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Halloween and the Church
Posted: 2002-10-19 10:01pm
by Darth Yoshi
I just realized earlier that the Christian fundies should denounce Halloween as an evil holiday. After all, traditionally people dressed up as demons and other creatures of Satan. Doesn't that lead the way to moral corruption and whatnot?
Re: Halloween and the Church
Posted: 2002-10-19 10:03pm
by Joe
Darth Yoshi wrote:I just realized earlier that the Christian fundies should denounce Halloween as an evil holiday. After all, traditionally people dressed up as demons and other creatures of Satan. Doesn't that lead the way to moral corruption and whatnot?
A good portion of them do.
Posted: 2002-10-19 10:14pm
by HemlockGrey
Not me or my church, tho. I'm going out as a Jehovah's Witness.
Posted: 2002-10-19 10:16pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I believe last year, the mayor in a nearby town banned Halloween, but I don't think it because it's "evil". I think it had to do with feelings after 9-11. If Halloween has "evil" roots, then the holiday has lost it's meaning, like Easter. Who cares if Christ is risen when you can fatten yourself up on chocolate bunnies!
Posted: 2002-10-19 10:22pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Halloween is an essential holiday to use candy to passify children's natural urge to hock eggs at those bastards that don't have the common sense to turn off their lights if they don't want to hand out candy.
Ofcourse parents forgot these urges and keep those they consider too old from trick or treating, and thats when we come up with ideas like TPsooka or egging houses from three blocks away with a potato cannon.
Posted: 2002-10-19 10:38pm
by HemlockGrey
Who cares if Christ is risen when you can fatten yourself up on chocolate bunnies!
...I do
Posted: 2002-10-20 01:53am
by neoolong
Do you think that fundies would still denounce Halloween if the costumes did not cover demons, and evil entitites?
Posted: 2002-10-20 02:06am
by Darth Wong
neoolong wrote:Do you think that fundies would still denounce Halloween if the costumes did not cover demons, and evil entitites?
Of course! JW's denounce fucking
birthday parties.
Posted: 2002-10-20 02:23am
by neoolong
Darth Wong wrote:neoolong wrote:Do you think that fundies would still denounce Halloween if the costumes did not cover demons, and evil entitites?
Of course! JW's denounce fucking
birthday parties.
What the hell? That I did not know. What's their problem with birthday parties?
Posted: 2002-10-20 02:37am
by Darth Wong
neoolong wrote:What the hell? That I did not know. What's their problem with birthday parties?
They see it as "self-worship".
Posted: 2002-10-20 02:49am
by EmperorMing
Darth Wong wrote:neoolong wrote:Do you think that fundies would still denounce Halloween if the costumes did not cover demons, and evil entitites?
Of course! JW's denounce fucking
birthday parties.
*shakes head at the thought of the stupidity of fundies*...
Posted: 2002-10-20 09:48am
by salm
idiots! they worship themselves all the time with saying that only 144000 people will gain access to heaven which of course are JWs.
Posted: 2002-10-20 05:24pm
by Darth Servo
neoolong wrote:Darth Wong wrote:neoolong wrote:Do you think that fundies would still denounce Halloween if the costumes did not cover demons, and evil entitites?
Of course! JW's denounce fucking
birthday parties.
What the hell? That I did not know. What's their problem with birthday parties?
They denounce ANYTHING that isn't specifically approved in the Bible. Furthermore, since Herod celebrated his birthday, and he was a bad guy, birthdays MUST be evil by association.
They have only ONE holiday and that is the anniversary of Christ's death when the remaining of the 144000 still alive take the Lord's supper and all the faithful who will live forever in paradise on earth watch. Everyother holiday throughout the year is strictly forbidden as 'pagan'.
Posted: 2002-10-20 05:47pm
by HemlockGrey
The other 364 days of the year, they celebrate Door-to-Door Salesman Day.
Posted: 2002-10-20 07:31pm
by MattTheSkywalker
As you probably know, "Halloween" is a contraction of "All Hallows Eve".
"All Hallows" is the traditional name for the Catholic Church's "All Saints Day", celebrated November 1st.
