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Stupid, Stupid, STUPID kids + father's Mazda equals...

Posted: 2004-03-02 03:32am
by Vertigo1
7 dead teens and pieces of scrap metal of what used to be a car
from the site wrote:A car driven by a 15-year-old with a learner's permit went airborne early Sunday and hit a tree, killing him and all six other teens in the vehicle, police said.

Relatives said the driver, Michael Fradella, had taken his father's keys while family members were asleep.

The four girls killed had been at a slumber party where they apparently left through a window, investigators said.

Steve Shular, spokesman for the Shelby County sheriff's department, said that investigators believe the westbound car was traveling at high speed and went airborne after topping a small hill.

A motorist came upon the wreckage at 2:30 a.m.

All died at the scene.

The black Mazda Protege left no skid marks and went off the south side of a two-lane road in a semi-rural area.

Other victims were identified as Samantha Stawizynski, 15; Trey Hanna, 15; Lauren Sutherland, 15; Jessica Wallace, 13; Crystal Smith, 13; and Eric Sansone, 14.

The four girls had been at a slumber party at Crystal's Smith's home, Shular said.

The girls were in the care of Crystal's grandmother, who was not identified.

The girls apparently locked the bedroom door behind them and left through a window.

Michael Fradella's brother, Joe Fradella said, "I woke up about 5 o'clock and my dad said, 'I can't find your brother. We need to go look for him.' He had taken the keys to my dad's car while everyone was asleep, around 2 or 2:30. I guess he went out and scooped up his friends."

When they called Michael's cell phone, a police officer answered.

All were students at Millington Middle School.

Tennessee law requires those with learner's permits who are under 18 to be accompanied by a parent, stepparent, grandparent or legal guardian who must ride in the front seat.

Such adults must have a valid driver's license.

John Launius, a school teacher at Crosspointe Baptist Church, where he had taught some of those killed, visited the site Sunday to pay his respects.

"They were good kids. A lot of kids loved them," he said, wiping away tears.

There was no evidence of alcohol use, Shular said.

Routine toxicological tests were ordered.

Millington is just north of Memphis in Shelby County.

(Copyright 2004 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
They hit the damn tree so fast that they weren't even whole. They found the head of one of the kids in the tree that the car hit. The car went over a hill, going airborne, and hit the tree doing 80 mph. Eighty fucking miles per hour! STUPID!!! Dammit, this really burns me up. The only remains that were ID'd at the scene was the driver, and thats only because he had his learner's permit with him. The rest took several hours to ID because they had no form if ID on them at all, and that their bodies were in such bad shape. They had to cut the body of the car into three seperate pieces just to get them out.

What I want to know is, what the FUCK was that stupid kid thinking driving that fast on such a whippy country road thats already slightly dangerous to drive at the speed limit. This is so fucking stupid, they don't even deserve a darwin award.

Posted: 2004-03-02 03:36am
by Rogue 9
Oh my God... I don't believe this.

Posted: 2004-03-02 03:38am
by Vertigo1
Tell me about it. I could literally be at the site of the accident in 10 - 15 minutes....

Posted: 2004-03-02 05:34am
by Comosicus
Maybe that kid deserved it and the others that let him going that fast, but still you can't feel sorry for them.

Re: Stupid, Stupid, STUPID kids + father's Mazda equals...

Posted: 2004-03-02 06:44am
by KhyronTheBackstabber
Vertigo1 wrote: What I want to know is, what the FUCK was that stupid kid thinking driving that fast on such a whippy country road thats already slightly dangerous to drive at the speed limit. This is so fucking stupid, they don't even deserve a darwin award.

I would suspect he was trying to impress one or more of the girls, and ended up getting them all dead. The only one I don't feel sorry for is the kid who was driving. And you’re right he doesn’t deserve the Darwin, he deserves the Red Forman Award. "Dumb Ass!"
Normally this is where I'd put the Red Forman Award pic up, but Free Hosting is dead. Ass holes.

Posted: 2004-03-02 07:26am
by BlkbrryTheGreat
Rogue 9 wrote:Oh my God... I don't believe this.
Why not? Stories like this are hardly unbelievable, or even rare for that matter. Did you know these people or something?

Posted: 2004-03-02 07:51am
by Col. Crackpot
the driver is a pantload, plain and simple. The other kids didn't deserve this though. Jesus, one girl was 13 years old. ughhh.... makes me sick.

Posted: 2004-03-02 11:41am
BlkbrryTheGreat wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:Oh my God... I don't believe this.
Why not? Stories like this are hardly unbelievable, or even rare for that matter. Did you know these people or something?

It's not the stupidity. Hell, we laugh at that all the time(*coughDarwinAwardscough*). but the fact that he took six other kids with him that's the tragedy.

