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Happy Birthday!

Posted: 2004-03-16 01:01am
by fgalkin
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday, dear fgalkin!
Happy Birthday to you!

Have a very nice birthday.

Posted: 2004-03-16 01:02am
by Gandalf
Happy Birthday Comrade fgalkin.

This is going in the Chronicle!

Posted: 2004-03-16 01:06am
by haas mark
fgalkin, meet fgalkin. It's his birthday. Oh, it's yours, too? Well, you don't say! ;)

Posted: 2004-03-16 01:19am
by Montcalm

Posted: 2004-03-16 01:24am
by The Yosemite Bear

Posted: 2004-03-16 01:25am
by Jason von Evil
Birthday beat down! *whaps Fgalkin repeatly with a trout and then stuffs a holy hand grenade down his pants*

Happy birthday. :lol:

Posted: 2004-03-16 01:27am
by The Yosemite Bear
oh and enjoy, the cakes....

Posted: 2004-03-16 01:36am
by Darth Fanboy
Dalton ate your cake.

Posted: 2004-03-16 08:04am
by Comosicus
Nazdarovie tovarischy fgalkin

(forgive my Russian :D )

Posted: 2004-03-16 08:15am
by Ghost Rider
Happy birthday, wacky russian. :)

Posted: 2004-03-16 08:19am
by Crown
Ah you crazy Russian;

Χρόνια Πολλά!

From your Orthodox brother :P :wink:

Posted: 2004-03-16 08:24am
by Stofsk
Happy Birthday, Ranger One. We Live for the One, we Die for the One. 8)

Re: Happy Birthday!

Posted: 2004-03-16 09:16am
by Crom
fgalkin wrote:Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday, dear fgalkin!
Happy Birthday to you!
... and you smell like one too!

Happy birthday. I don't really know you, but you really don't know me either. Funny how it took the birthday of fgalkin to bring us together!

Peace and long life!

Posted: 2004-03-16 10:42am
by fgalkin
Why, thank you. 8)

Stofsk: you live for the one, you die for the one. I am one. Therefore yiu live for me. :wink:

Crom: Live long and prosper.

Crown: whatever that means. We haven't had a service in Greek for, oh, 500 years. :P

Ghost Rider + Como: thank you.

Darth Fanboy: And I ate his doughnut.

TYB: I will.

Montcalm: BEER! To bad I can't drink it leagally in the US. :cry:

verilon: always a pleasure to meet you, fgalkin. :wink:

Gandalf: An event of such tremendous historical importnace better go into the Chronicle. :twisted:

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-03-16 11:04am
by Dorsk 81
Happy birthday comrade. Now go out, get drunk, get presents and get some! :D

Posted: 2004-03-16 02:38pm
by SyntaxVorlon
What do you mean get drunk, he's russian, he is made of brass!

Posted: 2004-03-16 02:40pm
by haas mark
SyntaxVorlon wrote:What do you mean get drunk, he's russian, he is made of brass!
Just because someone has a high tolerance for hard liquor, doesn't mean they have a tolerance for beer..

And fgalkin, unless you are "the" one (and I'm pretty sure you're not, given "The Matrix"), Stofsk don't live for you. :P

Posted: 2004-03-17 05:36am
by Crown
fgalkin wrote:Crown: whatever that means. We haven't had a service in Greek for, oh, 500 years. :P
It means 'many years to you' and you are welcome. :wink:

Posted: 2004-03-17 03:23pm
by fgalkin
verilon wrote: And fgalkin, unless you are "the" one (and I'm pretty sure you're not, given "The Matrix"), Stofsk don't live for you. :P
Someone needs to watch Babylon 5. :P

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-03-17 03:30pm
by haas mark
fgalkin wrote:
verilon wrote: And fgalkin, unless you are "the" one (and I'm pretty sure you're not, given "The Matrix"), Stofsk don't live for you. :P
Someone needs to watch Babylon 5. :P
Quiet, you. -smotes-

Posted: 2004-03-17 03:34pm
by fgalkin
I can't be smoted ( :P ). I'm the One Who Will Be. Only a trip to Z'ha'dum can kill me. :P

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-03-17 03:36pm
by haas mark
fgalkin wrote:I can't be smoted ( :P ). I'm the One Who Will Be. Only a trip to Z'ha'dum can kill me. :P
Who said anything about killing you? -smotes again-

Posted: 2004-03-17 06:26pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Opens with a chaos storm.

hey worry for us.