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Best "Kevin Smith Jersey Trilogy" movie?

Posted: 2004-03-24 10:03pm
by Gandalf
This is often a point of debate among my friends and I. I just wanted to see what the rest of humanity thinks.

I personally think Mallrats is the best one, because it has good dialogue and is probably the funniest. Plus it has Stan Lee.

Posted: 2004-03-24 10:08pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Uh... Trilogy = three movies. The poll is five movies. :P

Posted: 2004-03-24 10:09pm
by Montcalm
Voted for Dogma got some funny shit happening in it. :lol:

Posted: 2004-03-24 10:10pm
by Gandalf
DPDarkPrimus wrote:Uh... Trilogy = three movies. The poll is five movies. :P
I never got that one either.

Posted: 2004-03-24 10:18pm
by Dorsk 81
Montcalm wrote:Voted for Dogma got some funny shit happening in it. :lol:
Ditto, I love the bit where Loki kills the Mooby board of directors "You're a pure soul, you've lived a good life...but you didn't say god bless you when I sneezed!"

Posted: 2004-03-24 10:46pm
by Dalton
DPDarkPrimus wrote:Uh... Trilogy = three movies. The poll is five movies. :P
That's why it's in quotes. Besides, the Hitchhiker's trilogy is five books.

Posted: 2004-03-24 10:48pm
by Joe
Jay and Silent Bob rocks the house, Mallrats just stinks.

Posted: 2004-03-24 10:57pm
by justifier
Its a toss up between Dogma and Mallrats, but I'll vote Dogma becuase it won the coin toss(I literally tossed a coin for it).

Posted: 2004-03-25 12:24am
by Alferd Packer
Clerks. First is always the best. And Randall's the fucking shit.

Posted: 2004-03-25 12:30am
by RedImperator
I love Clerks.

Posted: 2004-03-25 12:31am
by Vympel
Chasing Amy. Just for the "Darth Vader is the blackest brother in the galaxy" spiel by the gay African-American pretending to be a neo-black panther for his fans.

Posted: 2004-03-25 02:16am
by Lord Poe
I've gotta say Clerks as well, and also because of Randall. J&SBSB is a close second.

Posted: 2004-03-25 02:42am
by Cal Wright
Joe wrote:Jay and Silent Bob rocks the house, Mallrats just stinks.
Would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?

Posted: 2004-03-25 03:02am
by The Kernel
Vympel wrote:Chasing Amy. Just for the "Darth Vader is the blackest brother in the galaxy" spiel by the gay African-American pretending to be a neo-black panther for his fans.
That was the single greatest scene from ANY movie :)
Chasing Amy wrote: HOOPER
Fuck Lando Calrissian! Uncle Tom
nigger! Always some white boy gotta
invoke the holy trilogy'! Bust this -
those movies are about how the white
man keeps the brother man down - even
in a galaxy far, far away. Check
this shit. You got cracker farm-boy
Luke Skywalker, Nazi poster boy -
blond hair, blue eyes.
And then you've got Darth
Vader: the blackest brother in the
galaxy. Nubian God.
What's a Nubian?
Shut the fuck up! Now Vader, he's a
spiritual brother, with the force and
all that shit. Then this cracker
Skywalker gets his hands on a light-
saber, and the boy decides he's
gonna run the fucking universe - gets
a whole Klan of whites together, and
they're gonna bust up Vader's hood
the Death Star. Now what the fuck do
you call that!
Intergalactic Civil War!
Gentrification. They're gonna drive
our the black element, to make the
galaxy quote, unquote safe' for white
I say Chasing Amy too, but Clerks is a close second.

Posted: 2004-03-25 03:10am
by Stofsk
That's a good quote. Man, it's been awhile since I've watched "Amy" or "Clerks." I pick "Clerks," by the way. Original is usually the best, besides I can't stand "Dogma" or "J&SBSB."

Posted: 2004-03-25 04:48am
by InnerBrat
In order, for me:

Chasing Amy

With a rather big gap between Clerks and Amy. Just didn't like the RomCom, and J&SB was just a string of injokes.

Posted: 2004-03-25 08:12am
by Ghost Rider
Clerks. Randall reminds me too much of a friend of mine, so I crack up a bit more seeing Randall in action.

Mallrats and Dogma(the board room scene) were okay, but had points that were just bleh.

Chasing Amy was funny until the main character became dumber then a brick...Lando scene was worth it.

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back was a great culmination but requires pre cursory knowledge.

Posted: 2004-03-25 08:25am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I've only seen Mallrats and Clerks, and I liked Mallrats a whole lot better.

Incidentally, if you combine Randal and Brodie, you basically kind of end up with Utsanomiko.

Posted: 2004-03-25 08:43am
by Sporkzen
in order

1: Clerks
2: Jay and silent bob
3: Mallrats
4: Dogma
5: chasing amy (cause i havent seen it heh)

Posted: 2004-03-25 11:08am
by Demiurge
Clerks. J&SBSB was the worst.

Posted: 2004-03-25 11:27am
by Cal Wright
I have Jay & Silent Bob. It's one of my favourite movies. I haven't seen Clerks or Chasing Amy. Dogma and Mallrats are fucking hillarious, but I still have to stand by J&SB

Say what you want SHEEP FUCKER!!! :finger:

Posted: 2004-03-25 01:38pm
by Rye
I love them all, if you crossed Mallrats with Spaced, you'd have me as a series/film hybrid thing.

So... Mallrats, J&SBSB, Chasing Amy (seemed unusually honest, for a film), Dogma, not seen Clerks yet.

Posted: 2004-03-25 02:29pm
by 2000AD
Haven't seen Clerks or Chasing Amy, so out of the three i have seen i'll have to go with jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. It doesn't have much of a plot but it does have one brillinat set piece after another and Eliza Dushku (sp, that chick that played Faith in Buffy) in a cat suit!
And Good Will Hunting 2 is one of my most looked forward to sequels :D

Posted: 2004-03-25 02:33pm
by aphexmonster
DPDarkPrimus wrote:Uh... Trilogy = three movies. The poll is five movies. :P
Hitchhikers Guide is a trillogy of 6 books.

My favorite was chasing amy ... i was a sucker for the love story because i was in a similar sittuation with a lesbian =T

Dalton wrote:
DPDarkPrimus wrote:Uh... Trilogy = three movies. The poll is five movies. :P
That's why it's in quotes. Besides, the Hitchhiker's trilogy is five books.
aphexmonster = pwn3d >_<

Posted: 2004-03-25 04:00pm
by Shaidar Haran
Chasing Amy is definitely the best of them. The simple fact that it's a damn honest movie and is still funny as hell. I've never watched a love story so well done and entertaining. It's the best of the movies.

And of course Banky has some of the best one-liners ever:

Banky Edwards: All every woman really wants, be it mother, senator, nun, is some serious deep-dickin'.