Posted: 2004-03-02 11:47am
by Admiral Valdemar
This is more evidence that stupidity claims innocent lives as well as the jackass who did such a stupid stunt.

Posted: 2004-03-02 01:32pm
by BlkbrryTheGreat
SAMAS wrote:
BlkbrryTheGreat wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:Oh my God... I don't believe this.
Why not? Stories like this are hardly unbelievable, or even rare for that matter. Did you know these people or something?

It's not the stupidity. Hell, we laugh at that all the time(*coughDarwinAwardscough*). but the fact that he took six other kids with him that's the tragedy.
Yes its a tragedy, but in all fairness I seriously doubt they were trying to stop him. Its not like they didn't know that they were going for a joy ride either; they would still be alive if they stopped and thought about the inherint dangers of such an activity. So, in my opinion, they share at least part of the responsibility of their deaths.

Posted: 2004-03-02 01:35pm
by Rogue 9
Col. Crackpot wrote:the driver is a pantload, plain and simple.
Was, you mean. :(

Posted: 2004-03-02 02:41pm
by Chardok
Am I the only one who, in their mind's eye saw that scene from the national lampoon's <Whatever> vacation...the one with the class trip to washington, where the trekkie commandeers a van, and they jum[ this hill into a lake...


Posted: 2004-03-02 05:21pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Once again, it is proven that immaturity and idiocy is a deadly combination in cases like this. I'd say it's worthy of a Darwin Award.

Posted: 2004-03-02 05:26pm
by Tasoth
Well they're brilliant. Or more then likely not. You can't feel sorry for a kid who does that or anyone who is willing to go along with it. They knew the plan, since they locked the door and left via a window. Get 'em out of the gene pool.

Posted: 2004-03-02 05:33pm
by Hamel
I can only feel sorry for the parents in this case~ Stupid brats.

Posted: 2004-03-02 05:35pm
by Nathan F
Know where at in Memphis this was, Verti?

Sad, really, but it just goes to show that the slap on the wrist kids get for driving violations isn't enough.


Just saw that they went to school in Millington, so I'm assuming it was somewhere around there...

Posted: 2004-03-02 05:36pm
by Tribun
That is really one of the most serious car accidents I ever heared. :shock:
But it is thier own fault, no one's else.

Posted: 2004-03-02 06:57pm
by Comosicus
Damn stupid kids. Makes one consider twice where he puts the car keys.

Posted: 2004-03-02 10:55pm
by muse
Almost exactly the same happened to some kids about half an hour from where I live. There's a scenic road with short rolling hills, blind turns, switchbacks, and all sorts of other hazards. The speed limit as I recall is only about 50km/h, the kids in question were doing over 120km/ can guess how well that ended. They flew off the hill and nosed in with predictable results. Stupid stupid kids..what a waste..

Posted: 2004-03-02 11:32pm
by Darth Yoshi
Idiots. That's why you shouldn't learn to drive until you've taken at least high school physics.

Posted: 2004-03-02 11:48pm
by Montcalm
Cars should have a limited speed they can reach,maximum 30 or 40 mph for beginners :roll:

Posted: 2004-03-02 11:56pm
by Hyperion
Good God... What a waste.

Even I had the good sense not to do shit like that when I first got my permit and later my license, it took about 6 months before I started pulling stuff like speeding, and even so I don't do it on roads I don't know or windy roads.

Stupid, stupid kids.

Posted: 2004-03-02 11:59pm
by Sea Skimmer
Montcalm wrote:Cars should have a limited speed they can reach,maximum 30 or 40 mph for beginners :roll:
And you'd implement such a plan in a way that would have prevented this how exactly?

Anyway, its a shame, these kids where stupid as shit, but that's why there kids. A couple months back a similar thing could have but luckily didn't happen a block from my house, two pot smoking fifteen year olds stole a car and then caused a three car wreck while being purposed by the police. Only a few people where injured and none killed, which is very luckily since the accident was on a narrow curve lined with trees ending in a stoplight

Posted: 2004-03-03 01:33am
by EmperorMing
So are the authorities gonna charge the father? I hope not and let *some* reason prevail.

Or maybe the insurance company will sue the parents of the driver. Not good.

Posted: 2004-03-04 09:33pm
by Vertigo1
Hyperion wrote:Good God... What a waste.

Even I had the good sense not to do shit like that when I first got my permit and later my license, it took about 6 months before I started pulling stuff like speeding, and even so I don't do it on roads I don't know or windy roads.

Stupid, stupid kids.
Exactly. Hell, after a few months of having my license I used to do 70MPH down the back way to school. However, it was always down a straight section of road where I could see someone coming, and I didn't do it for long. I only did it just for the experience.