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A question About posting Pics? (to the Mods and Admin)
Posted: 2002-10-20 10:55pm
What is the Limit of pic content that can be posted anywhere on the MB? (When I mean content I mean sexual) Can we post any "R" rated material or is there a "PG-13" Limit? What are the Limits exactly??

Re: A question About posting Pics? (to the Mods and Admin)
Posted: 2002-10-20 11:05pm
by Darth Wong
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:What is the Limit of pic content that can be posted anywhere on the MB? (When I mean content I mean sexual) Can we post any "R" rated material or is there a "PG-13" Limit? What are the Limits exactly??

My webhost does not allow me to host explicit pornography as part of its terms of service. Therefore, you cannot post explicit pornography, or I'll be forced to delete it. Anything below that would be OK, I suppose, although I'll dump hate literature etc. into the Hall of Shame.
Posted: 2002-10-20 11:15pm
So "R" rated Playboy type pics are okay?
Posted: 2002-10-20 11:18pm
by Darth Wong
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:So "R" rated Playboy type pics are okay?
As long as they don't qualify as explicit pornography. I'm not sure if nude pictures count or not. Does anybody know how explicit porno is defined?
Posted: 2002-10-20 11:22pm
by Stormbringer
Darth Wong wrote:THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:So "R" rated Playboy type pics are okay?
As long as they don't qualify as explicit pornography. I'm not sure if nude pictures count or not. Does anybody know how explicit porno is defined?
I'm no expert on the legalize but I believe that would need genitals showing. Tits and ass are ok.
Posted: 2002-10-20 11:23pm
I assume that includes Pussy shot where you see her Legs spread and you see Pink, or some Lesbian sex or, some Dude Giving it to a Girl (or Guy). That and anything Beyond I would think would be Explictic Porn.
But then Again ppl have a tendancy of putting in Playboy and the Like with Porno.
Posted: 2002-10-20 11:24pm
by Joe
Darth Wong wrote:THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:So "R" rated Playboy type pics are okay?
As long as they don't qualify as explicit pornography. I'm not sure if nude pictures count or not. Does anybody know how explicit porno is defined?
If it has no literary or cultural value, and is clearly intended to appeal to a prurient interest in sex, maybe? That's how the government defines pornography, I think.
Posted: 2002-10-20 11:25pm
by Darth Wong
Durran Korr wrote:If it has no literary or cultural value, and is clearly intended to appeal to a prurient interest in sex, maybe? That's how the government defines pornography, I think.
That's a pretty broad definition. By that token, many beer commercials are pornography.
Posted: 2002-10-20 11:27pm
by Stormbringer
Darth Wong wrote:Durran Korr wrote:If it has no literary or cultural value, and is clearly intended to appeal to a prurient interest in sex, maybe? That's how the government defines pornography, I think.
That's a pretty broad definition. By that token, many beer commercials are pornography.
It's the definittion given in most dictionarys. But i gave the definition I've seen used most commonly for these sort of situations.
Posted: 2002-10-20 11:31pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I got a warning on Space Battles for posting "Birth of Venus", damn immoral muses and their araeles.
Posted: 2002-10-20 11:32pm
by Stormbringer
THe Yosemite Bear wrote:I got a warning on Space Battles for posting "Birth of Venus", damn immoral muses and their araeles. has a bunch of prudish, bible thumpers as mods so that's not really suprising.
Posted: 2002-10-20 11:34pm
by The Yosemite Bear
And one would figure that Classic art like that could squeek past most any censors....
Posted: 2002-10-20 11:35pm
by Joe
One more criteria I forgot, in addition to the two I posted: the material must be presented in a way that is clearly offensive to the public.
This is the defintion the government currently uses for obscenity (which is not currently protected by the First Amendment, believe it or not).
Posted: 2002-10-20 11:38pm
by Stormbringer
THe Yosemite Bear wrote:And one would figure that Classic art like that could squeek past most any censors....
Not with the bible thumpers. After all they more than any other group desecrated works considered morally offensive. They destroyed a lot of beautiful and acient artwork for the sake of prudish morality.
Posted: 2002-10-20 11:46pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Yes, but Birth of Venus was released DURING the Inquisition & the Medaeci without having any trouble at all.
Posted: 2002-10-20 11:54pm
by XaLEv
Stormbringer has a bunch of prudish, bible thumpers as mods so that's not really suprising.
And which ones are the prudish bible thumpers? The only one I can think of which is anything like that is Dent.
Posted: 2002-10-20 11:58pm
by Stormbringer
XaLEv wrote:Stormbringer has a bunch of prudish, bible thumpers as mods so that's not really suprising.
And which ones are the prudish bible thumpers? The only one I can think of which is anything like that is Dent.
Dent is the prime example. Steletek and BigBryan just bitch so much a lot of the mods have done it just to shut them up.
Though Nicol has been a bit of prude on some of that stuff.
Posted: 2002-10-21 12:01am
by The Yosemite Bear
Yes, it was Dent who sent me the warning.
BS, and Bryant just did an LOL at Dent, and said that they had no problems with Botticelli
Posted: 2002-10-21 12:05am
by Mr Bean
No obvious Porno, No sex ect ect
And you better have a bloody good reason for posting Pics, I'm not much of a prude but I do surf this board at Work and I DONT need R Rated pics poping up as my boss walks by
Posted: 2002-10-21 12:06am
by Stormbringer
THe Yosemite Bear wrote:Yes, it was Dent who sent me the warning.
BS, and Bryant just did an LOL at Dent, and said that they had no problems with Botticelli
I wasn't refering to that event specifically. It's happen a few times in pic posting threads with some of the more risque pics.
Posted: 2002-10-21 01:07am
by The Yosemite Bear
Yes, I know, I hang out at all three places, SB, SD.Net, and the ASVS newsgroup.
Funny how many people ask me for a addy link to the latter....
Posted: 2002-10-21 02:13am
by Vertigo1
Darth Wong wrote:THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:So "R" rated Playboy type pics are okay?
As long as they don't qualify as explicit pornography. I'm not sure if nude pictures count or not. Does anybody know how explicit porno is defined?
Explicit pornography would be something that depicts intercourse, or lewd pictures in general. Just someone posing nude would not generally be considered porn.
Posted: 2002-10-21 05:48am
by Tsyroc
Mr Bean wrote:No obvious Porno, No sex ect ect
And you better have a bloody good reason for posting Pics, I'm not much of a prude but I do surf this board at Work and I DONT need R Rated pics poping up as my boss walks by
So instead we should set up porno links as boobytraps for you and your boss to enjoy?
By the way, what does Mike's internet host say about links to porn?
Truthfully, we get hooked up with enough weird links/pics around here (Shep's Colon-cam photo etc...) that I can do without the R rated (or more graphic) stuff. Besides the gross-out factor I also look at this site from work on ocassion and there are a lot of Bible thumpers where I work, not to mention the company's policies.
Posted: 2002-10-22 06:03pm
by XaLEv
There any rules about posting camel toe pics?
Posted: 2002-10-22 06:17pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
If this is just so you can get mastubation fuel to be posted, I say fuck no.