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Has changed you in any way?

Posted: 2002-10-19 10:36pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
How have your opinios on things such as SW vs. ST, Creationism, and other issues changed since you first visited

Posted: 2002-10-19 10:38pm
by Joe
Well, before I started visiting regularly, I think I was still partially a believer in religion. One foot in traditional religion, one foot in the realm of agnosticism. I think I'm more of a full agnostic now.

Posted: 2002-10-19 11:09pm
by Darth Yoshi
I have come to the realization that intelligence is a highly overrated trait, and some creationists do not deserve be to called human.

Posted: 2002-10-19 11:15pm
by aerius
I've learned that there's way too many idiots around...wait...I already knew that. Hmmm...I do find that this place is bad for my language, my online obsceneties count has taken a definite upswing since I've joined up here. Perhaps it has something to do with the abundance of trolls and fucknuts that this place attracts, but I'm not really sure.

Posted: 2002-10-19 11:16pm
by Raptor 597
I went from Fundie too Atheist in a month defeinte change. Also, it has gave something tangible for my baltant racism of Trek.

Posted: 2002-10-19 11:27pm
by Cal Wright
Nope. I am the unrelenting asshole I have always been. Instead of grinding on impracticalities by insulting intelligent folks who live differently than me, I try to make already unoiled gears (like Trekkies, MK, and sometimes Ray when I'm bored) grind thier way through excrutiating antics. Mainly I just cuss a lot and stab them were it counts. So, no, no change. Asshole from start to finish. No other way about it.

Posted: 2002-10-19 11:47pm
by weemadando
I came from ASVS. Not much here could change me.

Except for the goddamn WCOTC dicks.

Posted: 2002-10-19 11:54pm
by Master of Ossus
It's made me a much better debater, and it has kept me up to date on important dates and information.

Posted: 2002-10-19 11:55pm
by HemlockGrey
Not really. I was never a fundie, so attacks on fundies didn't change what I believed, and despite some attempts, I still subscribe to what I affectionatly call 'LECism'

Posted: 2002-10-19 11:56pm
by Vympel
It's made the job of slipping bullshit assertions without evidence by me much harder. Lot's of pithy posts on the subject of religion I cut and paste into a document to read later so I can laugh :)

Posted: 2002-10-20 12:02am
by Mr Bean
Sharping my Verbal skills and Re-training my old debating abilites which I had let lay lack is what SD.Net's Forums at least did for me

The acutal website?

Hmm, Ahh yes "Conquest" Re-awakned the critic in me :D

Posted: 2002-10-20 12:37am
by corporial
Before, I never knew the joy of reading posts that include intelligent people slapping around fundies.