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Damage from a solar flare

Posted: 2004-01-27 12:03am
by Shinova
If a ship was somehow close to a sun and got hit directly by a solar flare, how much damage in tons would it receive?

Re: Damage from a solar flare

Posted: 2004-01-27 12:07am
by Queeb Salaron
Shinova wrote:If a ship was somehow close to a sun and got hit directly by a solar flare, how much damage in tons would it receive?
I'd have to do some calculations, but I'd say at least buckets o' damage.

In English units, of course, it's called a "wicked ton."

Posted: 2004-01-27 07:35am
by Chardok
Do you mean like in equivalent tons of TNT, or do you mean how many tons like PSI is exerted upon the hull?

Posted: 2004-01-27 11:01am
by The Aliens
How close is the ship and how severe is the flare?