On of those "Blade runner days"
Posted: 2002-10-12 05:22am
I meant to post this yesterday but forgot.
Yesterday was one of those days where I awoke to the sound of rain bucketing down hard, it was still going when I went to work and still going when that finished 8 hours later. It continued throughout the evening into the night, until well after midnight. Floods built up in places, (small floods a couple of inches deep in hollows in roads etc, the kind that drag the steering wheel to the side if you hit them at speed).
This morning, the sky is clear and blue, with not a cloud to be seen. But I've also noticed that the Bann is up, and throughout the day will probably continue to rise and flood the surrounding fields as runoff from yesterday's day of heavy rain pours into it.
That's all.
Yesterday was one of those days where I awoke to the sound of rain bucketing down hard, it was still going when I went to work and still going when that finished 8 hours later. It continued throughout the evening into the night, until well after midnight. Floods built up in places, (small floods a couple of inches deep in hollows in roads etc, the kind that drag the steering wheel to the side if you hit them at speed).
This morning, the sky is clear and blue, with not a cloud to be seen. But I've also noticed that the Bann is up, and throughout the day will probably continue to rise and flood the surrounding fields as runoff from yesterday's day of heavy rain pours into it.
That's all.