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Sniper witness no longer reliable.
Posted: 2002-10-17 07:44pm
by Alyeska ... adid=37695
Guess that incredible feat of spotting the AK-74 is useless eh Shep?
I suppose that means the balistics information that hint towards a Styr Aug are now the best lead we have on the weapon.
Posted: 2002-10-17 09:25pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
This source said investigators questioned him extensively, and Wednesday night he confessed to making up the story.
WHAT THE......?
Authorities said they expect charges to be brought against the man, whose name has not been released, for giving false information to police.
Ah....I feel better now.

Posted: 2002-10-17 09:35pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Stupid bastard. Good thing they're charging him. You just don't do shit like that.
Life Lesson No. 3628: Don't fuck with the police and make up a sighting during a regional crisis.
Posted: 2002-10-17 09:36pm
by Vympel
What a dickhead.
"Yuk, yuk I'll make up a story about the sniper."
But the point still stands that an AK-47 looks nothing like an AK-74- different plastic orange mag, and most importantly distinctive, long muzzle brake.
Posted: 2002-10-17 09:42pm
by Kuja
What a freaking dipshit.
Posted: 2002-10-17 09:45pm
by Darth Wong
And Shep wondered why they weren't releasing a composite sketch. The police aren't idiots; I'll bet they could tell this guy was bullshitting the moment he walked in the door.
Posted: 2002-10-17 09:50pm
by Stormbringer
Darth Wong wrote:And Shep wondered why they weren't releasing a composite sketch. The police aren't idiots; I'll bet they could tell this guy was bullshitting the moment he walked in the door.
That's most likely the case. But then again when has logic or common sense stopped a Shep rant?
And now he's starting in over some FBI visit.

Posted: 2002-10-17 09:50pm
by Alyeska
Vympel wrote:What a dickhead.
"Yuk, yuk I'll make up a story about the sniper."
But the point still stands that an AK-47 looks nothing like an AK-74- different plastic orange mag, and most importantly distinctive, long muzzle brake.
Maybe so, but it proves that he WASN'T spotted with an AK-74.
FYI, most people are idiot when it comes to military weapons. I have seen newspaper captions saying "US Soldiers with AK-47s) and the soldiers were carrying M-16s. I shit you not. Its the same thing when one article said Canada was sending 3 battleships to Afganistan. To most people, any assault rifle is an AK-47, except for some reason hunting rifles (ones without clips) are called assault rifles, not AK-47s. I knew one old woman who would call the police saying there were kids storming down the street with assault rifles when all they had were BB guns.
Posted: 2002-10-17 09:50pm
by MKSheppard
Darth Wong wrote:And Shep wondered why they weren't releasing a composite sketch. The police aren't idiots; I'll bet they could tell this guy was bullshitting the moment he walked in the door.
Then what about the other FOUR witnesses of the shootings over the last
two weeks?
Posted: 2002-10-17 09:53pm
by Stormbringer
MKSheppard wrote:Darth Wong wrote:And Shep wondered why they weren't releasing a composite sketch. The police aren't idiots; I'll bet they could tell this guy was bullshitting the moment he walked in the door.
Then what about the other FOUR witnesses of the shootings over the last
two weeks?
If they didn't get a good enough look at the guy what would be the point? If he's shooting people at a distance it'd be hard to get any sort of useable description.
Posted: 2002-10-17 09:54pm
by Darth Wong
MKSheppard wrote:Darth Wong wrote:And Shep wondered why they weren't releasing a composite sketch. The police aren't idiots; I'll bet they could tell this guy was bullshitting the moment he walked in the door.
Then what about the other FOUR witnesses of the shootings over the last
two weeks?
Did it ever occur to you that their descriptions
probably don't match? If the cops had a sketch they were
confident in, they would release it ASAP. Why do you have to read conspiracies into everything?
Posted: 2002-10-17 09:54pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
I guess ALL of them are wrong and unreliable.

Posted: 2002-10-17 09:55pm
by Alyeska
Darth Wong wrote:MKSheppard wrote:Darth Wong wrote:And Shep wondered why they weren't releasing a composite sketch. The police aren't idiots; I'll bet they could tell this guy was bullshitting the moment he walked in the door.
Then what about the other FOUR witnesses of the shootings over the last
two weeks?
Did it ever occur to you that their descriptions
probably don't match? If the cops had a sketch they were
confident in, they would release it ASAP. Why do you have to read conspiracies into everything?
Because he is affraid the black helictopers will find him and give him an anal probe.

