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Swedish Championships in Nazi References

Posted: 2004-03-17 06:56am
by His Divine Shadow
This is a translated(by Eleas and me) interview of a swedish celebrity(who got there by being in a reality-show analog to survivors), it was a joke interview ofcourse done by people from a comedy show that likes to make fun of people, this one caused alot of ruckus when the celebrity in question was upset by it, ofcourse it was a pretty stupid thing to fall for.

This is her:
This segment was introduced as The Swedish Championships in Nazi References

The interviewer, Filip Hammar, starts by welcoming Emma Andersson to the show "Treblinka".
EA: Thank you, thank you.

FH: So, are you feeling alright?
EA: Yeah, I feel amazing.

FH: I was going to start by dividing your life into three periods. I've noted three iron crosses, so to speak, first the Ängleholms-period, then the Robinson-period and now the celebrity period. Does it feel like you've reach your third kingdom now?
EA:Now is the third kingdom.

FH: I am going to do an analogy here, albeit somewhat extreme. One classic night in the history of Rock'n'Roll happened on November the 30th 1996, I think it was, when Oasis partying culminated after a gig in Nürnberg. Liam Gallagher to mention one had thrown television sets out of his hotel room, he arranged book burnings, he beat up his bass player Mengele, then in the end he went out on the town and broke every window he could find. In english press it was described as a "Crystal Night". Do you tend to make huge messes like this when your out on tour?
EA: Actually, I do beat up my bass player, but he's just going to have to take it.

FH: It's an extreme parallell, but have you experienced anything like this "Crystal Night"?
EA: Not yet, we'll have to see what happens.

FH: You where represented by a german record company. I heard the other day that it might be acquired by a Dutch media baron, Bertelsmann or Bucherwald, I don't remember his name. Do you have any contacts with these bigshots in Germany, like Bucherwald for example?
EA: No, not right now, no.

FH: Last week we where down to a year music party in Dachau. There was a girl who's called DJ Goebbels, she played a song named N.S.D.A.P, I think. When she was on stage I thought it sounded a little bit like you. Do you know who it is? Have you heard her?
EA: No, I haven't.

FH: I think the song, this N.S.D.A.P, has done real well in eastern europe, annexed the lists in Poland. But maybe it's hard for you to keep check on all that?
EA: No, but what if you hum a little bit?

FH: Ha, ha, none of us here has the guts...
EA: Maybe I should find out about her then. What was her name?

FH: DJ Goebbels. But now they say that the Germans are on to something, there's been talk about a massive German invasion. Do you keep check on whats happening out in Europe?
EA: I try to keep check.

FH: If you look at the other axis powers - Germany, Italy and Japan - do you keep check on them?
EA: I don't have them under strict watch no.

FH: But Italy has been famous for many of these singers, Andrea Bocelli, Eros Ramazotti and Eros Mussolini or whatever his name is.
EA: I've got lots of albums by Eros.

FH: Ramazotti or Mussolini?
EA: Ramazotti.

FH: If one listens to your music one notices that it's very polished, superslick as they call it, SS-music. Superlick, a big SS-mark on the back of the record. Is that something you fear? do you want to be a bit more raw? Are you afraid to be someone who dances after the top-ten lists?
EA: Ofcourse, I think every artist wants to have something thats their own. Something thats yours, something that makes it so that people notice it's Emma music.

FH: You've just record a musicvideo with Bosson, that was written about in the evening papers. Do you aldready dream in this stage about working with Jonas Åkerlund, Stacka Bo or Leni Riefenstahl?
EA: Well ofcourse, they're the best on the market. And it'd be an honor to get to do something, it'd be a big thing.

FH: Jonas Åkerlund and Stacka Bo are already established, but this Leni Riefenstahl is a relatively new girl. Ever heard of her?
EA: I've heard of her, I have.

Viceo clip: Emma poses infront of the camera wearing a t-shirt that has "Treblinka - class of '45" printed on it's chest.
EA: Don't miss Treblinka på thursday 22:30, there you'll meet me, Emma Andersson, she says and looks into the camera.
After that the interview continues: Swedish Championships in nazi references, part Zwei.

FH: There was alot of talk a couple of months ago that you would be a part of the swedish song contest. But then you jumped off the whole thing, something the tabloids once again made a big thing about. Did you feel like a

FH: Det pratades rätt mycket för ett par månader sedan om att du skulle vara med i Melodifestivalen. Men sedan hoppade du av, något som kvällstidningarna återigen gjorde en stor sak av. Kände du dig som en failure then? Like a Quisling?
EA: No, they understood me pretty well. Like I said, you never know next year... And when one is more established and gotten the stage habit.

