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What is your personality disorder?
Posted: 2004-03-31 10:01pm
by fgalkin ...
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Low
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
Meaning that I'm an antisocial attention whore. Yay
Have a very nice day.
Posted: 2004-03-31 10:09pm
by Gandalf
Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: High
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Very High
Narcissistic: Very High
Avoidant: High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
I think I need help.
Posted: 2004-03-31 10:13pm
by Mayabird
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
I'm sure many of my friends would disagree with the mere "moderate" for schizotypical, though.
Posted: 2004-03-31 10:15pm
by Hyperion
Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
What do you know, it came up right. Amazing...
Posted: 2004-03-31 10:19pm
by GoldenFalcon
Everything low for me. Wow.
Posted: 2004-03-31 10:24pm
by StarshipTitanic
Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: High
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Very High
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
Posted: 2004-03-31 10:25pm
by AnimeJet
I took this text a few times, long time ago, don't feel like doing it again >_<. I remember that all of them were low to moderate though, so i'm cool.
Test Results
Posted: 2004-03-31 10:39pm
by Aaron
Disorder Rating Information
Paranoid: Very High
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: Very High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Very High
Avoidant: High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
Apperently I need to up my medication
Posted: 2004-03-31 10:56pm
by Death from the Sea
I got "LOW" all across the board.
Posted: 2004-03-31 11:09pm
by Dorsk 81
Disorder Rating
Paranoid: Very High
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: Very High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: Very High
Narcissistic: Very High
Avoidant: Very High
Dependent: Very High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
Hmm, looks like I'm insane...
Posted: 2004-03-31 11:16pm
by 18-Till-I-Die
Disorder Rating:
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Low
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Very High
Avoidant: Low
Dependant: Moderate
Obsessive-Conpulsive: High
What does that mean...
Posted: 2004-03-31 11:17pm
by Darth Yoshi
Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: Low
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
Narcissistic? That's a new one.
Posted: 2004-03-31 11:19pm
by fgalkin
18-Till-I-Die wrote:Disorder Rating:
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Low
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Very High
Avoidant: Low
Dependant: Moderate
Obsessive-Conpulsive: High
What does that mean...
Try clicking the links to the right of the results. But from the results I can say that you looove hearing yourself talk (narcissistic).
Have a very nice day.
Posted: 2004-03-31 11:27pm
by consequences
Death from the Sea wrote:I got "LOW" all across the board.
That just means you have no personality
For Me:
Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: High
Schizoid: Very High
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
And I honestly don't care, although I think I am far more anti-social than Narcissistic. And is it paranoia when you know that certain people are assholes who make fun of you, because you can hear them doing it, even though they think you aren't able to hear anything while reading a book?
Posted: 2004-03-31 11:34pm
by Rogue 9
Disorder Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Very High
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
Ooooookay. Given that I answered No to the question about whether I engage in obsessive or compulsive behavior, that last one is a little odd.
As for schizoid...
News to me.
Posted: 2004-03-31 11:39pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Paranoid: Very High
Schizoid: Very High
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: High
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
Whatever that means.
Posted: 2004-03-31 11:56pm
by Exonerate
Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
Posted: 2004-04-01 12:23am
by Howedar
Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Low
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: High
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
I'm feeling pretty hard on myself right now though, if I took this three hours ago or in two days it'd would probably be a lot lower on everything, as I think it has been in the past when I took this (note that there is no particular significance to those timeframes).
Posted: 2004-04-01 12:23am
by starfury
Disorder Rating Information
Paranoid: Very High
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: Very High
Avoidant: Very High
Dependent: High
Posted: 2004-04-01 12:45am
by DPDarkPrimus
Paranoid: High
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
I disagree.
Posted: 2004-04-01 02:03am
by Jaded Masses
Interestingly I had found this a long time ago and saved the results, but I removed them when in a fit of cleaning. IIRC I had many more very highs and highs and no lows. I guess thats progress
Paranoid: Very High
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
Posted: 2004-04-01 08:37am
by Peregrin Toker
Paranoid: Very High
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Very High
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
In other words, it's now official:
[King Diamond] I'm the king of pain, I'm INSAAAAAAAAAAAANE! [/King Diamond]
Posted: 2004-04-01 10:21am
by Ravenwing
Paranoid: High
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: Very High
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: High
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
yep iv lost it
Posted: 2004-04-01 10:40am
by Rogue 9
Peregrin Toker wrote:Paranoid: Very High
Well, we know what's with all the tin-foil hat theories about the Air Force now.
Posted: 2004-04-01 10:42am
by Tsyroc
Paranoid: High
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Very High
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
I also took the Dante's Inferno Test.
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score
Purgatory | Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo | Low
Level 2 | High
Level 3 | High
Level 4 | Low
Level 5 | Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis | Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis
You approach Satan's wretched city where you behold a wide plain surrounded by iron walls. Before you are fields full of distress and torment terrible. Burning tombs are littered about the landscape. Inside these flaming sepulchers suffer the heretics, failing to believe in God and the afterlife, who make themselves audible by doleful sighs. You will join the wicked that lie here, and will be offered no respite. The three infernal Furies stained with blood, with limbs of women and hair of serpents, dwell in this circle of Hell.
Level 7 | High
Level 8- the Malebolge | Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus | High
The Levels and a link to the test