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Raising the Speed Limit in Arizona

Posted: 2004-02-18 11:22am
by Tsyroc
Bill would jack up speed on I-10
# Current I-10 speed: 75 mph

# Proposed I-10 speed: 80 mph
The obsessive speed law would still go into effect at 85mph.

Too bad the original bill didn't make it.
The bill originally would have boosted the speed limit on sections of interstate and state highways with speed limits of 65 mph up to 70 mph and raised the excessive speeding level up from 85 to 90 mph.

I hope they plan on enforcing the lower speed limits as I10 goes through Tucson and Phoenix.

Posted: 2004-02-18 11:57am
by Zoink
That's about 130 kph, which is reasonable in some areas, IMHO.

Posted: 2004-02-18 11:58am
by Tsyroc
Zoink wrote:That's about 130 kph, which is reasonable in some areas, IMHO.
There are certainly roads in Arizona that are long, flat and very boring where the extra speed is nice.

Posted: 2004-02-18 12:36pm
by Dahak
*points, and laughs*

Such low speed limits are really a nuiscance. Luckily, I don't have to deal with those, and this "excessive speeding level" :)

Posted: 2004-02-18 01:32pm
by Queeb Salaron
If you've ever driven through Arizona you'd know that if you DON'T get through that damned state that quick, you'll either go nuts from heat stroke or else die of boredom.

Posted: 2004-02-18 02:05pm
by Xon
I dont think Australian outback roads have speed limits.

But generally the city highways are limited to 100-110kph

Posted: 2004-02-18 03:53pm
by Sea Skimmer
Queeb Salaron wrote:If you've ever driven through Arizona you'd know that if you DON'T get through that damned state that quick, you'll either go nuts from heat stroke or else die of boredom.
The faster your drive the better the air conditioner works :D

Posted: 2004-02-18 04:31pm
by Queeb Salaron
Sea Skimmer wrote:
Queeb Salaron wrote:If you've ever driven through Arizona you'd know that if you DON'T get through that damned state that quick, you'll either go nuts from heat stroke or else die of boredom.
The faster your drive the better the air conditioner works :D
Yes, but if you drive as fast as I do, you need to turn on the heat to help prevent overheating. ;)

Posted: 2004-02-18 04:36pm
by Guardsman Bass
If you've ever driven through Arizona you'd know that if you DON'T get through that damned state that quick, you'll either go nuts from heat stroke or else die of boredom.
Driving to Roswell, New Mexico was the same thing- so naturally I drove at 120 mph, and missed the damn cop sitting on the intersection of the interstate and back road :banghead:

Posted: 2004-02-18 04:40pm
by HemlockGrey
Wait, you mean there exist cities where they actually obey speed limits?

Posted: 2004-02-18 04:45pm
by Dahak
HemlockGrey wrote:Wait, you mean there exist cities where they actually obey speed limits?
As a German, the concept of obeying speed limits is a very strange one in general :lol: