Iranian, not Iraqi.
18. Peter preached in Iraq.
No evidence for this. The only inland city in the Middle East that we know Paul visited is Antioch, which is in Turkey. He also visited Sidon and Caesarea, but one is Syrian and the other Israeli.
Eden was in Iraq--Genesis 2:10-14
Adam & Eve were created in Iraq--Genesis 2:7-8
These are the same story.
Satan made his first recorded appearance in Iraq--Genesis 3:1-6
The serpent is never called Satan; the name Satan does not appear in the Old Testament until after the Babylonian Exile.

:roll: This author's obviously not a decent Biblical scholar. *Le sigh* Oh, well. Thanks for providing me with a few minutes of amusement, Tsyroc :D .