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Posted: 2002-10-13 10:06pm
by haas mark
Okay, I may just be the ultimate sadist now...
If you decided you would commit suicide, how would you do it? I am not saying I am having suicidal thoughts (nor homicidal--no, I am NOT the sniper as weemadando thinks I am), but I am just weirdly curious and oddly fascinated by this.
That's all.
As for me, I'd prolly be simple and plunge a steak knife into my heart. This I HAVE actually thougth about before, but I'm not living there any more...
Posted: 2002-10-13 10:11pm
by Kuja
*looks at an old scar on wrist for a long time*
I wouldn't. Suicide is for someone who can't take it anymore. It's a way of saying 'I give up.' Some people, who kill themselves because they flunked a grade or break up with a boyfriend, I don't understand. There are fucking BUMS on the street with more courage than that. Of all dumb ideas, suicide takes the cake.
Posted: 2002-10-13 10:11pm
by salm
i´d roll up a joint and then decide to do all that hard work tomorow.
Posted: 2002-10-13 10:15pm
by Mr Bean
Death is Falure
Thefore Sucided is not an Option
Posted: 2002-10-13 10:36pm
by EmperorMing
Mr Bean wrote:Death is Falure
Thefore Sucided is not an Option
At least make it worthwhile; AKA suicide mission.
Posted: 2002-10-13 10:37pm
by haas mark
EmperorMing wrote:Mr Bean wrote:Death is Falure
Thefore Sucided is not an Option
At least make it worthwhile; AKA suicide mission.
I could make a snide comment about Muslim terrorists, but I'm not that mean.
Posted: 2002-10-13 10:37pm
by Kuja
EmperorMing wrote:Mr Bean wrote:Death is Falure
Thefore Sucided is not an Option
At least make it worthwhile; AKA suicide mission.
different situation Ming, and you know it.
Posted: 2002-10-13 10:42pm
by Evil Jerk
Suicide for me would only be an option if all my doomsday devices failed, US forces were pouring into my base and for some reason my escape pod was already being used by a drummer from an orchestra, but that'll never happen so I don't even think about it..

Posted: 2002-10-13 10:54pm
by aerius
There's quite a few ways to kill yourself, and most of them suck. Hell, dying sucks, but if I had to go it would be while I was doing something fun. I figure with the right drugs (and I'm likely quite wrong) I could die from a massive orgasm while having sex, and if I was terminally ill that's the way I'd like to go. Failing that I'd like some happy drugs put into my system, and die high and happy.
Posted: 2002-10-13 11:05pm
by RayCav of ASVS
I'd join some sort of conflict and make sure the enemy wastes me in an uber cool fashion, preferably via explosion
Posted: 2002-10-13 11:06pm
by Stormbringer
Find some Hell's Angels and start a gunfight. If nothing else it'd be a manly way to go.
Posted: 2002-10-13 11:19pm
by Cal Wright
I would find a way to get the people I hate the most ,(better do this in a stadium). Get them together and announce to them some garbbled riddle saying of death and 'boom!'. Now that would be some hell.
Posted: 2002-10-13 11:46pm
by Sea Skimmer
When I go down at least 5000 rounds of ammunition and ten large explosive devices have had better been expended in the past 10 minutes.
A knife in the heart is a bad way to go BTW. If you have the will to plunge such into your heart, you easily have the will to live.
Posted: 2002-10-13 11:52pm
by Sea Skimmer
Evil Jerk wrote:Suicide for me would only be an option if all my doomsday devices failed, US forces were pouring into my base and for some reason my escape pod was already being used by a drummer from an orchestra, but that'll never happen so I don't even think about it..

We'll even though my guards could beat off such an assault, and I have dozens of doomsday devices, I always have at least ten escape systems. My current bases systems include a LS F-22 with inert gas launching to clear the silo, a ramp launched rocket boosted F-108, a 60 knot sub, a ultimate 1000 ton tank, seven different helicopters, a sports car, several large trucks, various boats and naval vessels from a jet ski to a 600,000 ton 10 knot crude tanker, and if all else fails, a pair good running shoes.
Posted: 2002-10-13 11:59pm
by Joe
The easiest way for you to kill yourself would probably be to get doped up and slit your wrists in a warm bath. The pain wouldn't be too bad.
Of course this is also probably the worst way for you to kill yourself for other people. It's really unfair to make a person walk in, discover your dead body in a thick pool of blood, and then have to clean up afterwards.
Posted: 2002-10-14 12:40am
by Master of Ossus
I would just shoot myself in the head. What's the problem with that?
Posted: 2002-10-14 12:44am
by Mr. B
Master of Ossus wrote:I would just shoot myself in the head. What's the problem with that?
Good ol twelve guage to the head. Quick simple painless
Posted: 2002-10-14 12:53am
by EmperorMing
IG-88E wrote:EmperorMing wrote:Mr Bean wrote:Death is Falure
Thefore Sucided is not an Option
At least make it worthwhile; AKA suicide mission.
different situation Ming, and you know it.
If the concept of self-destruction comes up in any way, I think along these lines. Otherwise, there is no point ot commiting suicide (unless you want to make an art statement--now *that* is mean)
Posted: 2002-10-14 12:54am
by EmperorMing
Mr. B wrote:Master of Ossus wrote:I would just shoot myself in the head. What's the problem with that?
Good ol twelve guage to the head. Quick simple painless

Like I said...Art statement.

Posted: 2002-10-14 01:31am
by haas mark
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:I would find a way to get the people I hate the most ,(better do this in a stadium). Get them together and announce to them some garbbled riddle saying of death and 'boom!'. Now that would be some hell.
*scratches head* Umm...I think you missed the point...
Posted: 2002-10-14 02:39am
by EmperorMing
Now, if I *were* going to commit suicide, I would have it simulate sleep as much as possible. Just OD on something, go comatose and be done with it.
Posted: 2002-10-14 02:57am
by Sea Skimmer
EmperorMing wrote:Now, if I *were* going to commit suicide, I would have it simulate sleep as much as possible. Just OD on something, go comatose and be done with it.
The problem with that is it is not a sure thing, and survival would be quite nasty. It amazing how much you can OD on some thing and still live.
Really the only thing I would consider to do it with, if I ever seriously considered suicide would be eating a gun. The bullet damage path combine with the gun gases is a sure killer. Course the downside is the mess, not good if someone you care about is likely to find the body. But then if you care about that you shouldn't and hopefully wouldn't be committing suicide
Posted: 2002-10-14 03:14am
by Cal Wright
verilon wrote:DG_Cal_Wright wrote:I would find a way to get the people I hate the most ,(better do this in a stadium). Get them together and announce to them some garbbled riddle saying of death and 'boom!'. Now that would be some hell.
*scratches head* Umm...I think you missed the point...
No, you missed MY point. My point is if I'm going out, it's because of others. Therefore, they're coming with me. Kaboom!
Posted: 2002-10-14 03:18am
by Sea Skimmer
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:verilon wrote:DG_Cal_Wright wrote:I would find a way to get the people I hate the most ,(better do this in a stadium). Get them together and announce to them some garbbled riddle saying of death and 'boom!'. Now that would be some hell.
*scratches head* Umm...I think you missed the point...
No, you missed MY point. My point is if I'm going out, it's because of others. Therefore, they're coming with me. Kaboom!
Don't join SAC
Posted: 2002-10-14 03:24am
by weemadando
I'd jump. From something nice and high. I think a sea-cliff would be my choice as I love the ocean and have always wanted to fly... (shut up before you start wise-arses).