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It's Official: Maryland Governor is F**ING IDIOT
Posted: 2002-10-16 02:17am
by MKSheppard
Maryland Gov. Parris Glendening said he would sign an executive order Wednesday temporarily banning outdoor recreational gunfire, including hunting, in metropolitan Washington counties until the sniper incidents are over.
The order, which will affect Montgomery, Prince George's, Anne Arundel and Howard counties, came at the request of county officials who said police already busy with sniper investigations are being swamped with calls about gunfire.
Well shit, he just made it illegal to hunt.......WHEE! I guess this will stop
the madman stalking us!
Posted: 2002-10-16 02:19am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Does this mean that from now on the sniper will be breaking two laws?
(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Posted: 2002-10-16 02:36am
by Rubberanvil
Gov. Parris Glendening isn't an idiot for signing the order. The order is to keep the mindless population from swamping the police everything they think they heard a gunshot outside of the city.
Posted: 2002-10-16 02:39am
by Sea Skimmer
Whole lot of hunting takes place inside of urban areas..
Posted: 2002-10-16 03:01am
by The Yosemite Bear
Not urban areas, all of Maryland, but then again, I have neighbors who after the Purdy incident thought a loud carbourator was small arms fire. Hell the week after the incident the campus police tried to stop us from FENCING because they were afraid we might be mistaken for rifle bags.
Posted: 2002-10-16 03:27am
by EmperorMing
They need to do this so that the sensor equipment can find this clown.
You have heard the military is going to be supporting the police with special equipment, right?
That and keep any unessessary gunfire to a minimum.
I want this clown DEAD!!!

Posted: 2002-10-16 03:28am
by EmperorMing
Heh! My last post was no. 357...

