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Sad Day: Memorial

Posted: 2004-04-01 11:28am
by Cornelius
Today is a sad day. A memorial will be held for Teal'C of the Midwestern Mayhem and DE servers on AVP2.

Teal"C. A good friend, kind gaming neighbor, and all around good person, was struck by a truck yesterday and killed---dragged hundreds of feet by an intoxicated trucker.

Today is a day of loss.

:cry: Always the good people.

Posted: 2004-04-01 11:31am
by Montcalm
My condoleance :(

damn trucker hope he gets what he deserves. :evil:

Posted: 2004-04-01 11:38am
by Cornelius
Yea. Stupid-ass was riding down the road all fubar'd.