Asshole principal of my old school get an article in the NYT
Posted: 2004-01-29 01:27am ... ucate.html
Yup, my old HS was like that. Too bad the article is basically a re-typing of the artcile published. Not a word about the plight of the TLA major, the Fall 2003 Lockdown, or anything else.
Btw, I had Friedman as a teacher and read "Continental Drift". Unlike what the article says, he is an asshole, but "Continetal Drift " is a good book, and Big Mac was clearly showing off his amazing case of head-up-the-ass sybdrome.
Have a very nice day.
Yup, my old HS was like that. Too bad the article is basically a re-typing of the artcile published. Not a word about the plight of the TLA major, the Fall 2003 Lockdown, or anything else.
Btw, I had Friedman as a teacher and read "Continental Drift". Unlike what the article says, he is an asshole, but "Continetal Drift " is a good book, and Big Mac was clearly showing off his amazing case of head-up-the-ass sybdrome.
Have a very nice day.