Oh fgalkin.. You crazy Russky [IM chat about.. wierd stuff]
Posted: 2004-03-07 03:27am
fimagal2001: besides, I don't get the fascination with Japan
fimagal2001: I think japanese culture is weird
fimagal2001: except for tentacle hentai, that is
fimagal2001: that's weird, but good
PsygnisFive: bah, YOURE weird.
fimagal2001: no, YOU'RE weird ;P
PsygnisFive: well this is true
fimagal2001: at leas I perfer my females human-looking
fimagal2001: not with a tail of any kind
PsygnisFive: hey, boys with tails is great
fimagal2001: *furry boy gets assarped by a tentacle demon*
PsygnisFive: THAT = GOD
fimagal2001: no, that's very bad. For the demon, that is
PsygnisFive: hardly.
fimagal2001: poor things, how do they reproduce when human/elvish females are not around?
PsygnisFive: they reproduce by cutting off limbs that grow new bodies.
PsygnisFive: didnt you know that?
fimagal2001: poor things indeed
fimagal2001: *feels sad for the poor guys*
PsygnisFive: nah, it doesnt hurt them
PsygnisFive: the moment their limb is severed, it feels like a thousand orgasms
fimagal2001: Huh? Where do you get that info?
PsygnisFive: tentacle demons are known to get a bit crazy, cutting off so many limbs they're paralyzed and cant do anything until they grow back. its just that addictive.
fimagal2001: what do they do to solve the overpopulation problem?
PsygnisFive: oh, they dont have to. they inhabit huge planet-cities and orbital-like structures.
PsygnisFive: theres enough room to grow.
fimagal2001: still, they've been at it for a long time
fimagal2001: and what do they eat?
PsygnisFive: but thats part of why they send tentacle demons to earth for sex: so they dont cut off limbs and reproduce
fimagal2001: ah
fimagal2001: I see
PsygnisFive: its quite brilliant, once you think about it.
PsygnisFive: theyre so busy having a thousand orgasms that they dont even need to cut off their limbs.
fimagal2001: but sad. Now, they can't cut off their dicks and must have the poor substitute
fimagal2001: they don't have 1000 limbs
PsygnisFive: they dont have dicks, actually.
fimagal2001: and even if they do, they can't get 1000 females at a time
PsygnisFive: you see, they have sperm arms.
fimagal2001: sperm arms?
PsygnisFive: yes, its a tentacle that has dick-like functions.
fimagal2001: ah, I'd love to see that. Assuming it is nowhere near my orifices
PsygnisFive: well thats the thing. tentacle demons traditionally greet one another by having wild tentacle sex.
fimagal2001: They have orifices as well?
fimagal2001: I thought they had tentacles, and that's all
PsygnisFive: do not engage in it is considered highly disrespectful, akin to spitting on the sidewalk as someone walks past.
PsygnisFive: no no, they have holes as well. you just never notice them because mostly you only see their tentacles
fimagal2001: ah, but what about the 1000 orgasms bit? They don't have that may tentacles
PsygnisFive: sure they do, theyre pandimensional beings and what you see is merely their 3D manifestation in this particular slice of the higherdimensional universe.
fimagal2001: but waht about 1000 females?
PsygnisFive: what about them?
fimagal2001: where do they get 1000 orifices to plug their tentacles into?
PsygnisFive: Theres 6 billion on this planet alone, and theres an infinity of planets in this particular universe, let alone the infinities of universes.
fimagal2001: they can't have all those females, and no one noticing it
fimagal2001: 1000 people is a small city
PsygnisFive: yeah, but if you do a thousand out of 10,000,000, and you return them by nights end, whos to notice?
fimagal2001: their friends, realtives, etc
PsygnisFive: not when theyre sleeping.
fimagal2001: besides, since they only attack japanese schoolgirls, there is much less to choose from
PsygnisFive: they come at night, mostly, you know? they take the women and men while theyre asleep, and have hot wild sex for days within a temporal distortion field, keeping the people high on sleep-nullifying drugs, then return them back to their beds after moments outside the temporal distortion fields.
fimagal2001: I mean, Japan must be crawling with them
PsygnisFive: they are. but you never notice them.
fimagal2001: And you want to go there why?
PsygnisFive: the only time you do is when their memory wiping systems arent functioning perfectly.
PsygnisFive: uh.. tentacle demons? kay guy, thanks.
fimagal2001: you want to be raped by a tentacle monster?
fimagal2001: why?
PsygnisFive: have you seen the size of their tentacles?
fimagal2001: yes, and I don't want that thing in me
PsygnisFive: thats because youre not a fruit like me.
fimagal2001: that's gotta hurt. A lot.
PsygnisFive: nah. they inject nanites that project a space-distortion field allow you to take things of obscenely large size without harm. doug winger's anthros are known to use similar technology.
PsygnisFive: ((I think I'm doing rather well weaving this complicated net of BS together, don't you?))
fimagal2001: indeed
fimagal2001: we should post it to SDN
PsygnisFive: indeed.
fimagal2001: so, let's continue. What is your theory on how they evolved?
PsygnisFive: definitely geneered from horny japanese boys and american furries in the distant future, then sent back in time.
fimagal2001: That seems to be the case, indeed