Posted: 2002-10-16 03:40am
by Enlightenment
EmperorMing wrote:You have heard the military is going to be supporting the police with special equipment, right?
The Pentagon is being very hush-hush about what they're deploying, however.
There's a lot of good reasons to keep the amount of gunfire to an absolute minimum if the DoD is going to be doing things under the table such as, for instance, using airborne recon assets to cue an AC-130...
Posted: 2002-10-16 04:07am
by Sea Skimmer
Enlightenment wrote:EmperorMing wrote:You have heard the military is going to be supporting the police with special equipment, right?
The Pentagon is being very hush-hush about what they're deploying, however.
There's a lot of good reasons to keep the amount of gunfire to an absolute minimum if the DoD is going to be doing things under the table such as, for instance, using airborne recon assets to cue an AC-130...
Thats similer in sanity to useing a Davy Crocket to create a smoke screen for a platoon sized assault.
Posted: 2002-10-16 04:16am
by EmperorMing
They are probably gonna use that anti-sniper equipment that can detect where the gunfire comes form.
Posted: 2002-10-16 09:29am
by aerius
Banning hunting in metropolitan counties and areas? Oh man that is so pricelessly retarded it ain't even funny, as if any "hunting" goes on in those areas other than drug dealers and other criminals and police shooting at each other. Yet another "feel good" law that will do jack shit. They ain't gonna catch the shooter with lame ass shit like this, but the sheeple don't know it and it makes them feel better, stupid sheeple. Sometimes I almost think they do deserve to get shot for being so dumb, almost.
Posted: 2002-10-16 10:19am
by Darth Wong
Being a little harsh, aren't we? If they really do have a device which can pick up muzzle flashes from the air, wouldn't it make sense to enact a temporary moratorium on all outdoor firing until they can catch the fucker? It's a lot easier to track down a sniper if he's the only one who ever fires a gun outdoors in the whole state.
Posted: 2002-10-16 11:03am
by Stravo
All the resources being put into this single sniper and we have drug dealers and gangbangers out there doing the same thing everyday. I just wonder sometimes where the government's priorites are when situations like this occur. I'm all for catching the son of a bitch and killing him, but at the same time this all makes me wonder why we can't focus more resources like this on the true cause of a lot of urban decay and rot - drugs, drug traffiking and all the shitty crimes that tag along with it. A lot of inner city mothers have lost children just like the victims of the random shootings.
Anyway, just thought I needed to air that out after reading that the Pentagon is providing secret assets to the search for this evil fuckwit. It would be nice if some of these secret resources would be used in other such crimes....but I guess when there's no media attention, there's no need, right?
Posted: 2002-10-16 01:03pm
by Mr Bean
Being a little harsh, aren't we? If they really do have a device which can pick up muzzle flashes from the air, wouldn't it make sense to enact a temporary moratorium on all outdoor firing until they can catch the fucker? It's a lot easier to track down a sniper if he's the only one who ever fires a gun outdoors in the whole state.
Except Wong its only Four Counties the Governer SAID his acutal reasons was because he though that people where on edge and any gunshots would make the police on edge and waste thier time not that the handy drones would find the guy(And need I point out the Muzzleflash can be defeated as easly as tapping a 2 inch square peice of cardboard on top of the muzzle less than a quater inch thick will defeat the 200k$ a Pop Drones? Just tape it on thier with ordinary ducktape, its low enough it does not intefer with the scoupe and large enough to hide flashs from any-airborn spotters(Or he could as it seems has done fire from the back of the truck and thus let the body contain the noise and flash)
Also its only four counties and thats not the only place the sniper has been shooting, How About Virginia? Close enough drive. Hear anything from that part of the country? Not likley...
Posted: 2002-10-16 03:24pm
by Enlightenment
Sea Skimmer wrote:
Thats similer in sanity to useing a Davy Crocket to create a smoke screen for a platoon sized assault.
No one ever accused the Puzzle Palace of being sane.
Re: It's Official: Maryland Governor is F**ING IDIOT
Posted: 2002-10-16 05:34pm
by Ted
Shep are so so bad that besdies being deaf, you're now going blind to?
He said TEMPORARILY, as in for a SHORT TIME.
When the thing blows over,people can go hunting again.
Though why you would care, as you cant even touch a gun legally anymore.
Re: It's Official: Maryland Governor is F**ING IDIOT
Posted: 2002-10-16 05:50pm
by MKSheppard
Ted wrote:Shep are so so bad that besdies being deaf, you're now going blind to?
He said TEMPORARILY, as in for a SHORT TIME.
When the thing blows over,people can go hunting again.
Though why you would care, as you cant even touch a gun legally anymore.
Ah AH, there is a little known clause known as restoration of CIVIL RIGHTS.
You used to, back in the 1980s, to be able to apply to the ATF to get
the right to use and OWN firearms back...but strangely enough, that
office was defunded during the 90s....while they were expanding like
crazy the ways you could become a convicted felon under Clintler....
And Mr. Glendening has set a PRECEDENT. Who's to say that this
Executive Order is never lifted? That's the bitch about those EO's,
only another EO can rescind them.
Re: It's Official: Maryland Governor is F**ING IDIOT
Posted: 2002-10-16 05:57pm
by aerius
Ted wrote:Shep are so so bad that besdies being deaf, you're now going blind to?
He said TEMPORARILY, as in for a SHORT TIME.
When the thing blows over,people can go hunting again.
Though why you would care, as you cant even touch a gun legally anymore.
Federal income tax was also supposed to be a temporary measure, and it's still in effect no? Firearms and weapons restriction laws have a historical habit of becoming permanent, I wouldn't be surprised if this one does as well.
Re: It's Official: Maryland Governor is F**ING IDIOT
Posted: 2002-10-16 06:00pm
by Ted
aerius wrote:Ted wrote:Shep are so so bad that besdies being deaf, you're now going blind to?
He said TEMPORARILY, as in for a SHORT TIME.
When the thing blows over,people can go hunting again.
Though why you would care, as you cant even touch a gun legally anymore.
Federal income tax was also supposed to be a temporary measure, and it's still in effect no? Firearms and weapons restriction laws have a historical habit of becoming permanent, I wouldn't be surprised if this one does as well.
The icome tax was found to be very good by the government, hence they kept it. Will the temporary banning of hunting be beneficial to the government? Probably not, with the likes of you and Shep running around.
Posted: 2002-10-16 06:04pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
The government in Maryland is avidly against guns. So why WOULDN'T they keep this law in effect?
Posted: 2002-10-16 06:16pm
by EmperorMing
Darth Wong wrote:Being a little harsh, aren't we? If they really do have a device which can pick up muzzle flashes from the air, wouldn't it make sense to enact a temporary moratorium on all outdoor firing until they can catch the fucker? It's a lot easier to track down a sniper if he's the only one who ever fires a gun outdoors in the whole state.
Actually, that was public information last I heard; it's just not widely known. And the last I read about it, it goes by sound. Set up the ground sensors, and let the coputers work the algorithms. If there is an air varient, I dam sure have not heard of it, and I woudl doubt to its effectiveness. But then again...

Posted: 2002-10-16 06:19pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Now, now, you two used to be good friends (I still ICQ with the both of You) what's the point of this sudden Hostility between the two of you.
Posted: 2002-10-16 06:19pm
by Mr Bean
If there is an air varient, I dam sure have not heard of it, and I woudl doubt to its effectiveness. But then again...
There a modifed Preaditor Drone Body with the Radonics and EM packages taken out and replaced with cameras and an advanced computer set up that scans the pics looking for imagaes consitant with a mussel-flash
The orgional idea I belive was to help in places like Nam and the Congos where troops are hunting Rebels in Dense Bush and fancy things like Suppresors are not avaible to the fokes on the ground
Re: It's Official: Maryland Governor is F**ING IDIOT
Posted: 2002-10-16 07:50pm
by MKSheppard
Ted wrote:
The icome tax was found to be very good by the government, hence they kept it. Will the temporary banning of hunting be beneficial to the government? Probably not, with the likes of you and Shep running around.
Don't get me started on how illegal the Income Tax is. There's something
seriously wrong when you're making just $5.65 an hour as a clerk for CVS,
and you see 25% of your salary disappear in the various income taxes,
state taxes, social security deductions even BEFORE you get your money...
Posted: 2002-10-16 07:51pm
by MKSheppard
THe Yosemite Bear wrote:Now, now, you two used to be good friends (I still ICQ with the both of You) what's the point of this sudden Hostility between the two of you.
Ted is just playing around with me....
I guess the next time I visit canada, I'll have to bring a
model SA-7 SAM to down his CF-18 Hornet R/C model
with Jet Engines...