Halloween activites/costumes are designed to 'commemorate' (by non churchgoers) thoe who are not in heaven.[/code]
Posted: 2002-10-20 07:33pm
by Kuja
It was originally a pagan holiday in Britain, and the Christians tried to stamp it out. Guess they're still trying.
Posted: 2002-10-20 07:38pm
by Kelly Antilles
Christians try to stomp out anything that isn't their holiday. Funny how they let the commercialization of Christmas continue.
Posted: 2002-10-20 07:43pm
by Darth Wong
Perhaps we should say "re-commercialization". In Ancient Rome, people gave gifts at the Winter Solstice (which coincidentally happens to fall around Christmas). People have short memories, and it is commonly believed that gift-giving is some kind of moder "perversion" of Christmas, when it is actually a return to the original spirit of the Winter Solstice celebration of life and gift-giving (mind you, the Romans also drank a lot and had orgies to celebrate the Winter Solstice; we do the drinking part, but not the orgies ... yet
Posted: 2002-10-20 07:46pm
by Kelly Antilles
Winter Solstace is also a Pagan holiday. Henceforth why the Christians have stricken it from our minds.
Posted: 2002-10-20 07:47pm
by haas mark
Darth Wong wrote:Perhaps we should say "re-commercialization". In Ancient Rome, people gave gifts at the Winter Solstice (which coincidentally happens to fall around Christmas). People have short memories, and it is commonly believed that gift-giving is some kind of moder "perversion" of Christmas, when it is actually a return to the original spirit of the Winter Solstice celebration of life and gift-giving (mind you, the Romans also drank a lot and had orgies to celebrate the Winter Solstice; we do the drinking part, but not the orgies ... yet
However, some people say that it is to commemorate the gift-giving at Christ's birth (which actually fell on the EPiphany, Jan. 6...I digress). It was meant to have the gifts for the birth (hence, birthday gifts). So, we have three new holidays in one: birthdays, the Epiphany, and the gift-giving Christmas.
Posted: 2002-10-20 08:32pm
by HemlockGrey
Winter Solstace is also a Pagan holiday. Henceforth why the Christians have stricken it from our minds.
Not quiet sure what you mean by that; ppl still learn about it in school, and if IIRC, it was a festival to Saturn. Do you worship Saturn?
Posted: 2002-10-20 08:37pm
by Darth Wong
Cyril wrote:Winter Solstace is also a Pagan holiday. Henceforth why the Christians have stricken it from our minds.
Not quiet sure what you mean by that; ppl still learn about it in school, and if IIRC, it was a festival to Saturn. Do you worship Saturn?
It could be that, but it didn't have to be that. Winter solstice celebrations are common in many northern-hemisphere cultures because they all noticed that this was the time the Sun was lowest in the sky. Let's not be fooled into believing that it was somebody's unique idea to start celebrating that event.
Posted: 2002-10-20 08:48pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Darth Wong wrote:neoolong wrote:Do you think that fundies would still denounce Halloween if the costumes did not cover demons, and evil entitites?
Of course! JW's denounce fucking
birthday parties.
Fucking hell, are you serious?!
Wow, no blood if you're hurt, shunned by family if kicked out, and no birthdays. Freaky.
Posted: 2002-10-20 09:08pm
by Raptor 597
Actually, in 7th grade my somewhat slighly less vehement religion teacher then I , tried too say Halloween was a Druid Baby Killing Holiday, and all that crap. It was, weird looking back on it now. I would too know what I was on cause that must of been some good shit. I won't lie I still have problems with the residual remnants of Christain Programming. Something still feels sort of missing, though I can never even go back too being agnostic. Perhaps it's just lack of Big Man in the Sky Syndrome. *Shrugs*
Posted: 2002-10-21 11:47am
by Guest
Most Christian traditions are of pegan origin, the only problem with Haloween is that ole papa in rome isn't getting his 15% of the haloween takings. Christians are by-in-large stupid and their leaders are money orentated, and as such the leaders will declare anything that can't milk for money evil and watch the sheep attempt to destroy it. Kinda like the mob u always see in the Simpsons