Posted: 2002-10-17 09:55pm
by Kuja
Darth Wong wrote:Did it ever occur to you that their descriptions probably don't match? If the cops had a sketch they were confident in, they would release it ASAP. Why do you have to read conspiracies into everything?
It's Shep, DW. Isn't that all you need to know?
Posted: 2002-10-17 09:57pm
by MKSheppard
Darth Wong wrote:
Did it ever occur to you that their descriptions probably don't match? If the cops had a sketch they were confident in, they would release it ASAP. Why do you have to read conspiracies into everything?
So? Just whip up all four sketches and show them on the airwaves
following the next don't need to be 100% accurate
The constant snowjob from the police has left everyone with no confidence
at all in their ability to catch the guy....everyone I talked to at my electricity
class tonight all had no confidence in the police....
Our jackass Chief, Moose, keeps having a press conference every few hours,
but gives us SHIT, and endlessly repeats the mantra about a white box
how about a fucking description of the fucking DRIVERS?
Us Marylanders, Virginians, and Washingtonians would gladly accept
a bad, vaguely drawn composite of this fucker...compared to bad
photoshops by the cops of white vans...
Posted: 2002-10-17 10:03pm
by Alyeska
MKSheppard wrote:Darth Wong wrote:
Did it ever occur to you that their descriptions probably don't match? If the cops had a sketch they were confident in, they would release it ASAP. Why do you have to read conspiracies into everything?
So? Just whip up all four sketches and show them on the airwaves
following the next don't need to be 100% accurate
The Police would like to give you the details of the shooter. He is tall, but possibly short. His hair is dark, but it might be blond. He has a stern look, but might be meek. He is angry, but she might wear a dress. He is a hispanic gang member, but might be part of a black power gang...
I think that about sums it up Shep.

Posted: 2002-10-17 10:03pm
by Stormbringer
MKSheppard wrote:Darth Wong wrote:
Did it ever occur to you that their descriptions probably don't match? If the cops had a sketch they were confident in, they would release it ASAP. Why do you have to read conspiracies into everything?
So? Just whip up all four sketches and show them on the airwaves
following the next don't need to be 100% accurate
Except that would only create a whole lot of confusion. They're looking for one man releasing every last description would be counter productive.
Posted: 2002-10-17 10:04pm
by Mr Bean
Except that would only create a whole lot of confusion. They're looking for one man releasing every last description would be counter productive.
In Sheps defense you DO know what a "COMPOSITE SKETCH" is?
IE taking everything avarage it and say here you go fokes!
Posted: 2002-10-17 10:06pm
by MKSheppard
Stormbringer wrote:
Except that would only create a whole lot of confusion. They're looking for one man releasing every last description would be counter productive.
Then why do we have composite sketch artists at all? lets all fire them
and rely on bad photoshop jobs of the getaway vehicles!
Posted: 2002-10-17 10:06pm
by Stormbringer
Mr Bean wrote:Except that would only create a whole lot of confusion. They're looking for one man releasing every last description would be counter productive.
In Sheps defense you DO know what a "COMPOSITE SKETCH" is?
IE taking everything avarage it and say here you go fokes!
If the descriptionns vary wildly enough, they would just get an average that meant absolutely nothing. You have to have descriptions that are at least similar.
Posted: 2002-10-17 10:07pm
by Evil Jerk
What? You just want a sketch, any sketch, to go out and shoot the first guy who looks vaguely like it or what?
Posted: 2002-10-17 10:12pm
by Mr Bean
What? You just want a sketch, any sketch, to go out and shoot the first guy who looks vaguely like it or what?
By proccess of elmination this WOULD work eventualy you know
Second it lets people know should I be on the look-out for 3 Foot tall Hispanic Midgets? 6 foot 8 inch afroded White males?
It DOES help to cut down on things abit if you can at least give us Hair and Height
Posted: 2002-10-17 10:18pm
by Evil Jerk
Mr Bean wrote:What? You just want a sketch, any sketch, to go out and shoot the first guy who looks vaguely like it or what?
By proccess of elmination this WOULD work eventualy you know
Sure, kill enough people and you're bound to get the actual sniper eventually..
Second it lets people know should I be on the look-out for 3 Foot tall Hispanic Midgets? 6 foot 8 inch afroded White males?
It DOES help to cut down on things abit if you can at least give us Hair and Height
What if each description is too different?
And it's not like they can take each description and find a happy medium between them, that's just as useless.
Posted: 2002-10-17 11:43pm
by Mr Bean
First I forgot the smiles in the first half
If each description is to diffrent then you have faultiy witnesses or the possbility of multiple killers
And it's not like they can take each description and find a happy medium between them, that's just as useless.
That however is the stated Job of Composit Sketch artists, So you think they are useless?
Posted: 2002-10-17 11:46pm
by Stormbringer
Mr Bean wrote:Second
If each description is to diffrent then you have faultiy witnesses or the possbility of multiple killers
And it's not like they can take each description and find a happy medium between them, that's just as useless.
That however is the stated Job of Composit Sketch artists, So you think they are useless?
Bean, you're second point explains why they can't do what you propose in point three.
You have to have descriptions that are at least close. Otherwise, you know you've got witnesses that are wrong and any composite sketch would be even worse.