FH: It'd be a cool duel between you and DJ Goebbels don't you think?
EA: Yes...

FH: Because when you think about Charlotte Nilssons blitz-victory in Israel. I mean, she exterminated all resistance. What an experience that was. Surely that must be a dream of yours?
EA: Yes, absolutely.

FH: Nowadays you seem to be able to compete for any country you want. I mean, Sahlene has competed for Estonia, Céline Dion for Switzerland and Rudolf Hess for Luxemburg.
EA: I suppose I'll have to go to another country.

FH: They used to say that "work creates freedom". Are you prepared to devote yourself 100%, sacfricie everyhting of steel and blod to get forward?
EA: I do struggle alot. I'm very stubborn, but I won't sacrifice my family.

FH: You heard that DJ Goebbles sacrificed families as well?
EA: No, I won't sacrifice my family.

FH: Earlier I think there's not been alot of room for strong individuals in the swedish music world that stand out against the underpeople. Do you look forward to the triumph of will, the taking of power, machtübernahme, that they say in Germany, when you've silenced all critics?
EA: I look forward to that day, as you said.

FH: Then you can go forward and scream ”Machtübernahme!”.
EA: Ha, ha!

FH: Sometimes things doesn't happen the way you've planned. We've talked alot, almost painted up a utopian scenario where all the pieces fall into place and it's a big success everywhere. If that doesn't happen, if this doesn't happen - are you afraid it might all go up in smoke?
EA: I'll say it like this, I take one day at a time. If that day will ever come, I'll take it too.

*Here the interview is interrutped by a person wearing a brown shirt and darkbrown tie – an outfit that unfailingly bring your mind to the infamous nazi uniform*
Brownshirt: Can I get you anything? Coffe or something? We have Speer-ham and ruccola-sallad.
*Food is ordered, then the interview continues*

FH: Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
EA: Beatles.

FH: Leni Riefenstahl or Jonas Åkerlund?
EA: Jonas... naah, I'm going to give her a chance.

FH: Leni Riefenstahl?
EA: Leni.

FH: Okay. Sunshine or Zyklon B?
EA: Sunshine.

FH: Ribbentrop or the Yellow widow?
EA: Yellow widow.

FH: Dental wire or barbed wire?
EA: Dental.

FH: Solstickan or the Swastika?
EA: The swastika.

FH: Trout or ordinary Göring?
EA: Trout.

FH: Mountain fox or desert fox?
EA: Mountain fox.

FH: Wehrmacht or womens power?
EA: Womens power.

FH: Bosson Or Rommel?
EA: Come on: Bosson! Hello!
Heh, funny, but I also feel sorry for the poor girl :)

Posted: 2004-03-17 07:52am
by Faram
Filip Hammar is fucking nuts!

High Chaparall See Filip and Fredrik with some really different Interjuvs.

Some of the clips in Swedish other in English and all of them really messed up.

Posted: 2004-03-17 07:58am
by Crown
Holly shit! That was funny, but I had to read it twice before I picked up the refereces ... simply because the first time I read it I didn't scroll down all the way as I was reading and well, her pic is very distracting! :P

Posted: 2004-03-17 08:08am
by Faram
Crown wrote:Holly shit! That was funny, but I had to read it twice before I picked up the refereces ... simply because the first time I read it I didn't scroll down all the way as I was reading and well, her pic is very distracting! :P
She is a "Expedition Robinson" (Survivor for you yanks) contestant what did you expect? Many of the girls in that show is mostly hot and dumb.

Posted: 2004-03-17 08:15am
by Crown
Faram wrote:
Crown wrote:Holly shit! That was funny, but I had to read it twice before I picked up the refereces ... simply because the first time I read it I didn't scroll down all the way as I was reading and well, her pic is very distracting! :P
She is a "Expedition Robinson" (Survivor for you yanks) contestant what did you expect? Many of the girls in that show is mostly hot and dumb.
I have seen some Survivor eps, and the chicks on it do not look like that!

Posted: 2004-03-17 02:38pm
by aphexmonster
too stuck on girl to get to actuall post

Posted: 2004-03-17 10:08pm
by The Aliens
Wow- funny how deadly serious she is.