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Soda Wars: What do YOU call it? (serious)
Posted: 2002-10-14 01:59am
by Spanky The Dolphin
This is a serious poll, just to let any wise-asses know.
Just curious to know what everyone here generally calls carbonated beverages (EG, sodas like Coke, Pepsi, etc...), since there are regional differences. This isn't a "Which is your favorite?" but a "What do you call it?" poll.
I'd like for you to vote for one of the options above, then post with your answer and location (but you don't have to give that out if you really don't want to.)
I'll start.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA. But most around here call it pop. Mine is a personal preference.
Posted: 2002-10-14 02:47am
by Raxmei
I called it pop back when I lived in Minnesota. Now I live in California and the local dialect has corrupted me. I call it soda.
Posted: 2002-10-14 02:58am
by Sea Skimmer
Soda, or I specific the brand.
Posted: 2002-10-14 03:16am
by Cal Wright
Coke. It's a surefire test to know if you have a yankee in the midst. Sweet Home Alabama!!!
Posted: 2002-10-14 03:40am
by Darth Eris
Coke. Unless I'm at a restaurant, in which case it's a soda, soft drink, or Dr. Pepper.
Posted: 2002-10-14 05:39am
by Slartibartfast
Posted: 2002-10-14 05:54am
by haas mark
Coke, unless I'm ordsering it. Then it's usually Dr. Pepper or Mr. Pibb.
Posted: 2002-10-14 08:38am
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Posted: 2002-10-14 08:50am
by phongn
Coke. I've been corrupted by the South.
Posted: 2002-10-14 08:51am
by Mr Bean
Since I drink only Coke(Well I occsionaly get Cherry Coke, Mr Pib or one of the others but the twenty cases of Coke in my basement well..

Its Coke

Posted: 2002-10-14 08:58am
by Kelly Antilles
Spanky, it's Coke all over the South, not just in Texas. Get your facts straight first.
I call it Coke because that's what I drink. If I am unfortunate enough to be eating at an establishment that serves that other drink, I'll get a Mt. Dew. I HATE Pepsi. Ick.
(Gee, Bean, you sound like me.)
Posted: 2002-10-14 09:11am
by Nick
Soft drink, because I'm an Australian

Posted: 2002-10-14 09:13am
by Tosho
Posted: 2002-10-14 09:28am
by salm
no general name, if it´s coke i call it cola if it´s pepsi i call it cola if it´s fanta i call it fanta if it´s 7-up i call it 7-up....
Posted: 2002-10-14 12:43pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Kelly Antilles wrote:Spanky, it's Coke all over the South, not just in Texas. Get your facts straight first.
Sorry about that. I was pretty sure that it was throughout the South, but not 100% sure. But I was 100% sure of Texas, so I went with that as the example of location.
I figured that if I'd rather go with what I considered the smaller screw-up if I was wrong.
Sorry, mom.

Posted: 2002-10-14 12:49pm
by XaLEv
I call them all Coke, because I am Texan and therefore superior to all of you.

Posted: 2002-10-14 02:07pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I usually call it by a drink's specific name. But, otherwise, I say soda.
Posted: 2002-10-14 02:33pm
by Larz
I tend to specify it (which it tends to be Mountian Dew... no gene pool diving for me

) unless I really don't care which then I'll call it soda.
Posted: 2002-10-14 04:36pm
by Kuja
most people I know in Buffalo call it pop. Here in Kent it's usually soda, but I'm sticking to my guns.
Posted: 2002-10-14 04:46pm
by haas mark
Kelly Antilles wrote:Spanky, it's Coke all over the South, not just in Texas. Get your facts straight first.
I call it Coke because that's what I drink. If I am unfortunate enough to be eating at an establishment that serves that other drink, I'll get a Mt. Dew. I HATE Pepsi. Ick.
(Gee, Bean, you sound like me.)
I agree with you on the Pepsi thing...but I found that it actuially tastes somewhat decent out of a can...

Posted: 2002-10-14 06:20pm
by HemlockGrey
I specify brand, or I call it soda. Here in the Philadelphia area, if you ask for 'pop', don't be surprised if you get knocked on your ass.

Posted: 2002-10-14 11:34pm
by TrailerParkJawa
My generic term is soda. Otherwise I use the name brand. Mostly Coke, but occasionally a Dr Pepper or Grape Soda.
Check out this link to see where people say what:
Posted: 2002-10-15 12:00am
by Stuart Mackey
First, I am a New Zealander. Here Coca Cola is known as coke or {insert flavour here, eg vanilla} coke. other fizy bevages are known by their brand name eg fanta or by the flavour then the brand name eg rasberry fanta.
The possible exception is lemonade, unless you sepecify the brand, lemonade is lemonade. I happen to think Schwepps classic dry is the superiour brand of lemonade.
Posted: 2002-10-15 12:03am
by Stuart Mackey
Kelly Antilles wrote:Spanky, it's Coke all over the South, not just in Texas. Get your facts straight first.
I call it Coke because that's what I drink. If I am unfortunate enough to be eating at an establishment that serves that other drink, I'll get a Mt. Dew. I HATE Pepsi. Ick.
(Gee, Bean, you sound like me.)
Gahh, Pepsi is grotty. Dont go to Vanuatu unless you are prepared to drink Pepsi, cause thats all they got outside of a supermarket.
Posted: 2002-10-15 12:08am
by Master of Ossus
I call it soda, generically. Coke is just a brand name, as is Pepsi or Doctor Pepper or 7-UP, for that matter.